chapter 5

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Antonio's POV

I kept on punching the punching bag to vent out my anger.

I was in the gym that is below the ground floor, near the basement. Me and my brothers are the only one that work out in this gym. And then some of our close friends.

It's been 2 years since dad died. And since dad was the capo of the Italian mafia, Lorenzo being the eldest was given the title next.

Yes, we are the Italian mafia. It was founded by our grandfather and then handed out to our dad as he was the eldest of all the 3 sons our grandfather has. Throughout the years, the mafia had grown world wide and we have so many influences around the world. And now, we control the Spanish and American mafia, with my second uncle Leonardo being the capo of the American mafia and my third uncle Luigi being the capo of the Spanish mafia.

I am third in command of the Italian mafia. Matteo is the second in command. He isn't that interested in the mafia like the rest of us, so he chose being doctor. But if anyone dared to raise a finger against us, they would have to face his wrath.

Luca and lucio were not of age to join the mafia but knew how to use guns and weapons and also know how to fight as we could be in danger anytime.

No one dared to speak against us because we were known as the deadliest Mafia of all. We all are cold in front of the world but warm with our family. And our family comes before everything.

We had been living in Italy until dad died. I, lucio and luca don't actually know the reason for his death because we weren't there in Italy at that time.
We were having our training in Georgia when it all happened. Enzo and Matteo knew what happened but Enzo wouldn't say and didn't allow Matteo too.

I wanted to know but didn't pressure him because i know how much he does to protect us from everything.

We came to New York after dad's death because Enzo said it was much safer over here.

In order to cover for our mafia, we have our own company. It is the Russo international. We do drug deals and many other illegal things but we are against selling woman and children.

Of course we have our own bars where women prostitute but they do it of their own will.

Beside all of this, we all are not happy.

It's like we are missing something. It's what I feel anyway.

Enzo doesn't have time for us and always drowns himself in work. Matteo tries to make some time for us and have dinner with us sometimes but otherwise, he also drowns himself in work.

Luca and lucio always get themselves in trouble at school. But despite that, they are top in their grade.




The final punch sent the bag flying across the room.

I was soo concentrated on venting out my anger, I didn't realise that I was panting hard.

I was sweating from all the work out and i guess it was a good idea to change my tank top and shorts to just shorts. I had wen to my room thinking that I will sleep but then decided against it and came here.

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