Old memories💗

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Alessandro's POV


I woke up by the sound of my parents fighting. Again! Ever since my mother has gotten sick it's like they never are in a good mood. Always fighting. I miss the old days when we were a happy family. When we laughed , when we used to play, or just hang out with each other. I miss being happy.

I know my mother is sick even though they try to hide it from me. I know something is wrong with her. I can see it in her eyes.
It makes me sad seeing her like that. My mother ,my happiness. I love my mother so much that I can't even describe it with world. I love my father too, not saying, but my mother is very special to me.

I wish I could do something to take all her pain away and make her happy again. I really wish I could. But I can't. And that's what I hate the most. If something happens to my mother I don't know how I'm gonna live.

"You can't to that to us Serafina , you have no right to. You can't just decide that without taking to me first. I'm your husband God damn it. Do you think about that???? What's gonna happen? What about Alessandro, how's he gonna take all of this?" My father said with a loud tone.

"I know , but that's what I have decided. You can't change my mind. I don't want to continue like this anymore. I'm tired of all this and I don't have strength anymore to fight. " Crying and screaming my mother replied.

I hate my father. Why is he screaming and yelling at my mother like that. Doesn't he sees she is sick??? And what are they talking about?!

I can't take it anymore. I'm just a child. Wiping my tears away, I run outside the house without telling my parents. All I want is to find peace. To find a place I can be without hearing screams. Somewhere to be happy even though for a while.

I remember my mother telling me that she was gonna take me to a park, but then she got sick and we never went. I remember her saying it was just 1 block away.

I run and run til I reached the park. I was tired but kept running. I needed to go there.

I stopped running and took a look around. The park was crowded with children from different ages. They were happy. Playing with their families and friends.

Why can't I be like them? Why did God make my life like that. Made my mother sick and my father a asshole.

I started waking towards the park with slow steps. Everyone was so happy that it made me angry. So damn angry. But everything stopped when I saw her.

A blonde little girl in a ponytail with a pink dress sitting alone under a tree. She seemed sad. But why was she alone? Where are her parents. Who has made her sad?! I immediately felt the need to go to her and wipe her tears away.

"Hi." I said shyly.

"Hello." She shrugged sitting on the grass.

"What's your name?" I said sitting next to her.

"I - I am Laura." She said unsure if that was her name or not. I found it strange. But maybe because of her emotions.

"Nice to meet you Laura I'm Alessandro. What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"My parents are out of town again and they left me with a babysitter so I run out."

So we both have run out of our houses. Great.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you Laura?"

"Not at all. I like to have someone to talk and play with."

"So where have your parents gone?" I asked her.

"I dont know . They never tell me things. They say it's for my best to not know stuff.
Stupid right?!" Same as in my family , I rolled my eyes.

"How old are you Laura?"

"My birthday was just couple of months ago, so I turned 8. Yes I'm 8 years old."
She spoke in her angelic voice. She might be the cutest girl I have ever seen in my life.

"I'm 12 years old. So tell me do you want to play with me?"

"Yeah sure . Let's play hide and seek. "
We played for like 3 hours. Lost in our world of happiness. This was the first time I was happy since I found out my mother was sick.
This girl brought my happiness again.

Months later★

That first day we met , we agreed to meet each other every day at 4 p.m at the park no matter what. And so we did.

We used to sneak out of our houses to meet each other every single day for 2 months.

No matter what the weather was...if it was rainy or windy. We didn't care.

When we were playing truth and dare she even dared me to marry her and I agreed.
I kissed her. She was shocked at first but then she just smiled. I was scared of her reaction to be honest. But she took it very well. I liked her so much. I know I know I'm just 12 but I know what a crush is or when u like someone. I'm not that stupid.

Two months after I met Laura my mother died. I was so angry and sad all the time. So I stopped going to the park. I really missed Laura but I just couldn't. The only thing I had from her is the scrunchie she gave me one day. I will keep that forever by my side. That's the only way I can feel like she is next to me again.

Right after my mother's death my father made us leave America and move to Italy. Our real home. I hated it. That way I couldnt see Laura anymore . I got mad at my father. I insisted to not go with him but it was all for nothing. After all I'm just 12 . What can I do all by myself. I promised to myself that I would never forget about Laura. She was the one who saved me and I would be grateful to her for the rest of my life. There was nothing I could do now but one day I will grow up and find her. Yes I WILL FIND HER. NO KIDDING!

I will keep my promise to myself and the promise I made to her. Trust me I will and u all are gonna see it that I am not lying.

☆☆end of flashback☆☆

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