Chapter 81

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"You lied to me!" Shen Qiqi turned around and suddenly got into character, squinting with a mischievous smile. "Who gave you the courage, woman, to dare to deceive me?"

Liu Shuang glanced at her and said lightly, "I learned from you, little liar."

Shen Qiqi was shocked and immediately stopped her act, looking down with a guilty conscience and laughing awkwardly, "Ah haha, Senior sister, you are so considerate. I love you. Wow, this place is so spacious. Why is there no one here?"

Liu Shuang didn't expose her poor attempt at changing the subject, only saying, "Take a closer look."

Shen Qiqi blushed and stood still, somewhat embarrassed. She looked closely and saw a huge black palace standing in front of her. From the large dome to the murals on the walls and the smooth floor, every brick and tile was black. The endless blackness spread like a night sky, covering every inch of the palace.

Compared to the first floor, this final floor was particularly quiet.

The floor under their feet was sticky, and there was a lingering and old musty smell in the air.

As they walked through the slightly open door into the main hall, they saw a huge dark red clepsydra in the center of the room.

Shen Qiqi's gaze paused, and for some reason, the closer she got, the more uncomfortable she felt about the clepsydra.

The surface of the clepsydra, wrapped in a dark red color, looked dirty and sticky, and it was wet and smelly inside, as if it contained something dirty that made her stomach churn.

The so-called clepsydra was actually an ancient tool used for timing. It was shaped like a ladder with a bucket on each step, called a "leaking jar."

When water flowed into the leaking jar and then into another container called an "arrow jar," which contained an arrow rod marked with symbols, it represented the time just like a modern clock. As the water flowed into the arrow jar, the arrow rod would rise with the water level, allowing people to tell time relatively accurately based on the markings.

Shen Qiqi swallowed and stood still, keeping a reasonable distance. "N-no, let's not go in. Who knows what kind of ghostly thing might be in there!"

Liu Shuang chuckled lightly, her gaze heavy. She walked up and casually overturned one of the arrow jars.

There was a thud, and a bloody object suddenly rolled out of the large bucket.

Shen Qiqi was stunned.

"You..." Her voice trembled, "I..."

It was a human head.

And it's a 'live' human head, falling on the ground, revealing a blurry cross-section of flesh and blood. It is staring at Shen Qiqi with several pairs of blue-grey eyes, staring at her firmly.

Having been in the transmigration book for so long, Shen Qiqi has experienced plenty of RG18 censored violence and has even come into close contact with corpses. She doesn't even feel like facing a corpse is a big deal anymore.

The reason why she was surprised was not because of fear, but entirely because this head surprisingly had more than one face growing on it!

Looking closely... there were actually seven or eight faces in total, all jumbled together on this one head as if forcibly mixed together. Each of the features were twisted and squeezed together in the limited facial space.

At first glance, even someone with trypophobia would feel overwhelmed.

Liu Shuang looked at her, seemingly asking for her thoughts on the matter: "What do you think?"

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now