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Evelin had a birthday.

Rowan asked me to help him surprise her, so that's why I was in the store looking for ingredients to bake a cake.

I wasn't the best at baking but for Evelin, I'll try. We were going to have a small gathering. Just the three of us at her apartment.

I wandered around the store, looking at the shelves when someone slightly pushed me from behind. I turned around and there was an elderly lady with a shopping cart giving me a side-eye. She was dressed in a fur coat and had bright pink lipstick on her thin lips. Her bleached hair was curled in tight curls.

"You shouldn't stand in the middle, there are other people walking here as well. You're not alone." She chewed on a gum, making irritating noises.

What was here deal?

"You could have just told me to move, ma'am." I moved to the side, so she could go on with her shopping.

"So disrespectful." She rolled her eyes and started rambling on about how young people don't know how to respect elderly people these days. Was she being for real? Literally, she was the one who pushed me with her cart.

But she was not going to ruin my mood right now.

I picked everything I needed and went to pay. The cashier smiled at me and continued with his job.

"So now you're flirting with the employees as well." I hear the annoying voice behind me. It was that lady again.

I swear, I wanted to take the butter and throw it at her head.

I ignored her, paid for the food, and exited the store. What was with people lately?

I looked at my wristwatch.

It was 6 pm, so I hope I have time to make the cake until 8:30 pm. I got into the car and drove home.

As I entered the apartment I hurried to the kitchen and started with baking. Lexi was next to me, observing everything that was happening.


Two hours later and the kitchen was chaos. But at least the cake was ready. It was tiny and heart-shaped. I put lavender-colored frosting over it since it was her favorite color and wrote happy birthday.

Rowan was going to surprise her with plane tickets for a trip to Spain. They were going there for a week in spring.

I wish I had someone to go traveling with.

I put the cake in a box and got ready. I took a very quick shower and put my wet hair in a bun. I didn't have time to dry it.

My mom would have killed me if she saw me going out with wet hair, but I wasn't going to stay outside anyways, we were going to be in her apartment.

I put on a simple outfit and headed out.

Ten minutes drive and I was in front of her apartment. She was still not home, but Rowan had a key so we could prepare everything before she arrives.

I knocked on the door and after a few seconds, Rowan appeared. We said hello and got to work.

He had brought twenty-five bouquets of white roses since Evelin was turning twenty-five today. They looked wonderful.

Rowan and Evelin were what I would describe as a perfect couple. They were very private and low-key. And they were way too in love with each other.

I was there when they first met and I swear that Rowan has had the same look in his eyes since the beginning. So much love and adoration for her.

Evelin was all Rowan talked about.

Maybe I'll find someone who's going to love me that much in the future.

I thought to myself.

We placed the flowers all over her living room and decorated the windows with fairy lights.

"She's here. She just texted me." Rowan said. I hurried to the kitchen to take the cake and place candles on it. Just as I did that, Evelin entered the apartment.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Both me and Rowan exclaimed.

Evelin dropped her bag on the floor and covered her face with her hands.

We went to her and hugged her. We wished her a happy birthday again and showed her the gifts.

I got her a few more gifts along with the cake. Because it was getting late, we decided to buy food for dinner.

We ordered pizza and talked till the food arrived.

We sat by the table and started eating.

"I'm going on a date," I spoke quickly hoping they didn't understand what I was saying.

"What?? Really? You have to tell me everything." Evelin clapped her hands.

"Kai asked me out," I explained. "We're meeting on Saturday night, next week. I don't know but I decided to give this dating thing a try again." What was there to lose? Worst case scenario, I could get killed.

Now when I think about it. What if he really is some serial killer? I guess there was one way to find out.

"I didn't tell my aunts by the way. Cause they'll plan the whole wedding if I do. So if you see them, don't mention anything." I took the last bite of my slice.

"I'm coming to your place tomorrow, we'll choose an outfit." That's a good idea, I do need her help with the outfit. "I'm so excited." She squeaked.

"Let's see what Mr. Hyde will say," Rowan mumbled with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked dumbfounded.

"He doesn't really look happy seeing you with another men." Wait what? Where is this coming from?

"Umm, what is going on?" Evelin joined the conversation.

"Yesterday when we got to the meeting, I was with Aimee because we were planning the surprise for today and Mr. Hyde didn't look happy. He even finished the meeting earlier. So I don't know." He lifted his hands in surrender. A smile played on his lips.

"He told me he was stressed. That's probably why he ended the meeting." I mean there was no other reason. Rowan was probably just making things up in his head.

"Also he told me that relationships were not allowed between coworkers. He was assuming I had something with Rowan because we entered the boardroom together. But of course, I told him that he's my best friend's fiancé. Maybe he was upset about that as well." I explained to Evelin.

"There is no such rule, Aimee," Rowan said. They shared a look and started to giggle.

"Oh come on, it's probably nothing." I giggled with them. Rowan was definitely making things up. Mr. Hyde didn't care if I dated. He just didn't want me distracted at work.

"Now it's time for the birthday cake." I changed the subject.

There was no way, what Rowan was saying was true. Mr. Hyde was probably just stressed.

We continue with our little party.


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