Be my Girlfriend 💗

518 14 2

Alessandro's POV

Watching her eating was incredible. Some girls are uncomfortable eating on dates . But not her. She just sat there and ate in peace. Like an literal angel she is. Maybe she doesn't know her self worth but I do.
And no, I'm not just saying it like that. I really do. And I Wil prove it to you when time passes.

I want to hold her and give her everything.

Cuz she deserves the world and I'm willing it to give her ,nothing less than that.

Having her by my side makes me feel special and hell yeah I am. Everyone would be lucky to have her.
And now I do. So what does that makes me?

The luckiest bastard that ever exists.

"Do u like dancing?" She asked braking the silence.


"Oh," She said surprised . "Okay."

"Ask me anyway." I countered. She hesitated.

"Will you dance with me?" I'm glad she asked.

"Yes!" I responded gladly.

I went closer to her and took her hand on mine.

There was no music but she still wanted to dance. That's the kind of girl I want to spend my life with. Someone who isn't afraid to dance without music. Someone who is comfortable eating around me .
Someone that enjoys the little things on life.

I put my hands on her waist and she put hers behind my back. I wanted to match our heartbeats. We started moving slowly to the rhythm of our hearts.

I was happy. And I had never been happy. No one can make me this happy. Only her.

Everything was going perfect. But then I heard her cry."Hey!" I said urgently cupping her chin. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." She mumbles.

"You're lying " I grip stay firm on her chin as I sweep my thumb underneath her eyes.
"Why are you crying?"

"I'm not crying." She responded.

"I'm wiping away your tears right now amore . Now tell me whats wrong."

"I am so happy now and I just can't-..." She was finding it difficult to breathe. I think she was having another panic attack right now.

"Listen to me." I say against her skin.
"Listen to my voice. Control your breathing . Close her eyes for a second and control your breathing."

Finally she does what I say. I feel her work to slow down her next inhalation, then the following exhalation. Again. Again. It's difficult for her , I can tell , but she's trying.

"That's it," I whisper , squeeziung her hands.
"Good girl. Keep doing that. You're doing such a good job."

After measuring out several more jagged breaths she whispers in a rush , "I'm sorry. I'm sorry ."

I'm relieved she's talking but confused by her words. "What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this. But I just can't control it. I don't want u to see me like this. I hate it. But I can't do nothing about it ." She said wiping her tears away.

His AMORE💗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon