Chapter one

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Jessamyn's pov

Dear Diary, it was September the twenty-seventh on Wednesday when I decided to it was time for me to realize that I need to do anything about my lack of unmotivated to get outside of the house once, and for all knowing that my parents were counting on me even my little sister looks up to me as inspiration great older sister role model for my sister Lacey.

This means that I have to show that no matter what she had to stay strong enough to overcome all of her obstacles also the only reason why I was writing in my diary was that my therapist thought it would be helpful to write out all of my feelings instead of just keeping them bottled up in my mind until I explode one day.

"Jessasnym, come downstairs inside of the kitchen to at least have a healthy breakfast for University because the doctor recommends that a great-."

I interrupted my mum by shouting out loud. "I'm coming downstairs in a few seconds!"I rushed down the stairs not wanting the neighbors to know about my health care because I was a twenty-one-year-old girl and it was so embarrassing for my mum to blurted out this information to me however, I love my mum to bits due to the fact she was always there for me whether it was an ice skating competitions, academics awards or just supporting me and my sister in anything that we did in life.

As I entered the kitchen to grab some pancakes that my Mom made this morning for the first day back at university whilst my little sister, as well as our puppy fluffies, runs up to me to pick them both up off the ground making me smile when my sister handed over a card to me that she made from scratch on a piece of paper as I read the card she gave me. I could feel my eyes swells with happy tears as I laughed at how cute was before finishing off my breakfast and then giving both my mom and sister a huge hug soon leaving the house to drive myself to University.

Quickly, I weaved through the whole student body to find the principal office to have a short talk with him. Afterwards, I went to the receptionist to get this year's academic schedule and then I made my way through the crowded halls to get out of the building to walk towards the University campus; since I only had a couple of books in a cardboard box to take upstairs to place them on my room desk when I knocked on the door to see if anyone else can help me to open up the door. A brunette-haired girl who had purple highlights in her hair opened the door for me with a friendly smile on her face and showed me where my bed was on the opposite side of hers.

"Hey, my name is Rochelle and you must be my new roommates, whose faces I have never seen you around campus before but I don't mind showing you the ropes here," said Rochelle.

I wasn't expecting my roommate to be this edgy yet there was this badass vibe about her as I can tell that from her attitude, her styles were so fashionable she might be so sure of herself like she would probably say everything that was on her mind without a filter and I have no doubt in my mind that the both of us would get along with each other because I could tell that she had been through something bad in her past but I don't judge a book by its cover. I don't know the rest of the chapters since I only have walked into this chapter right now.

"Yes, I'm your new roommate Jessa and please fill me in on what is going on here?"I asked Rochelle interestingly enough to hear the information about the people in this uni.

So, this is what uni life looks like?

This year's plan for me was probably just to get settled down here and maybe make it bearable for me to live here by making friends with other people, focusing on my studies, getting a part-time job and hiding my secret past life behind me without everyone else finding out about how I was miss national soloist figure skater three years ago because people were going to start asking more questions about my past bringing up my accident although I was twenty-one-year-old woman who was determined to get a fresh start. Therefore, I shook off all my negative thoughts as I was unpacking my suitcases until there were a few knocks on the door and then She walked the door to open up to be greeted by her friends who were very different personalities compared to her.

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