Chapter 11

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Shen Qiqi lay with her hands under her head, tossing and turning, unable to sleep all night. The mattress and bedding were all crumpled by her.

As soon as the call of the green hawk sounded, she jumped up from the bed with a bird's nest-like hairstyle. The light from outside illuminated the bronze mirror, reflecting a pale and haggard oval face.

On her way to school, she happened to run into her Third senior brother, Qin Qing, who was leisurely riding a gourd.

The young man was handsome and elegant, with a straight and upright posture like a bamboo shoot. Walking together with Shen Qiqi, who looked listless, they attracted many curious glances.

"Junior sister, why do you look like you haven't slept yet?" Qin Qing teased when he saw Shen Qiqi's ghostly expression. "Hey, now you can compete with the iron-eating beasts on the back mountain for who looks worse!"

"Don't mention it." Shen Qiqi turned her head, her eyes circled with two big dark circles, and she complained, "I seem to have upset Senior sister Liu, but I don't know where I went wrong... I've been restless all night."

Last night, Liu Shuang suddenly took back the book she had given to Shen Qiqi, and then threw her a new book before driving her out of the door.

No matter how Shen Qiqi knocked on the door and shouted afterwards, the room remained silent.

Qin Qing was surprised, "Senior sister Liu shut you out? She's known for her good temper, how could she be angry with you?"

"I don't know..." Shen Qiqi wiped off the dust on her sword gently. "So I plan to go and ask Senior sister later and actively correct my mistakes."

Qin Qing nodded, looking doubtful, "By the way, your relationship with Senior sister Liu seems to be good recently?"

The previous host used to like picking faults with Liu Shuang, and it had been going on for some time. It was indeed puzzling that they suddenly became so intimate now.

Shen Qiqi rolled her eyes and said half-truthfully, "I used to be mischievous and did many bad things, but Senior sister has extraordinary tolerance and broad-mindedness, accepting all my misdeeds. I was filled with admiration and determined to reconcile with her."

Qin Qing smiled and said, "I see. Senior sister Liu has always been aloof and solitary, indeed a bit eccentric. It's a good thing you're helping her." He had always regarded the conflicts between the two as childish squabbles and didn't pay much attention to them, so he easily believed her words.

Shen Qiqi thought to herself, "You know that Senior sister Liu is alone, so why didn't you take the initiative to mend your relationship with her? This thick-headed guy is really frustrating, no wonder he can't become the male lead!"

As the two of them chatted and laughed, they arrived at Xueya (the school grounds). Along the way, they saw many dead bodies of birds and beasts, and the blood-red leaves of the Hanyan tree covered the pebble path. Several disciples were sweeping with brooms, lowering their heads to create a passage for people to walk through.

Qin Qing's brows furrowed when he saw this, his expression somewhat gloomy. "Birds and beasts dying suddenly, dead wood coming back to life... Strange occurrences have been increasing in recent days."

Shen Qiqi comforted him, "Third senior Brother, don't worry. I'm afraid the peak masters have already come up with countermeasures, and besides, my father is here."

Qin Qing sighed, "The Sect Master has been in seclusion for several years, I wonder when he will come out."

Shen Qiqi naturally knew the plot behind this. When the minions from the Demon Releam arrive, Shen Jue will make his appearance and slaughter everyone. But she can't spoil it for him, so she can only sigh along with him.

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now