Farm House Part Two.

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"No way am I getting out of this car. Take me home." I was sitting in my seat, arms crossed, feet under the seat, hooked on the metal bar thing. "Get out of the car or I'll drag you out by your hair." Tom said evenly, with a smirk on his face. Dante had already gotten out of the car and was in the house. "Dante ain't out here to tell me not to hurt you. I'll take advantage of that, you bet your bottom dollar."

I stick out my tounge at him and he slapped me. Like slapped me, slapped me. I mean like the slap that would swell three times the size of a normal swell. I clutched my face and he clutched my hair, dragging me out of the car and down the sidewalk. "Ow, ow, please let go, stop it!" He just laughed and started walking faster, I couldn't get the ground under my feet to stay still so I was litterly being drug down the road.

I stopped holding my face and went to gripping Toms hands. "Oww!" I was wailing and twisting. Some of the farm hands had looked out of the barn and watched the scene. Tom pulled out a gun and pointed it at them. They instantly went back to working and whispering about.

"Shut up, you're drawing attention." I bit my bottom lip, hard. It helped out a little, but not much. Why does tom have to be the phsyco one? Why was I stuck with him! Why Why Why is all I have to say. "Hey, Tom, stop that right now!" Dante was looking out the top floor window, glareing so sharp I could feel it stab into my soul. I look up at him, still bent over catching my breath and holding my now throbbing head.

I was on my hands and knee's on the walk way. One hand on my head, other on the ground. I could feel tears burn my cheeks. I was shakeing, shakeing badly. An earth quak was taking place within my body and I couldn't stop it.

 "Ebony, get in the house right now. Breakfast is served."

I bolt for the door , swaying a bit as I looked over my shoulder fumbleing with the handle. "Down the hall, to the left." Toms voice came in clear as day. I did as I was told and ended up in a small kitchen. Eggs and bacon were piled  up in the middle of a small country like table. Dante sat at one end, happily chewing on some bacon. "What is all this." I stood there, stareing at the mountain of food and the extra plate all alone on the other end of the table. "I get to eat?"

"Why wouldn't you get to eat?" I shrug, "People in the movies never get to eat. I figured I'd just get enough food and water to just hardly keep myself alive." He choked on some orange juice and looked up at me. "I may be mean, but I ain't that mean. Tom is, but I ain't."

I nod and sit down in my chair. Grab a handfull of bacon and two spoon fulls of eggs, I start eating like a lost cause. I havn't eaten since yesterday's lunch. I'm starving, mainly because of all the calories I've burned in the time period between the two meals. What with all the fighting and denying and crying and just everything. My hand still hurt though. I can't believe they slammed it in a car door!

"Thought you'd be hungry." I don't even glance at him. Just shovle in food like there ain't going to be a tomarrow."Hey, where's my plate?" Toms voice was deep, husky. The type a creeper would own. I now hated him more then Dante. "Geesh, I really gave you a shinner." She came over and picked up my head, turned my face side to side and laughed at me.

Crunch. I bit his hand as hard as I could and he fell back with a bark of pain. My turn to smirk. I could taste his warm mitalic blood in my mouth and I just licked the rest off my lips. "Don't touch me, douchum bag." He jumped at me and his fist nearly collided with my face, but Dante caught it. He pulled Tom over in front of him, kneeing him a few times.

Tom fell to the ground in a heep and cradled his hand. I spat on him, what ever bit of his blood still lingering in my mouth, was now on him. "Hoe!" He coughed, giving me the bird. I did the same and continued eating my breakfast.

Dante gave me a stern look and I just sat there. "I wonder if my dads eating right. When mom died, he didn't eat for weeks. Now I'm gone. I doubt he'll ever eat again." I sat there pondering, useing a peice of bacon to stir my eggs around my plate. "I miss him."

Dante said nothing, just cleaned up the other dishes and Tom laughed at me. A deep creepy rumble. "Ok, you can go down into the celler now. Here's a flash light." He handed me a flash light and grabbed me arm, dragging me to a door. "Ha, very funny. No way am I going down there, you better not like that face because you're about to lose it!" I reatched up and scratched Tom right across the face. I didn't care anymore, Tom was really making me mad.

"Ow, you little witch!" He punched me in my stomach and I doubled out, him still gripping my arm. I coughed a few times and I started seeing black crawl into the corners my eyes. "Uhh, what the-" I didn't have time to finnish, the darkness took over along with the dizziness and I just fell. I fell forward.  Slowly, ever so slowly I fell. It seemed to take an eternity. Finally I hit the ground with a thump.

I started to wake up. Just a little, my mind was racing and I knew what had happened. My stomach was hurting so bad. So bad, I was going to be sick. I bolted up and went to wretch, but found I couldn't. I took a sharp intake of breath and curled into a ball. Cradling my stomach like it was a small child in pain, I felt like I'd just been stabbed.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I knew that voice, Dante. I didn't turn my face, just my eyes, they were widening with every breath. I could feel it, they were possibly a mile high and a mile wide. "Take me," I started coughing, "home." It came out like a whisper, just a silly little whisper in the wind.

"Can't, you know the plan. Tom's been put to work out in the south feild. You don't have to worry about him anymore, I won't let him near you." I gagged one more time and rolled off the bed. "I wouldn't-" I cut him off short of whatever he was going to say by crumbling like a tun of bricks. My stomach really hurt. I mean really really hurt. "You were hit pretty hard right after eating all the food. Doesn't do any good on the stomach. Kind of doesn't help that you're under some stress right now."

"Some? Hey, kiss my butt, I'm in the freaking underworld. I'm MISERABLE!"

"I was trying to make it seem like less then it really is. Zeesh, stressed much?"

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!"

Each time that I had screamed it I had inched up to my knee's. Glareing at him, I grabbed the bed, pulling myself up into a kneeling position. "What time is it?" He shrugged and looked at his wrist watch, his purple shirt moving slightly as he also changed his weight onto his left foot. His jeans were torn and dirty. "You've been out all day basically so, I'll give it four hours until sundown. You can go look at the animals if you want. If you try to run, the Farm Hands will catch you and hurt you. They're just like me and Tom, exactly like us. We all grew up together."

Moving a peice of hair out of my face I stood up and slowly made my way towards him. "Take me to the animals," I thought for a second, "Please." He looked shocked for a second and laughed. Turning on his heal, he went down the hall. "Follow."

"Sure what ever, just as long as I get to see these animals." I had a plan to make and I wasn't going to let anyone get in the way. My great escape is what I shall call it. That's right, I'm making up a plan, I'm going to get out. I smirked at the back of Dante's head and leaned against the wall for support. Dad, I'm going to come home.

Kidnapped at 14... Can I Go Home Yet?Where stories live. Discover now