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When Nadia fell asleep, me and the boys looked down at her in awe, because of how cute she looked. I held her closer to me and made sure she was ok. "She's beautiful" Nico whispered, I looked down at her and saw how his hoodie swallowed her.

That worried me, how skinny was she? Did she eat enough? I think that caused worry for the boys as well, it was only 11 am, how is she tired?

Dad walked in along with Antonio. He smiled when he saw Nadia asleep, with her head on my lap and my arm around her. She looked comfortable, even though it was a very uncomfortable position. She was that small, she could fit perfectly in between my arm on the outside of my thigh.

"How is she?" Antonio asks walking in and sitting down beside me. I smiled at him before looking down at my Stella and looked back up to my brother.
"She's good, but I don't understand how she is so tired since it's only 11 am" I explained.

Dad looked between Nadia and me, he gently picked Nadia up and his face paled. Dad looked more worried, then happy normally when he's with us he's always happy.

"Why is she so skinny?" Dad rhetorically asked, all of us around to each other, and then back to Dad and Nadia.

"I understood she was small and petite but I didn't expect her to be this skinny" he gasped. Dad gently put Nadia down again and I held her close to me.

She is very skinny, but I didn't think she was this skinny either, is she ok? Did she not get enough to eat? Was she fed properly?

I held Nadia closer to me and she groaned quietly, but it didn't sound like a groan, it was more a whimper, as if she is in pain.

I looked up to my brothers and father and they all had the same look on their faces, meaning they heard.

"L-let's not jump to conclusions, she might be uncomfortable" I said hoping that was true. But none of my brothers were listening to me.

They were all furious which is understandable because if you have a daughter after 12 years and she sounds like she's in pain you would be worried as well. I knew would be angry. I was as well so I can't say I was calm.

Nadia started shifting in my arms, I looked down to her and saw her waking up. "What's going on?" She mumbled with sleep laced in her voice.


"Nothing, how are you feeling?" Dad asked, so she wouldn't know what we were thinking. Nadia slowly sat up and looked around at all of the brothers and dad with a small smile.

"I'm ok, a little tired for some reason but other than that I'm ok" she smiled, innocently. Which she should be, she's only a kid-well she's 16 but in my eyes, she's a kid.

She's our baby sister.

And she will forever be our baby sister. No one can change that  even if she is in her 60's she will always be our baby sister

"You probably didn't sleep well last night" Alexei said with a small frown on his face, he acts all mighty, and yes he can easily kill someone, but when it comes to family, he is a big softie.

But he'll never tell anyone that.

Nadia nodded gently and rubbed her eyes with her small hand. I smiled at her and when she released her hand from her fist, I slowly reached over and grabbed her hand, she gently flinched, and all of us noticed.

I really hope she's ok. I don't know what I will do if she isn't

"I never realised how small your hand is compared to any of ours" I said trying to change the subject. Which worked. Thank fully

The boys looked over to Nadia's hands and saw how big my hand was compared to hers, which made them laugh at how small her hand was. Nadia blushed and put her head down.

Could she be any more adorable?

I smiled at her before grabbing her hand and pulling her up with me, she shrieked, out of unexpectedness and I laughed at her action. She is more adorable by the second.

"C'mon, I want to show you something!" I said with a laugh when I saw my brothers following. We made a little fort in the movie room before Nadia got to the house but we never got to show her.

When I walked in, Nadia was right behind me, when she saw the movie room and the little fort, it looked like she was in awe of how amazing it looked.

"You like it?" I asked with a small smile on my face. Nadia nodded quickly and turned to smile at us. "It's amazing, when did you guys get the time to do this?" She asked looking between all of us.

"We did it before you got here, we never got the chance to show you" Nico said with a small smile, he was always so shy. Everyone says I am more the chattier twins and Nico is the more quiet twin

Nadia smiled at hugged him, then me and then the boys, and of course Dad.

She was fitting in perfectly.

But what about the sign of pain earlier?

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