Is it an escape?! -♥

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"Ebony, My lovely little Bunny. Time to wake up my love." I groan as the recent abuse takes hold of my body from the previous night. "Dad?" I didn't even recognize the sound that protruded from my throat. It was raspy and hard to understand. Worst of all it breathed death.

Everything about the sound we call a voice was screaming that I wasn't going to last long. "Da-Da-Dante, pen, paper, I want to write something"

The voice was almost gone, my vision blurred slightly. "After we get some food and fluids in you. You're looking horrible lover, I mean you look like the breathing dead!" He turned around to bring forward a tray of stuff.

Complete with a flower in a vase. His expression was happy and excited and proud. "I did all this by myself!" I suppose I should be nice. "R-Really? This is amazing, surely you couldn't pull this off by yourself!"

He giggled pleasantly. "I swear I did, I promise. I did all this for you and only you. My one true eternal love!" This. Guy. Was. Insane! I look away so that we doesn't see my horrified look. "OH Kay hun, turn over here and get a drink please."

I roll my head over, gasping at the movement as it had caused pain to spiral through my body. He looked concerned and instantly held my face in his hands. "My dearest, are you alright?" I hold back the urge to scream 'Does it look like I'm alright!?!' and simply nod.

"Oh goody!" He put my head on his lap. My bloody, matted up head on his lap. Ew. And brought a straw to my mouth. I couldn't bring in enough air to get the liquid in my desert mouth. Up until now I wasn't thirsty at all.

Right now, this very instant, I feel like I was in the middle of death valley under that hating, burning, screaming sun without water for days. I let out a whimper unintentionally and he caught that. "What's wrong?" He looked concerned.

"Can't get the wa-" My voice gave out and I went into a coughing fit. Blood spewed around me. I guess I was really dried up on the inside. He panicked and poured some water in my mouth as he tilted my head up as high as it would go. Stupid chains, I can't move an inch hardly!

"My love, My love!" He was truly panicking. "Thankyou." I got out. Hoping this suck-up-to-the-beast plan would work. Maybe, just maybe if I crawl on my stomach a little while, he'll set me free and BAM I'm gone. I hope.

"I have a doctor here on the farm, I'll go get him. I'll be right back, I promise." I look at him like I don't want him to go and he returns it with the same look. He bends down and kisses my forehead. "I'll be back soon, I love you." He looked into y eyes. Expecting me to say the same...god I hate my life right now!

"I-I love you more. Hurry back Dante. I'm growing lonely down here." I mentally gag my self and he sighs. "I love you as much as the bird loves to fly. I promise, I'll be back here soon." He blew a kiss and I turned my cheek, pretending I was catching it.

I swear if this doesn't work. I am going to strangle myself with these chains!  He sat my head down lightly and I started to get dizzy. "Dante!" I said in a panicked, shaky voice. He turned away and I could feel my head rock a little.

"I'll be back!" He bolted out the door, leaving it wide open and I didn't even hear the door on the next floor close. I watched as he ran past the window, spinning the entire way. Or was it just me spinning? I don't know anymore.

Not long after that, I see three people run past the window, but one face plants. Dante's face meets the ground. His eyes on me, shock frozen on his face. I see an unfamiliar man crouch down next to him and Micheal drop a plank of wood. Micheal shot for the door and soon I heard him clomping down the steps.

"Ebony, Ebony! Oh my god!" I try to reach up, but I can't find the strength. "Ebony, I'll get help. I promise you I'll get some help." He spots the tray and cup of water. I make a squeaky noise and he rushes over, picking it up and placing it to my mouth. The cold liquid trickling down my throat. I drank it greedily.

I gulped it down, never getting enough. Micheal looked terrified and scared. "Can you walk out of here? I have the doc tying up Dante out there. Come on, we gotta go."

"Hello, I'm tied up...chained up actually! I can't move!" I screamed at him, anger in my voice. "Right, the key would probably help."

"No Dur!"

"Gosh, calm down Ebony!"

"I'm chained up, beaten senseless, and I have a way out. You being slow is NOT helping this situation!"

"Shut up, I'm working on it!"

"Fine!" He stomped out the door and up the steps. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" He comes clomping back down the steps with a key hanging from a neck thing. He runs down to my feet, where the big lock is, and sticks it in. He fiddled with it for a few seconds, then there was a click. I felt the chains go slack.

I sit up, the pain that erupted from my body exploding at once. "Ow!" I gasp, doubling over, the chains sliding off my shoulders. "Come on, now who's being slow?!" I glare at him momentarily. "I'm stiff ok? I've been chained to the ground for I don't even know how long."

Rolling to my feet, Micheal helps me up. I put most of my weight on him. As we were slowly making our way up the oddly big steps, there was a crashing sound. "Come on!" Micheal picked up the pace as I was already stumbling to keep up. We reached the top, sunlight bathed me with it glorious warmth.

I looked around as Micheal stopped to unlock the door. Why had he locked it to begin with? There was an old broken down car off to the left. a wheel lay beside it. Tools were spread everywhere, on stools, counters, the hood of the car and even the floor. Hasn't this guy even ever heard of a tool box?

There was a click and Micheal grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door. As I squint to be able to see against the blinding sun, I see the horses set up to the house. That's up on top of a hill. "Oh you've got to be kidding me!" Micheal laughs slightly. "That's why I was telling you to hurry up!"

"I see that now! Hey, where's dante?" I turn slightly towards the shed window and see no ones there. "He- GRAH!" He lands with a thud and I scream bloody murder. Dante had woken up and gotten out of what ever they had him tied up in.

"Ebony." His voice was low and dark as he showed up in front of me. I start shaking in fear and backing up. My eyes growing huge. "D-Dante, please."

"I thought you loved me." His voice was hurt and sad. My reply was shaking and scared. "I do, just you were taking so long, I missed you." He had me against the wall by now. A hand by my head and the other on my waste.

"You do, is that really the reason?" I nod and gulp, putting a shaking hand on his face. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone walk past. He did too but I stopped him by putting both my hands on his face. "I was so scared Dante. I was worried something had happened to you."

He nuzzled into my hands. "I knew you loved me all along. You just didn't remember." I nod, "I'm so sorry you had to wait so long." I want to kill this guy so bad. I can't stand him, what's his deal?! He bent forward to kiss me, but I put my head back a little. He studied my face and came forward again, his lower lip just a little swelled. He must have been putting Ice on it.

I hate it, but I accept the kiss.He pulls me closer. I swear I'm going to die. I'm never going to get the taste of him out of my mouth, never! I open one eye and see Micheal getting up slowly. soon he sprints across the yard and up the hill.

I pull Dante into a deeper kiss, as not to let him notice the sound of Micheal running. He squises me against him and I gasp in pain. He doesn't seem to notice because he leads me back into the shed. He leans me against the car, all the while I'm grabbing for the closest tool. It's heavy and I glance out of the corner of my eye to a big wrench. Like godzilla of godzilla's of wrenches.

I use all my strength to pick it up, a small grunt excaped and he went back, noticing my strained movement. "Sorry man, but I still hate you. Go die!" I brought the wrench down and it connected with his shoulder. He fell to his knees and then finally to his side.

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