School Project

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To Miss Dial: I'll keep my eyes on the news sites then.

To Miss Dial: Hang on... Moreau's? Are you French? Why are we texting in English if you're French?

To Miss Dial: Probably because you didn't know I was French too. Surprise! I'm French.

To Miss Dial: Moreau's in Paris? It's okay for the sweets but personally, I prefer croissants from a small boulangerie just around the corner. #themeaningoflifeisflakypastry

Pocketing his phone, he leaned against the dressing table in his room. He hated how he was sectioned off from the other models, his name once again giving him the treatment he didn't want and definitely didn't deserve. Completely isolated and bored out of his mind. He was so tempted to pull out a chunk of Camembert just to wake Plagg from his early morning nap. With the lack of any good action recently, his small kwami had taken to sleeping a lot more... almost as if he'd gone into hibernation.

When Adrien had been asked to stand in as a model that morning, he was just about ready to scream. The promotion to the corporate role in his father's 'new and improved' company was meant to end his modelling commitments, but of course he was always convinced to help out with one more shoot, and one more show, and now this. He was utterly fed up with being dressed up like a life sized Barbie doll.

So when they'd asked, his first response was to say 'no', that was until his father very smugly told him that without him doing it 'Ms. Dupain-Cheng's interview ends there.' Arrogant bastard! He'd agreed, not wanting to be the reason Marinette's hard work was a waste of time. She was a very talented girl, often showing her skills although collége and into lycée, creating wonderful items for her friends and, if he was lucky, him.

It had been a shock to see Marinette again that morning. They hadn't been face to face since Félix and Kagami's wedding — the whole argument was still one told as a historical moment between the two. It wasn't that they didn't get on... they just didn't get on. He was too sarcastic for her, and she saw him as the arrogant asshole he certainly was not.

He was still curious as to why she'd applied for this job knowing full well she'd have to work with him? Maybe she wanted to make amends — which he was completely onboard with. He liked Marinette, he found her entertaining and cute. Each of her little stumbles bringing a smile to his face and a chuckle to his heart... though every laugh just seemed to make her more pissed off with him. Today's interview was no different.

His phone suddenly weighed heavy in his hand, an obsessive twitch had him tapping the screen one, two, three times. Where had his miss dial gone? She couldn't just leave him hanging like that? What if she was in trouble and she needed his help?

He turned and looked out the window; he was currently on the 8th floor and the drop was quite substantial; he hated the idea of his Miss Dial contemplating skydiving from somewhere higher.

She must have been joking, right?

Looking towards his bag, he contemplated waking the cheese gremlin and transforming to go and save her. Not that he knew who she was or where she was.

"You have 30 minutes to get ready and someone will come and grab you when we're ready to continue."

He heard Nathalie's voice outside of the door.

Checking his phone one last time with a sigh, he threw it aggressively into his bag and made his way to the centre of the room. Time to look enthusiastic and present himself as professional and willing. He needed to channel his inner-teen heartthrob mode and win her this job; maybe then he could win her friendship.

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