2 | A night to regret

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TW: selfharm and ED, there is some mention of SA but no details


My arms hurt. My whole body does. It's lunch and they have yelled for me to come down twice already. But I couldn't move. My body had given up on me and I just couldn't move. Maybe I didn't want to also...


I knew something was up when Kie didn't show up to lunch. At first I thought she just didn't like my cooking but she doesn't even know what we are having. Alex didn't seem bothered by her absence. However Elijah, Chris and even Dylan looked just as concerned as me. Although Dylan looked annoyed. Maybe he hadn't noticed her absence. I don't know.

Anyways, I decided to be a good big brother and bribe her into coming to lunch. She loves baguettes after all. I don't bother to knock since she is my YOUNGER sister. "Kiara I won't let you drink on an empty stomach" I announce walking in but she isn't there.

I walk over to the bathroom and open the door. There she was sitting on the floor. At first I didn't think much of it. "Kie I said I won't let you drink on an empty stomach" I repeated. Nothing. She was ignoring me.

"KIARA" I raised my voice. She turned her head to me and looking at her I could tell she was dehydrated. I grabbed a cup from the counter and filled it with water. She didn't want to take it at first but after I told her she can't drink again she took it.

I sat down next to her as she was slowly recovering. "You know this wouldn't happen if you bothered to come downstairs sometimes" I say to her. She doesn't snap at me. Just rests her head on my shoulder.

"I smell baguettes" she says still quite weakly. "I made the butter and herb one just for you, come and get it" I said not moving much since she looked comfortable. She nodded and gave a small smile.

"Anybody else would've freaked seeing you like this, you're lucky I was the one that came" I said proudly. No reaction. Then it hit me. "Kiara..." I whispered. "What?" She whispered back. "Are you high?"


Door slammed as she made her way downstairs. Four heads turned to us. "What did you do Caleb?" Chris sighed looking at Kie. "I got her to lunch" I said proudly. Kiara applauded sarcastically. Elijah laughed. Alex was in his own little world on his phone. "Kiara we leave Sunday night and return Tuesday early morning. We need to spend slightly longer there. Also Chris stays here to look over Caleb and Elijah" he stated. Kie kept quiet.

I heard Elijah whisper to Kiara: "pourquoi si calme Kie?(why so quiet Kie?)". They both are multilingual and as well as I know that was French. They liked to speak in the language others didn't understand. Either Russian, French, Finnish or Spanish. We all spoke Italian so that wasn't used for secrets. Kie spoke Norwegian and Estonian too but she didn't use them much since nobody could understand her. Even though the last one sounded similar to Finnish.

"necesito una bebida(I need a drink)" Kie responded making Elijah laugh. God I wish I spoke these languages. I think that was Spanish. "Potremmo per favore parlare inglese adesso tesoro?(could we please speak English now?)" I said trying to look smart. "Tallalakkuja" Kie mumbled before picking up a conversation.

"Yeah what Caleb said. Please" Chris interrupted. Alex put his phone down. "How about Kiara tells us how to say stuff in Estonian?" he suggests. Kie groans but agrees to a few sentences or words.

Dylan went first. "How do you say 'darling'?" Kie leans back and answers "Kallis"
Dy seemed impressed by that. I decided to ask something too after Chris had found out that 'beer' in Estonian was unpronounceable for him. "Õlu"
How do you possibly say that?

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