Chapter 34

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Meanwhile, in the forest of Qishan, Shen Jue sat upright on a high platform with the sect masters, gazing at the scenes reflected in several water mirrors in front of them.

His gaze quickly passed over the other mirrors and settled on one of them.

The mirror was smooth as silk, and the scene reflected in it made him widen his eyes slightly.

A female Daoist in green beside him looked over and smiled, "Master Shen, isn't that Shen Qiqi? It's been a while, and she's grown up quite a bit, and she looks even more beautiful."

Shen Jue replied politely, "Master He is too kind. She's just a naughty little girl."

The Daoist was He Yewu, the master of the Feng Palace. She exclaimed, "That woman next to her looks out of this world, not an ordinary person, and her appearance is quite familiar..."

Shen Jue sighed, "That person is also my disciple, Liu Shuang."

"Ahh, it's her!" He Yewu recalled the rumors about her in the cultivation world, a once-in-a-generation talent who had yet to break through the Qi-refining stage and had become a waste, spurned by others.

She couldn't help but show an awkward smile and said, "I didn't expect these two to have such a close relationship..."

However, what she said also surprised Shen Jue.

Since when did Shen Qiqi deceive have such a close relationship with Liu Shuang?

Not only did they hug and hold hands casually, but their conversation also seemed quite intimate. Seeing Liu Shuang's indifferent expression, she didn't seem to be repulsed by it.

Could it be true, as Shen Qiqi said, that she hadn't done anything to Liu Shuang before?

Or was this little girl deliberately plotting something in her heart?

After all, Shen Qiqi had deliberately "approached" Liu Shuang before, and even made her expose herself to ridicule in front of others, not for the first time.

Shen Jue frowned slightly, his cold expression like a still pool, but his heart was already in turmoil.

Meanwhile, Shen Qiqi in the Nightmare realm forgot about the "cruel and arrogant" persona she had painstakingly crafted in front of her dear old father, and nearly became out of character because of it.

She was observing the terrain. The vast desert was full of yellow soil and withered grass. Apart from a few crows on the trees and vultures circling low in the sky, there were no other signs of living creatures. It looked desolate at a glance.

Such a wasteland had its advantages and disadvantages. Although the field of vision was broad, it was not easy to be limited by terrain and ambush. However, it also lacked places to hide and settle. Once powerful monsters attacked, it was very easy to expose one's target.

The difficulty seems to be a bit high!

Shen Qiqi turned her eyes and suffered from decision paralysis. Finally, she handed over the decision-making power to Liu Shuang next to her, "Senior sister, where should we go first?"

Liu Shuang replied, "No hurry."

Her gaze passed over Shen Qiqi and fell on the crowd gathered in front of them. There were nearly a hundred people, including disciples of the Qingli Sect and several other sects. At the moment, they all stood motionless, with different expressions, contemplating the issue of whether to stay or go, just like Shen Qiqi.

In the midst of the silence, someone suddenly stepped forward and proposed, "Brothers and sisters, I have a suggestion! Why don't we act together first? That way, if something happens later, we can take care of each other."

After I transmigrated into the book, both the female lead and I became fragrantWhere stories live. Discover now