26 | Angry

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TW: violence, eating disorder


I called all my brothers downstairs. It was time to start working. I introduced them to my genius plan.
The first to go were the ones that got away. Bethany and Cathy.

If they had PTSD before...well you know what I mean.

The boys actually listened and even Lorenzo's hot friends joined us. I was finally getting what I wanted.

*time skip*

Domenic got Bethany and Will got Cathy. They followed the boys to a car.

Chris was the driver. He took them to one of the clubs we owned. Of course it was reserved for just us.
The bouncer (Dylan) let them in after checking their IDs. It was a 16+ club.

In the club we had a bartender (Alex) and some security (Mike and Gray). And some other guests (Elijah, Lorenzo, Luke and I).

Everything went good. Alex drugged their drinks and in no time they were out. Security helped to bring them to our back rooms.

When they woke up it was my time to shine. The girls were tied to chairs and surrounded by all of us.

Bethany recognized me in a few minutes. The hair made it a bit hard. Cathy didn't. She is dumb.

I didn't hurt them physically. I fucked them up mentally. Got them scared, told them stories and all that shit. After they looked terrified enough for my liking I asked the others to leave.

"Now that we're alone, I'll tell you a little story" I smile at them.

"Last year I was just minding my business when a few people came up to me and asked me to help them. I did. I followed them to the bathroom where I was scratched up. I looked like I had been attacked by cats. They got away with it because they had rich parents. And well I never told anybody"

"I'm sorry, that must've been rough" Bethany says genuinely.

"Oh shut up. It was you two and a girl I don't know" I snapped at her. Fucking bitch.

"You made me angry. And when I'm angry bad things happen" I smirked.

And that's when Caleb walked in. He did some damage. Not enough to kill them of course.

After they were beaten unconscious we sent an anonymous video to their parents. Asking for money. Because why not. We went through all this trouble.

They agreed. We had an errand guy. Someone who worked for us meet them and get the money. After that three guards gave them back to their parents.

It was really easy and it gave me a lot of satisfaction. It was also fun.

Watching their faces drop in fear when they realized what was about to happen to them. I felt good.

We got home and took showers. After that Chris made us food. I didn't bother going down for food. I had more important things to do.

I had to plan how we were going to take down Leo. I had ideas but I had to write out a plan.

Leonardo wasn't as easy to get as the girls. He couldn't be seduced. I needed a smarter strategy.

He won't know what hit him.


I must admit that I had fun. I never liked Bethany or Cathy. Watching them suffer made me happy. But watching Kiara happy made me happier.

It was a win-win.

But she didn't come to dinner again and that made me a bit worried.

Maybe she just forgot. We had a big day. Right?

I wanted to go and call her but Elijah told me not to.

"She is old enough to know herself" he says. It confuses me a bit.

I try to drop it though.

But when Caleb decides to skip also, I go up to talk to them.

I enter Caleb's room and find him playing a video game. "Dinner is waiting" I tell him. "Not hungry" he replies without even looking up at me.

I frown. "Chris worked hard making it" I try to convince him. We always eat dinner together. No exceptions.

"Fine. I'll be down in 5" he finally agrees. Now there's only one more person to go.

Kiara/Athena opens her door for me after I knock. She doesn't seem bothered by my presence.

"How may I be of service?" she asks me. She was currently cleaning her room so she just kept on wiping the table and countertops.

"Dinner is waiting for you" I say.

"Oh I'm not hungry" she gives me a small smile. "Have you eaten today?" I ask her. "Yeah, of course" she said.

I didn't want her getting mad at me so I just dropped it. At least Caleb came down.


Dylan tried to convince me for dinner but ever since I ran away I had been putting on weight. And it bothered me.

Mother's words were ringing in my ears. Telling me to skip meals.

I told Dylan I had eaten today but that was a lie. I think I ate something yesterday morning. But after that nothing.

I know I could eat fruits but they have sugar in them too. And I can't afford to stop. With all the running around and no food intake I have lost a little weight. But not enough.

I want to be beautiful. Even though I hate my mother, I want to fit her standards.

Because she was right. No man wants a fat and ugly woman. And that's what I was right now.

Maybe that's also why I completely ruined Bethany's face. Or more like Caleb did. After I asked him to.

I was supposed to be happy with myself. My plan was great. We got some cash. And Bethany would never even dare to bully anyone ever again.

But I wasn't happy. Because this wasn't enough. I wasn't enough.

The stuff we did wasn't enough.

I went to bed hoping that tomorrow would go better. I imagined Leo's fucked up face after Caleb would beat him up. It felt mesmerizing but not enough.

I needed more.

I fell asleep pretty fast. But it was dreamless and dark. All I saw were the words my mother and father used to say to me.

They haunted me.

Even though the sources have been rotting underground for 3 years now.


It's giving low self-esteem. Also I despise this chapter. It ended up so much worse than I wanted it to but my fucking toe hurts and I can't be bothered to rewrite it. Lmao.

ALSO 10k READS WTF GUYS. I'm soooo fkn happy!!!

I broke my toenail today. It's not even funny. I can't walk. I have to use crutches. I hate myself. I won't go into detail because nobody cares but it is soooooo painful.


Drink and eat please. It doesn't make you fat. And fruit sugar is healthy.

Enjoy the rest of your whatever.

Love ya


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