Chapter two

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Asher's pov

Charming the whole entire girls on campus were easy but charming this new girl who was absolutely gorgeous that had brunette-haired and the most beautiful thin-almonds green eyes that I had ever seen before was a problem since she was immune to my charms, perfect good looks as well as believing all of the words that I had been saying her was very clique as I continue to tell my teammates about how amazing this girl was.

There's only one slight problem though which was I don't date because I find it myself to be total distraction from focusing on my sport hockey especially when I'm a captain of the hockey team even though there was no harm in talking or being friends with her at all besides the point I needed to get my team to the playoffs final as everyone else was counting on me for direction to win to lead us in victory not to mention that it would be great if I could prove my dad wrong on his assumption of me never being able to beat his world wide being a wide receiver too.

"Come on, Boys say focus on the game here, lomax please pass the ball to Avery!" Shouted coach Jensen.

Mason power forward moves passed Grayson and then flicked the puck into the goal when he scored we were all cheering until it was time for us to start practicing again because the coach didn't seem completely satisfied with our performance today but made us go through drills for an hour waiting patiently for seeing the results at the end we watched the old hockey team playoffs as well as flipping through the playoffs books for moves.

All of us went into the locker room exhausted from the duration of coach Jensen being too hard on us taking a shower or changing out of our hockey uniforms before, we head into the main hallway trying to get to our classes on time knowing that professor Tuckerman was going to hand out knowledge skills based on theories about two different people beliefs the following week since we have a new student in our class so i was about to walk into the classroom quite late talking to professor Tuckerman when brandon tells me that there was a new girl in our class but was too busy asking for an extension for last week when I saw the same girl who I saw in the bistro happily laughing at something somebody else had says to her.

"Can I at least have an extension on my work?"I asked professor Tuckerman.

Unfortunately , Professor Tuckerman, our philosophy teacher, complained about how it would be unfair for the other students who were in her class if he gave me the extension date however, ms. Tuckerman told me to sit down in my seat so, she could start teaching her class today because I was holding them up talking the different two professors in the past who died that believe the study of the mind was rather a tricky concept based upon the similarities between human and animals as the whole entire class was split up between two different sides for a debate for and against.

Tiredly shrugged my shoulders in disbelief when she spoken out about animals picked up on emotions saying that we might not be so different from them due to unpopular believe that evolution we evolved into human beings until I started to interrupted her by clearly my throat and said "if we are well developed species in compared to animals than explain how did we have the same flight or fight mode." She waiting patiently taking everyone else thought in consideration before she says "the autonomic nervous system has two"

"I believe that there is a higher power that created both men and women because what created you"said Kallie.

The timer went off which means that our lecturer was supposed to dismiss us for our next classes as professor Tuckerman gave the entire class a case subject to study in our free time I was heading out of class when I decided to get some free time of practice on the ice rink before then I have ordered food for lunch to come to my apartment in the meantime, I walked towards the student chamber to meet up with Wyatt to run over the play by play together to get our team to win this season.
I spotted Keri's blonde hair as soon as I looked up from the computer to take a look at her, who was decently pretty yet so perky fluttering her eyelashes at me.

"Asher, I was wondering if you want to study some biology with me?" Asked a flirtatious Keri, curling a stranded blonde of hair with her finger.

'Study biology with me' is a code for pleasure in the bedroom apartment especially when she studied fashion and she was a puck bunny who falls for my downright charms and dashingly good looks but unfortunately, I didn't have any time to do anything with her, so I told her that I will text her when I'm free as well as ignoring the fact that it she was pouting at me. I shook my head letting her down. However, I got a ton of stuff today and I couldn't be asked to spend the evening with her because I was busy working on my team's playoff for the next games.

Slowly walking towards the exit of students room my backpack on my back as I started strolling down the hallway into the uni parking lot searching for my car spotted my red mustang driving to the apartment to leave my stuff in my room and then drive back to the ice rink to practice more cheat shots so I park my car in the car park locked it up with my keys, hurriedly running in there with the crazy rush of adrenaline rush feel supernatural as I opened the door I glanced around the room until my eyes landed on one gorgeous brunette haired girl who smiled softly whilst skating on the ice with such beautifully elegance halfway through her choreography routine I could feel like she had this nostalgic feeling like she had missed it too much eventually she had finished skating doing a whole curtsy thingy.

I clasped my two hands together and then started clapping for the amazing performance she had put on "oh wow! That's probably one of my favourite of your routines now though I must say that I didn't know that you skated." She jumped up startled as she regained her focus and turned her head to look at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you there." I kinda apologised for giving her a little fright when I started skating up to her keeping the distance between the two of us.

Her skating was so methodical, she seemed so free when she skated as if all her trouble had gone away from her and she was finally able to breathe again anyway she said softly "No, you did not even scare me at all.But how long were you standing there for?" She frowned while taking a few sips of water bottle and she sat down on the bench looking anywhere else yet still not on me "I'm not going to lie but I'm just not feeling like telling my whole life story to someone who I hardly ever know."

Personally I think she might be right but my ego wasn't going to let her know that so instead introduced myself to her as a friend of Wyatt who she was sitting next to in class today being nothing but humble about my title here in University of Rockwell as the school hockey captain and linebacker too, because I wanted to get her more since I started to think about having her teaching the whole team might help benefit for the final match playoff.

"How about we introduce ourselves to each other?" I explained to her by holding out my hand for her to shake. "Okay, I will start first. Hey, I'm Asher-"

She practically interrupted me when she started talking over me "I already know who you are, Asher, because every single girl on this campus neither gushed about you in adoration nor warned me to stay away from you too. And no worries, I'm already too focused on other stuff to date anyone." she smiled taking off her skate and carefully placing them wrapped inside of her sports backpack before tying her laces of trainers.

"You still ain't gonna tell me what your name is, are you?" I assumed as I saw her walk away from me into the back exit of the ice rink and I thought if it were challenged then I would totally accept her challenge eagerly with open arms as I was so set on finding more about this girl which I have to happen to know where to find her for a start, maybe an on-campus study group or the other places like the school library.

Challenge totally accepted my friend. I was so ready to get my hands on your phone number, email address and your name, new girl.

Asher Beckett never gives up on a challenge that I was so dead set on winning I thought to myself as I continued to practice skating on the rinks and shooting Pucks in the goal afterwards, I checked the time to see that it was rather late not to mention dark outside due to September was fall time and I knew that it was going to be winter soon as the wind blew on me on my way to my car. I drove as soon as I got in, towards the apartment that I share with my hockey team as well-known as my friends that were already sleeping. When I walked into the kitchen I saw a note that Lomax had written for me.

Bro, pizza is left heated up for you in the microwave and Keri won't stop bothering me with the same question as last time asking me why are you not responding to her calls or messages.
Like how I'm supposed to know that but anyway, enjoy your pizza.

-Grayson, PS. You're paying for dinner tomorrow night.

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