Chapter 4

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"I'm a damsel, I'm in distress...but I am far from helpless. Bonne journee monsieur." The dark-haired French woman kept a firm smile as she addressed the male in front of her.

"Now Mrs. Morgan. You are a widow and this place could use a hired hand to keep you safe." The male continues to speak in a flirting tone with the pale woman.

"Art Morgan was a fine man. He turned himself from an outlaw to a gentleman just for you to miss.."

"And he would be rolling in his grave if he saw you in here pestering me and trying to get in my petticoat. I know exactly what you are after and you won't find it in any of my business or with me. There are plenty of salons and whore houses to go around. Find it elsewhere." The whole time she spoke she kept a smile on her face and a mean look in her eyes. Most folks knew not to mess with Margot Blanchet Morgan. Even before she married an outlaw and turned him into a businessman she was a tough cookie. Margot's parents had migrated from France to New Orleans to set up their textiles and clothing stores. They were well known for their high fashion as well as clothes within reason for the lower classes. Everyone deserved to look their best was their motto. Margot had taken over the family business in New Orleans and soon caught the eyes of Art Morgan, an outlaw. Two dated on and off for a year and were married. The outlaw settled down to become a businessman, but soon tragedy struck when he passed due to shoot out. Ever since many suitors have graced her building doors trying to win a chance at taking Margot as a wife or mistress, but she refused everyone.

Recently few petty crimes had been committed at her shops and warehouses. On top of everything else, the mayor of the city continued to ask for a dinner date with the famed widow, however, she declined every time. Margot just wanted to live her life and run her business in peace. The man before her leaned on the counter and continued to try and sweet talk Margot. She grew tired and reached under the counter. Her hands remained under as she reached for the pistol hidden underneath. When the man paused for her reply, Margot cocked the hammer of the gun back under the counter. The clicking sound made the man uneasy and he stood up straight with his hands in the air. Margot was a lady, but she did have a mean streak if she was pushed. Her blue eyes glared at the man as she proceeded to curse him out in French. The man had no idea what she was saying, but he knew she was upset. One of the employees came running and grabbed the male by the shoulder.

"You best be getting or Mrs. Morgan is gonna lose her temper. Today is not a good day for her." The male employee explained as he walked the man out. When Margot was sure the man had left, she uncocked her pistol and removed her hand from under the counter.

"Mrs. Morgan, can't keep scaring them off like that. One day one of them is liable to shoot you." Emma, her other employee, and the manager of her store spoke as she walked toward Margot. Emma Breaux was Margot's dear friend. Her family had set her free from slavers when she was a child. Margot was older and pretty much raised Emma as a young sister.

"Oh Emma, they would be doing me a favor." Margot teased.

"You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some security around here. Especially since all the break-ins." Emma suggested. Margot rolled her eyes and cursed in French again.

"I know, but I do have my theories about that." Margot turned to walk to the back of the store.

"So you won't be mad if I go looking?" Emma called out. She could barely make out what Margot said, but Emma would do what she wanted despite what Margot wanted.

Across town

"I believe this means I win." Jean sat his cards down. He smiled and pulled the winnings towards him. The gunslinger had recently found a saloon inside the bustling city of New Orleans and spent his day gambling. He needed to take a break from the road as well as try and round up a few dollars for his trips. Jean acquired most of his earnings from being a hired gun or an occasional bounty hunt, but today he was earning some coin from gambling.

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