chapter 13

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Matteo's POV

She was pale. Her cut was not deep enough to have sudden death but it looked like it was cut 20 or 25 minutes ago.

If we were late even by a minute now, she wouldn't have been alive now.

Antonio, luca and lucio were standing aside along with sofia. Not daring to interrupt me because they knew that it was much more important to treat Amara right now than answering their questions.

I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest the moment I saw Amara on the bed looking almost lifeless.

Sofia was still crying. She had been the one closest to her ever since Amara came here.

I know we shouldn't treat her like that but it's just hard. We got a sister we never expected to have and that to from a woman who was not our mother.


I miss her way too much. She had always been the sweetest person in this world. Her death has not been easy on any of us. Especially luca and lucio and...

Anyway no use pondering over it. I think it's much better to focus on the present.

"I'll call Enzo." I heard Antonio speak up behind me and heard the door being opened and closed.

I look up at sofia and saw that she was still crying.

"Sofia.. I think it's better you go back home. You must be tired. I'll call you when Amara wakes up. " I said to her.

She looked reluctant but she knew that I was stubborn so she nodded her head and headed out.

I checked Amara's vitals once again and saw that it was steady. Sighing, I went ahead and sat on a chair opposite to the bed and put my head in my hands.

This is our fault. My fault.

If we had treated her better, she wouldn't even have though of doing such a thing.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see lucio looking at me quizzically.

"What's all this about Matteo?" He asked, glancing at Amara.

"I don't know ok! She just.. cut herself. I don't know why. It's probably because of our treatment towards her. If we just treated her right, maybe she wouldn't have resorted to such ways!" I yelled at him, agitated.

He backed up, startled by my outburst.

I am the calmest of us all and me bursting out like this... Is not me.

I sighed," I'm sorry lucio. It's just that.... I didn't expect anything like this to happen. I don't want anymore deaths to happen here anymore." I said and looked at Amara who was still unconscious, wired to the machine, the sound of her steady heart beat reassuring me that she is still alive.

"I know Matteo. We don't want it too." He said pointing towards luca, who was standing near the door with his arms crossed and grim expression on his face.

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Enzo with Antonio behind him, heaving as he panted.

"Damn Enzo! You are way to fast for my good!" Antonio complained.

Enzo didn't speak but just kept on staring at Amara.

He had no expression on his face. He was better at controlling his emotions than anyone I've ever known. He walked towards Amara and looked at me.

"What happened?" He asked, but only I knew what all things were hidden behind those words.

To others, it might sound like he is speaking normally but I knew the anger in his voice.

"She cut her wrist. If we were late even by a minute..." My heart sank even thinking about it.

"Why did she do it?"

I didn't reply. Seeing that I wasn't going to reply, lucio spoke up.

"We don't really know. It was Sofia who informed Matteo about it and we all just happened to be there."

"Hmm." Enzo said and stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked at Amara, observing her.

"You guys should go. Me and Matteo have it handled over here. And also, our plan to go back Italy will be postponed. We'll go back right after Amara is well." Enzo said and looked at the boys.

They looked reluctant to leave but they knew better than to argue with Enzo.

Before leaving, lucio turned around and asked, "what about our school?"

"You both don't have to go. I'm pretty sure you guys can keep up after we go back to Italy." Enzo said.

Lucio just shrugged as luca had a goofy smile on his face. Antonio, without further ado, dragged them both out the room by their neck.

The door closed and the room was filled with silence.

I asked Enzo, wondering what he wanted to say to me, "what is it?"

"Come here." He said and gestured me to come near Amara's bed.

I walked towards him and stood by his side.

He rolled Amara's sleeve that was wet. I didn't think about changing her clothes as I was busy checking her wrist.

What I saw made my blood run cold. I rushed towards her and fully rolled her sleeve.

There were bruises.

Heavy, dark purple bruises and that to, many.

"The hell!" I swore and rolled the sleeves of the other hand too. The bruises were there as well. They looked fresh.

I looked at Enzo to see him clenching his jaw.

"How... This.... Who would do this to her?" I asked, even though I knew none of us knew who did this.

Enzo noticing her arms even though it was covered by her sleeves was natural of him.

He always had sharp eyes and was good at everything. No wonder he is the capo of the Italian mafia.

"We have to find that out. Shouldn't we?And I guess the hidden cameras we have installed in this house will finally come to use" he said with an evil look in his eyes.

I knew he was angry. Angrier than ever.

Even though it would look like he doesn't like Amara, he doesn't exactly despise her. None of us do.

And some one doing such an heinous act right under his nose, has got him even angrier.

Knowing Enzo, he is going to make the person's life a living hell and the person who harmed Amara is gonna wish he never had looked her way at all.


Hey guyzzzzz!🥰
I know I said I would post the chap yesterday but I'm sorry I couldn't . I had to attend a wedding reception of my cousin and by the time I reached home, I was tired to my bones🫠. But I'm really grateful that you guys are sooo patient.💗💗🥹

I love you guys alot🥰 and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being patient.💜💗😍🥰

Hope you like this chap and if u do, like share and follow.😌😋

Take care! ✨🤗

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