25 | Right under their noses

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TW: drugs, ed


Blood. Everywhere.

How had I missed that?

The others looked horrified. Kiara had gone somewhere.

It hit me later that Elijah had to see it once.

"You walked in on this?" I asked him. He looked pale. "No. I saw it happen in the kitchen. She told me later but she left out the part where this room existed" he says.

Caleb and Chris look pissed and Dylan was sad.

"I'm not going to their grave" Caleb announces walking out. We all agreed and left.

I decided to go see if Kie was alright. Although she was far from even being Kiara.

I knocked and she let me in. I could tell she was high. Oh jesus.

"Why didn't you come to me?" I asked her. I wanted to talk about it. I can't change the past but I can try to make the future better.

I had been so awful to her.

"You loved them. And father threatened to kill me if I told anyone" she said. She was finally being honest with us and I felt like shit.

My little sister had been abused for years right under our roof and I never noticed.

I was supposed to protect her and I didn't. Fuck me.

I think I finally understood all the cutting, drugs and smoking.

But how fucked up do you have to be to find peace in violence?

I found peace in revenge and killing. She found peace in hurting herself.

"If I were you, I'd be more worried about Elijah" she mumbled. "What's wrong with Elijah?" I asked alarmed.

"He and I are the same minus the abuse" she said before falling asleep.


What does she mean they are the same?

Obviously they are twins but I don't think that's what she meant.

I went to find Elijah.

He was in his room smoking a cigarette. I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to notice me.

It only took him a minute.

"Shit" he muttered. "Hey bro" he then said to me.
"What do you think you're doing?" I ask him. He thinks for a second.

"I thought it was okay considering what we just witnessed" he said.

"Kiara told me that I should be worried about you, why is that?" I asked him straight away.

"Athena" he corrected me.
"No. Kiara cares about you. Athena doesn't give a shit" I point out.

"I'm fine Alex. Worry about my twin. She is the one that needs you right now" he says trying to change the subject off himself.

"She's passed out on her bed. High." I said honestly.
"So tell me what's wrong with you? She said you're the same minus the abuse" I ask again.

He sighs. "I tried to kill myself three years ago" he said. "How?" I ask immediately.

"Got high. Wanted to jump off a cliff but Kie tackled me" he says. How had I not noticed all of that?

We spent the rest of the night talking. He told me about his depression and I promised to get him help for that.

We bonded.


I was furious about the whole thing. But I couldn't do anything. The people responsible were dead. And all the love and respect I used to have for them was gone.

Yes, they were amazing to us. But nobody gets to hurt our sister and still be on good terms with us.

She didn't deserve it and I don't even know if she knows it.

I went to talk to Lorenzo. We met up at a café. He had spent a few days with Kiara or Athena and I was wondering how much he knew.

"No I mean she was nice, kind of. Cold, sure but not cruel" he said.

"Did you notice anything, even the smallest thing, that we should know?" I asked him.

He thought about it for a second.

"She hated when I was close to her. She tensed up and kept her distance. Also she immediately started bossing my friends around even though she was smaller than them" he said.

Well that makes sense. She grew up with us. But why would she keep a distance from Enz? I don't know.

We talked some more and at some point I left. Chris had offered to make dinner and I was excited. He was good at cooking. And I loved lasagna.

I came home to a chaos. A good chaos. My siblings were having fun...

Kiara/Athena was watching them. She seemed warmer than before. The old Kie would've joined our brothers but the new one held herself back.

"I'm so sorry that we didn't notice" I tell her. She doesn't look at me. "Not your fault" she responds. Her voice sounds almost kind. Almost.

"Get off of me, I will burn the lasagna" Chris whined. But the others wouldn't stop. Even Alex. It felt peaceful.

I wanted to say something to Kie but she left. She just walked away. I didn't follow her because she deserves some privacy and she would be down for dinner anyway.

She didn't come down for dinner. Elijah called her but he came back alone.

Said something about her turning in early.

That was a lie. She just didn't want to be with us.
The new girl she was didn't treasure her family like the old one did. I can't blame her.

I'm surprised she even bared to watch them play around for that long. She was set up to break.

Dad set her up to fail so he had somebody to be mad at. And that was the most evil thing to do to your youngest and only daughter.


Alex now knows about Elijah.

This was a bit shorter cuz it's partly a filler.

Comment stuff anyway 😩

Drink water and eat food.

Love ya


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