𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝟮

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age seventeen

I placed the suitcase next to me and roamed my eyes around the house. It was truly breathtaking.

"Aurora, that one there is your room." Dad said and I turned my head to where he was pointing. It was the last room in the hallway and I was happy with it.

"Where are the other's staying?" I asked and looked up at him.

He placed his hands on his hips. "Well we're staying on the second floor. The twins are staying in there." He pointed to the two rooms that were close to me. Great I'm going to have to put up with Axel.

"And Apollo on the other side." He said that with a little more excitement than I preferred him to. I knew what dad was doing. He didn't want our rooms to be close.

"Why doesn't Apollo stay in one of these room?" I whined but dad shushed me up.

"Not another word young lady. I don't want to hear it. You'll hang out during the day. Why do you need your rooms to be close?" I wanted to roll my eyes at my dad's protectiveness. He always does this. When we were younger he wasn't paying attention that much but now... he acts like we are secretly hooking up.

As much as I was against it, I couldn't complain. "Okay." I said and he firmly nodded his head as being proud of himself. Knowing my dad he probably was.

"Well then go and unpack your stuff. We're all outside. I'll get the twins and show them their rooms." He turned around and started walking out the door.

We were on vacation in Greece this time. We took vacation together every summer. Last year it was in Malta, this year Greece, Santorini.

Uncle Ash has a villa here and we all came for a week.

It was really beautiful and I couldn't wait to spend my time here with our families. Our vacations were the best because I got to spend them with Apollo. We always made sure to try new adventures stuff.

I only didn't do swimming with sharks. No, thank you. Dad always joked how I picked up my fear of deep water from my Mom. But she was right. Deep water was not safe at all.

I unpacked my suitcase and placed all of my stuff in the wooden wardrobe. My room was painted in white and had wood and blue decorations.

It was lovely, also the view was spectacular and I loved the light wind blowing the thin curtains.

I threw on a summer dress and flat sandals on and exited my room.

We all met outside because we were going for a dinner. It was about 8pm.

The lights decorated the streets and me and Apollo took hundreds and hundreds photos together. Axel was trying to speak some word in Greek that he learned at home while Aaron's eyes stayed glued to his phone. Like always.

That sneaky little shit doesn't want to admit but he secretly has a crush on Luna. He always gets annoyed when she hangs out with Axel and not with him.

Axel knows that well and tries to make him jealous every single time.

Nothing can get past Axel, I swear it's like he reads our minds.

Our parents were having their own fun. Dad wouldn't let go of my Mom and sent daggers to everyone one who looked at her. Uncle Ash brought everyone's attention to us with his loud talking and Aunt Isla wouldn't take her eyes off him.

It made me wonder if I'll ever experience that with Apollo.

I turned my head to him and he had his small film camera pointed at me.

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