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I woke up without a nightmare luckily, my dad gave me my stuffy yesterday before we all went to bed, which luckily was still in my arms.

I looked over to the little lock on my nightstand and saw it was 7:43 am. Of course, I wake up early, I was so used to waking up early when I lived with my fake parents?

I don't know what to call them. Should I call them fake parents or is there a better time for that?

I silently got out of bed, unsure if anyone else was awake, but when I opened my door my question was answered.

"Hey Nadia, what are you doing up this early?" Came a voice from behind me, I was at the top of the stairs and turned slowly so I wouldn't get into trouble.

"Hey Nico, I naturally wake up early, I'm sorry" I apologised quickly so I wouldn't get punished for speaking out. My fake parents didn't like me speaking out even if I was asked a question.

Nico gently smiled at me and held out his big hand, which made me flinch slightly. I really hope he didn't notice that. If he did, I am dead.

"How about we go into my room for a second so I can give you one of my hoodies, to keep you warm?" He said with a genuine smile? I haven't seen anyone genuinely smile at me in a long time!

I nodded with a small smile on my face and grabbed a hold of his hand, I walked behind him to his room and he grabbed out a hoodie of his for me.

Of course, it was too big for me. It was swimming on me because of how small my body was.

Nico laughed and shook his head gently, as his hoodie was slowly swallowing me. He once again held his hand out for me and I slowly took it.

Once we were downstairs, Nico brought me into the kitchen and I sat on the island on one of the stools. "So sorellina what would you like to eat for breakfast?" Nico asked me, leaning against the island with a goofy look on his face.
(Baby sister)

I was allowed to eat?

Before I could answer, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, I looked over to the door and saw Dad and the rest of my brothers walk downstairs.

"Good morning bambina" Dad said with a small smile, I said good morning back before turning back to Nico, who still had the goofy smile on his face, which made me laugh.

"I'm not sure, I don't normally eat breakfast" It technically wasn't a lie because I don't normally eat in the morning.

"Do you want waffles?" Toni asked walking beside Nico. I've never had waffles, I wonder if they are nice? I nodded to Toni and he smiled, he and Nico started making them while I went and sat at the table with the rest of my family.

I'm still not used to saying that.
I actually have a family.

"So Tesoro tell us about you?" Alex asked with a small smile. I looked up and saw his sitting in front of me. Next to me was Noah and beside Alex was Eli, Dad was at the top of the table.

"Umm, I have a stuffy that I have with me since I was a baby, I'm allergic to peanuts and chilli and I love stargazing and nature" I said with a small smile.

After a few minutes of us talking, Nico and Toni walked in with the waffles, I was going to wait until everyone got one, but Noe grabbed two for me and placed them on my plate.

I thanked him and grabbed an odd-looking fruit? I think it was a strawberry but I'm not sure.

"You ok Stella?" Eli asked me with a small frown on his face. I looked over at him and picked up a strawberry. "What is this?" I asked, everyone stopped eating and looked at me.

Oh no, did I say something wrong?

"You-you've never had a strawberry?" Eli asked with a confused expression on his face. I gently shook my head and Noe gently grabbed it from my hand.

He put it on his plate and chopped it up, giving me half of the strawberry, I ate it and it was nice, I thought they would be sour honestly.

Everyone started eating again, I ate one and a half waffles then I was full, I couldn't eat much, they were too filling.

"You finished bambina?" Dad asked, I nodded my head and he smiled gently at me.

We cleaned up the table and me, Eli, Nico and Alex walked into the sitting room to watch a movie. I had no idea what movie we were watching, but I enjoyed it either way.

I was sat in between Eli and Alex. Nick was beside Alex.

When we started watching our fourth movie, I started feeling sleepy I leaned my head back against the couch and my brothers laughed.

Eli gently wrapped his arm around me and held me close to him. I tensed a bit and eased into him.

And at the beginning of the fifth movie, I fell asleep with my brother holding me.

Which brother will be the closest to Nadia?

Let me know, please!

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