Chapter 47

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Mason's POV

The next morning, when I wake up, I can see that Timmy is already awake, so I look at him.

He doesn't seem to realise that I'm awake, so he continues to blink a lot, I hope that his eyes aren't hurting.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, and I accidentally wake Carter up.

"I can see." Timmy tells me.

"That must be because you and Mason had finally completed the mating process." Carter tells him, and that might be true, since we did bite each other last night.

We lay on the bed for a while, happy about the fact that Timmy can see everything clearly.

After a few minutes, we go down the stairs to make some breakfast, since the kids will be waking up soon.

When Timmy opens the fridge, we realise that we have nothing left there, which is strange, since I'm pretty sure that it was full just two days ago.

Timmy looks at us with raised eyebrows, and I just shrug my shoulders, not knowing why there isn't any food there.

He then opens the freezer, which we don't really use that much, so there are only frozen pizzas, as expected.

He takes a few of them out, and he turns towards us.

"I guess we are eating pizzas for breakfast today." He says.

"It's alright, but we have to find out what happened with the food that was in the fridge." Carter says, and I nod.

Soon all the kids are waiting in the dining room, so I go there to give them the first few pizzas, and I realise that Oliver isn't there.

"Where's Ollie?" I ask curiously.

"He's probably still sleeping." Tyler says.

"By the way. Did any of you take all the food from the fridge?" I ask them, looking around the table.

"Why would we take all the food?" Denver asks, with a frown.

"Because there's nothing left, and there was a lot of food in the fridge last night." I explain, and they look at me with a frown.

"Maybe Oliver took it, and he decided to lock himself in his room with all the food, while leaving only the pizzas for us?" Scott asks.

"Maybe." I tell him, before I decide to go upstairs to see if Oliver is there.

I knock on his door, but no one answers, and I let myself in, but I can't see Oliver anywhere, so I go to check the bathrooms, and he isn't there either.

I go back downstairs, and I find Carter carrying the next pizzas to the dining room, he looks at me, and he smiles.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"I went upstairs to see if Oliver is still sleeping, but he isn't there, and I think that he isn't even in the house." I tell him.

He watches my face to see if I'm lying, and when he is sure they I'm telling the truth, he starts to get worried.

"What if he took the food, and he run away or something." He asks me.

"Then I will kill him for taking all the food." I tell him, half seriously.

"I will go to the pack house to see if he stayed there last night." He says, then he goes into the dining room to leave the pizzas there.

I wait for him at the doorway, and I force him to let me go with him, so we tell Timmy what is going on, and we go out of the house, to look for Oliver.

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