Chapter 7

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Over the next few weeks, the few towns folk wanting change gathered the info for Jean. Even the whole wait staff in the manor wanted the mayor gone. They would do anything Jean asked them. The plan was simple. Place various tents around the building, nothing connected, just for show. Have the wait staff run out and panic as if it was true. If this did not startle the mayor and his men to flee, well then Jean and a few other men would be ready to have a gunfight to take over the manor. This plan was gone over by everyone and set in motion by the month's end. Once the mayor and his goons talked, a new and voted-in Mayor would take his place. It would be one of the townsfolk, or possibly Margot that would take the role. Anyone who would stop the corruption and help the town was needed.

Jean and the others who were willing to help rode out to the manor. Everyone knew exactly what they needed to do, but Jean was still a bit on edge. He knew that sometimes when the heat of battle was strong, those who were of good courage would flee from fear. He saw it many times over his life from soldiers and criminals, and these people were simple town folk. The horse halted at the end of the long driveway and Jean dismounted. He signaled for the two men on the end of the small posse to go and take positions. Jean then signaled the others to go around back and wait for his signal. Jean would walk the long dirt pathway alone. He didn't want to spoil the surprise he had in store for the mayor. Jean hitched his horse to the small fence by the entryway and began to make his way slowly toward the manor. The workers in the field noticed Jean and signaled to the others it was time to get into place. The two men guarding the house perked up as Jean approached the large porch.

"Who are you?" One of them asked as they spit out a wad of tobacco.

"I am here to speak to the Mayor." Jean paused just shy of the front step.

"He isn't seeing anyone right now."

"Oh, I think he will want to see me," Jean replied.

"Why is that?" The one man asked.

"I am here on behalf of Mrs. Morgan and the others in town." Jean glanced between the two men. They both burst out in laughter.

"You have to be joking? You? Alone here to talk to the mayor?" The men stopped laughing when the mayor stepped out.

"What is going on here?" Norman asked.

"This man said he is here to see you." The one guard replied.

"Is that so? Let me guess, the canun who Mrs. Morgan hired to protect her business?" Jean stood silently as he glared at the men.

"Well sir, you are outgunned here. I think you should move along and find another employer. That business and most of the town is practically mine now....unless you wish to come to work for me that is?" The mayor's face twisted in a grin as the other two men chuckled.

"I'm here to run you out of town...." Jean reached into his pocket and pulled out a single roll of dynamite.

"You can go quietly....or you can go out with a bang." Jean wiggles the stick.

"What are you talking about?!" Norman's grin turned into a frown.

"I placed dynamite all over the building. Inside and out." That phrase was the signal. The house caretakers one by one started to run out screaming. Maids, butler's and even the kitchen staff ran out screaming. The mayor and the two guards froze and watched the scene unfold before him. The mayor managed to stop one of the maids and ask her what the chaos was about.

"There is dynamite in the house sir, and men are surrounding the back!" She yelled and wiggled out of his grasp. She ran past Jean and followed the others down the dirt driveway. The mayor tried not to panic, however, this did not stop the two guards beside him.

"I don't get paid enough for this!" One yelled as they both ran off down the dirt driveway.

"Do I have your attention now?" Jean asked. The mayor was silent, but not for long. He noticed his other guards riding on horseback from the right side of the field.

"My men will make short work of this." He hissed. Jean placed a hand on his gun and watched as the three men rode up and dismounted the horses. To his horror the main leader of the pack was Charlie. Jean glared at them and fought the urge to gun them all down right then and there. to his surprise, the men that are the major's main bodyguards were the same men that burned his family home and killed his wife. The same scar-faced snake he had been chasing. That old devil. The showdown with Charlie had begun. The two glared at each other with murder in their eyes. The mayor yelled for Charlie to shoot, but he did not budge. Just as they were about to grab their guns and fire, a man yelled from behind Jean to stop them.

The preacher's wife had spilled the beans about everything. He and a few others had taken their requests to the marshal's office. They didn't know exactly when the marshal would arrive, so the preacher made his way down to stop anything he could.

"Mister please. You don't need to do this. The law is coming. The preacher tried to get between the men but Jean pushed him away.

"It is too late for that now." Jean growled as he tried to move the preacher.

"No, it is never too late."

"I think it is the bible man. Me and ole boy Jean here have history." Charlie spoke up.

The preacher continued to beg and wanted Jean to turn the men into the law, but Jean pays no attention. The preacher goes on a speech about how he knows he once was a Christian and how Jean knows better. How he should have used himself to be a harvester of souls and not a killer of them. How even though his life strayed, he can still use his talents for good. How Jean could bring the evildoers into the law for justice. How what Satan meant for evil God can turn it for good. With each sentence, Charlie laughed louder and louder.

"You are wasting your breath preacher. Jean here has been hunting me down for all his life. You think our feud can just be settled in a moment with flowery words? No. We settle this now, with lead." The preacher knew it was no use to keep wasting his breath. The preacher finally stepped out of the way and began to pray silently from the sidelines. The two men were so focused on each other, they didn't hear the marshals ride up behind Jean.

"Jean, I think this has gone on long enough." The man's voice made Jean's ears perk up.


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