New York

494 31 30

April 8th

Miss Dial (4:55am): Hi early riser, look who's joining the club?

Mr Unknown (4:59am): Do my eyes deceive me? Is she awake before dawn?

Miss Dial (5:01am): I am!!! Though it's fair to say I'm not a morning person. My parents have already threatened to disown me twice.

Mr Unknown (5:03am): Ouch! So did you decide instead of annoying them you were going to annoy me?

Miss Dial (5:05am): Exactly! You can't disown me because you don't know me #winning

Mr Unknown (5:07am): As heartbroken as I am for not being first choice (again), what can I do for you Miss Dial?

Miss Dial (5:09am): I just really needed someone to talk to.

Mr Unknown (5:10am): Anything specific? Maybe about that workplace romance you want to get fired for?

Miss Dial (5:11am): I don't do romance. This is the closest thing I have to a relationship.

Mr Unknown (5:12am): Then I must say, I am well and truly flattered and will take my duty seriously.

Miss Dial (5:13am): Why thank you, kind Sir! I hope I can compare to those two kisses you've had 💋

Mr Unknown (5:14am): Wouldn't take much... I can't remember either of them thanks to the akuma's influence. The girl who kissed me though is incredible. I'm either really lucky or tremendously cursed for not remembering it.

Marinette placed the phone down in her bag. No! No way! Her luck couldn't be this good... or this bad? Picking up the phone again, she went back to Mr Unknown's messages. Reading through the old messages she couldn't deny the amount of puns being used was extreme and the way he'd used words like 'his litter' . She felt like this sudden realisation was screaming in her face.

Pulling up a fresh message, she text:

Miss Dial (5:15am): And this girl... is she special to you?

Tapping the phone restlessly against her chin, she attempted to keep her eyes on the pavement and make her way steadily to the Metro station. This couldn't be... it just couldn't. The phone buzzed against her skin and she reopened the messages.

Mr Unknown (5:19am) : She is... but don't worry, there's room for you too. We're not together if that's what you're asking, but she will always be my best friend. We work together and I can tell her everything.

Oh God! There was no going back now! She was 100% sure this message was from her crime fighting partner, Chat Noir. It was just so natural. There was no one else she was ever this natural with... it suddenly made a whole lot of unnerving sense.

Tapping out one last message, she dropped her phone in her bag and headed down the steps at Gare Du Nord station, her phone losing signal as she made her way down.

Miss Dial (5:22am): So, Monsieur two kisses. What would be your perfect third? Or should I say first, as it'll be the first one you remember?

The message had been sent and she was suddenly regretting her newly found braveness. What was she thinking?

Whatever his response was would have to wait until she got to Charles De Gaulle and she'd deal with the sudden intense fluttering in her stomach then. Could she really continue this back and forth with Mr Unknown, if he was Chat Noir?

Miss DialWhere stories live. Discover now