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Since I told my family about my bruises and scars, they have been a little more cautious of what they say, which I am grateful for.

Because I still have nightmares.

Like now, it's been almost a week since I told my family and I woke up at two am because of a stupid nightmare, I couldn't remember which rooms were which, all I knew was the twins were across from me.

I walked out of my room, walked across the hall and gently knocked on one of the two doors in front of me, not knowing which brother is behind the door.

When the door opened, I looked down in case they were mad at me for waking them up, but I felt someone gently lift my head up and I saw Eli smiling down at me.

"You ok Stella?" He whispered, sleep laced in his voice, I felt bad that I woke him up, so I subconsciously stater playing with my fingers.

"I had another nightmare and I don't want to sleep on my own" I mumbled gently, as if almost embarrassed.

I heard Eli laugh, I looked back up at him and he was, smiling? How could someone be smiling when they get woken up at two am?!

"You're too cute Nads" he laughed before opening his door wider, allowing me to walk in, when I walked in, I was frozen.

Do I sleep in his bed?

Do I sleep on the floor?

Will I wait until he tells me what to do?

What am I going to do?

Eli slowly walks over to me and gently grabs my hand, leading me to his closet? What's this about?
Eli saw my confused face and smiled, gently opening the doors and picking out a hoodie.

"I know you have one of Nico's hoodies, but I wanted to give you one" he said all of a sudden going shy. I smiled at him and gratefully took the hoodie.

I'm freezing.

Once I had the hoodie on, Eli led me to his bed and pulled the covers over me, before he got into the other side, he ran out to the hall and into my room, when he came back he had my stuffy with him and a big smile on his face.

"I thought you might need her" he smiled, I smiled back and took my stuffy from him. I mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before cuddling into my stuffy. 

"I don't have to sleep in the bed if that makes you more comfortable" he said honestly, which made my heart melt more.

"I want you to, I mean it's your room and I won't feel uncomfortable whatsoever" I mumbled, sleep lacing my voice the more tired I got.

Eli smiled at me and got into his side, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep properly, even though I had my stuffy, so I turned to Eli and smiled nervously at him.

"Can we cuddle? We don't have to" I asked nervously, Eli didn't answer so I was going to turn around until he pulled me into his side.

"Of course, that's what siblings are for Stella" he mumbled before falling asleep.

I feel at home

I woke up at 8 am, which is quite late for me, I quickly changed and walked out of my room, I wanted to check on mia bambina because I know she's been having a lot of nightmares recently.

I walked down the hall and saw her door was open, but she wasn't in bed.

Where was she?

I was about to walk downstairs to see if she was there, but when I turned around, I was in awe.

Eli, even though he's the now third youngest kid, he is harsh when he has to be, but a softy when it comes to his family, was fast asleep with Nadia wrapped in his arms, both fast asleep.

I smiled at them, slowly closing the door so neither of them would wake up.

When I turned around and I saw Alexei and Noah staring back at me, still half asleep. Since it was a Saturday, I told them to go back to bed.

Which they reluctantly did.

When I walked downstairs, I got a call from the same officer that helped Nadia before I met her.

I quickly answered the call and the first thing that left my mouth was.

"Send over the adoption papers"

Ok so! Some of you may be wondering 'why adoption papers? Well the thing was, Nadia was taken when she was four, so she was in 'foster care' with the people who took her, so when the officer looked her up it said she was in foster care

Even though Dominic is her father, he has to sign adoption papers so the court will know he's officially legally hers

I hope that makes sense!

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