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"Melody. You wrote that today?" Charles asked in complete disbelief.


"Fucking hell. That was incredible. You're just so talented." He complimented walking over to me as I stood from the sofa.

"You're too cute." I responded hugging him tightly, he looked down at me and smiled softly.

Within seconds of our hug the door was being knocked so I walked over to open it knowing immediately it was my favourite person on the planet.

"Auntie Mel!" She squealed and ran into me again, one of these days she's genuinely going to knock me out.

I kneeled to her level and pulled her close to me as Kelly and Max ushered themselves in "Are you sure you want to watch her tonight Melody? You seem preoccupied." Kelly asked.

"What do you mean? I would love to watch her." I beamed at the small girl who had her packed bags brought in by Max as she would spend the night with me.

"You seem in the middle of something." Max added referring to the paper spread all over the sofa.

Just as I was about to respond Charles appeared from the bedroom and picked up the pieces of paper and put them on the table and walked over to us.

"Uh." Kelly spoke, Max stayed silent.

"Penelope this is Charles, Charles this is Penelope." I introduced them ignoring Max and Kelly in this moment of time.

Penelope is not a shy girl in the slightest, she wandered right over to him and stuck out her hand for him to shake but just as he leaned down to take it she pulled it away "Melody aren't boys smelly and give us cooties?"

Max snorted.

"Um Not always." I replied and she stuck her hand out again confidently and then wandered over to the sofa where she lay down.

"So what's going on here?" Max asked the question I could tell both him and Kelly wanted the answer to.

Charles stood up and we both looked at each other sort of unsure what to say "That's a good question." I responded, we hadn't really clarified what this relationship was.

"Are you guys together?" Kelly asked.

"Not officially," I responded "I mean hopefully soon, I don't know we both had feelings for each other and we discussed it this morning."

Max chuckled "Well that was pretty evident. I could have told you that you both had feelings for each other without seeing all of the stuff on the news."

Charles laughed "I mean I didn't hide it well at all."

Kelly cut in "Neither did Mel, I had my suspicions. But I think you guys could be quite the couple, I'm approving of this."

I laughed "What about you Max?"

"Charles we had our differences a long time ago, you're a good person but I've seen behaviour of yours that I haven't liked. If you fuck with her I'll fuck with you." Max quietly spoke not wanting pen to hear the cussing.

"My player days are well and truly over mate. I never thought I would feel this way about someone, Melody brings out the best in me I truly have never been happier and it's only been a week." Charles responded holding me close to him as I smiled brightly.

"Is this going to be secret or what? The world seems to know but also have absolutely no clue what's going on." Kelly questioned.

I looked to Charles "We haven't really discussed it but I think it will be a private relationship but not a secret."

"Look at you sis, always fucking with the world." Max said louder, Penelope's head popped up over the sofa and Kelly nudged him.

"Look if you get Penelope's approval you're golden. We will come and get her tomorrow at nine if that's alright." Kelly smiled and I nodded and sent them on their way locking the door.

"Auntie mel, can we watch a film?" Penelope asked running over to us and grabbing my leg.

"Any one you want, Have you had any dinner P?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"Do you know what, I'm pretty good at making pizza. Do you fancy some pizza Penelope?" Charles asked the small girl and she nodded.

"Can I help Charlie?" She asked.

My heart melted at the way she called him Charlie, his face lit up aswell.

"Only if you tell me who your favourite Disney princess is." He said as she climbed up onto the chair in the kitchen.

"Hm. I like Ariel because she's a mermaid and mermaids are cool but pascal is pretty cool too." She explained her reasoning so cutely.

"My mums name is Pascale." Charles added and Pen was gobsmacked, I started getting the ingredients out of the fridge whilst they contained to chat.

"Who's your favourite Charlie?"

"Melody." He responded without hesitation.

"She's not a princess silly!" Penelope roared with laughter.

"Hm you then. I've seen your costumes and I've got to say you are definitely a princess." He told her and my heart soared, he was so good with children.

They continued talking as we rolled out the dough and put tomato sauce on it "Penelope do you want cheese or pepperoni?"

"Pepperoni so I can make a smiley face pizza." She explained, she and Charles decided on a competition to see who could make the best pizza.

I think he did bad on purpose because his looked like it had been hit by a truck. Genuinely.

Once the pizzas were made and in the oven Penelope decided on Cinderella because 'she has the prettiest dress even if it's a boys colour' her words not mine.

I tried to explain that girls could wear any colour but she didn't really care so I gave up in the end, we ended up eating the pizza on the sofa.

I could tell Charles wasn't particularly interested in the movie and neither was I but he was really trying to get into it for Penelope.

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