Secret Admirer

959 34 36

March 25th

It all started the night she'd arrived at Kagami and Félix's house. Marinette sat on the expensive granite worktop as she inhaled nachos and considered whether to: try out one of their many high quality beers, be civilised with a glass of fine wine or stick with plain old, boring water. Okay, so the question wasn't actually that hard. When living like a top class business person you just had to embrace their delicacies, right? She swung her legs forward and hopped off the worktop heading straight for the wine cooler in the pantry of the kitchen.

Kagami had given her free reign whilst she was staying here, and with the business tycoon's expensive taste she was quite sure she could discover something rather delicious hidden deep within the cupboard.

"Alexa, play night out songs."

The opening bars of Blinding Lights began to kick in and Marinette sauntered her way around the kitchen counter and out to the back of the house. Beside the utility room stood her destination. Pulling open the door with a quick side cha cha cha, she couldn't help but lick her lips. Oh yes, once again they had filled the wine cooler, and the different colours and labels were making her mouth water.

Thank you, Kagami.

Using her index finger, Marinette trailed along the tops of the bottles; moving it backwards and forwards in a slow and steady consideration. She had a big day tomorrow so a little wine to calm her nerves would most certainly be welcomed.

With so many options to consider, she looked between the reds, the whites and the couple of rose's, weighing up the pros and cons of each pleasant-tasting liquid. She was rather fond of a rosé but the red they had just sitting there looked rather exquisite – and expensive. Shifting between the two, she closed her eyes and grabbed the closest one — the rosé.

Making her way over to the sink, she looked for the corkscrew, finally locating it in the second drawer down. Pulling it out, Marinette looked at it curiously. How the hell did you use this 'rich person' corkscrew? The design just seemed ridiculously over complicated for something so simple.

Aggressively messing around with it, Marinette stabbed, twisted and turned the corkscrew in an attempt to de-cork the bottle, only for it not to even loosen a little. Finally, with another overexaggerated pull, the corkscrew popped out with pzazz; resulting in her dropping the bottle into the sink, unable to do much more than watch the sparkling pink liquid begin to make its way out of the bottle and down the plug hole.


Grabbing hold of the bottle, she stood it the correct way up and allowed the remaining liquid to resettle at the bottom. How much had just gone down the drain? Even more, how much money had she just wasted?

Marinette lifted it up and held it at her eye line, she winced as she realised she'd wasted at least a third of the liquid and from the golden decoration on the bottle neck, she guessed that quarter was at least a month's worth of her salary. The only way to get over this was to enjoy and savour the remaining droplets now it was opened. She poured a rather significant measure into a glass and prepared to worship this the way it was intended.

Making her way back to the nachos, she strangled the bottle by the neck in one hand and the wine glass in the other placing them both down so she could hop onto the worksurface.

Happy with her adventure, she took the bowl of nachos once more. If Kagami or Felix questioned why she'd drank and entire bottle to herself the next day, she would just tell them she was settling her nerves and that her interview tomorrow called for her to be calm and collected; she would just ignore the fact almost half the Chateau d'Esclans Whispering Angel Rose had been wasted.

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