All a dream.

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 "Ebony, Ebony love, please come inside. It's raining and you'll catch a cold!" Grandmother was calling me out of the pouring rain. I don't want to leave the rain. I want to stay in it! So I just sat there on my swing and swung in the rain. Up...Down...Up...Down...Up...Down...Thunk!

Slipping off the swing I headed straight for the ground, face first. As I wailed, awaiting the sure enough pain to come along, I heard an Oewf. When I opened my eyes, Dante was laying there under me. My best friend in the world. My sercret crush. My soul keeper.

My dead butler.

"Oh no, Dante, Dante, hey. Hey Dante wake up!" I lightly pat his face and his eyes fluttered open. That dark green drowning me in it's embrace. "Ebony dear, be more careful, lets go inside and get cleaned up. I'll even bring some hot chocolate to your room." Dante was ten years old, I was sadly only seven. Grandmother says that we'll one day get married.

I don't really think it'll happen though. He so much older then me and I don't know.I'm too young for this! He took my hand and led me into the old house, grandmother waving as we passed by. "It's time for your name, my little bunny." I smiled as he opened my bedroom door, bowing as I passed.

"Alright Dante, I'll take my nap now so that maybe I can go back out into the rain later." I fell back on the bed and he nodded, closing the door behind him as he left. I hop back up, skid over to my closet and pull out a shoe box. Inside I kept a small locket, within this locket held a picture of me and Dante from last month. I just wanted to see it again.

I popped it open and- It wasn't my face. It was some little girl with Dante. This wasn't my life. This was someone elses. I need to get out of here! Attempting to bolt up, I find myself being held down by something cold.

I yelped loudly and a gasp sounded next to me. "Oh don't do that Ebony, you might hurt yourself." Dante's soft voice sounded worried. "What did you do to me." I snarl, low and dark. "I brought back your memmory for you."

"It's not mine. It's not me. Let me go, please, I really want to go home, Dante, if you really care, will you set me free?" He seemed thoughtful for a minute, his deep green eyes shimmering. "Nope. You don't remember yet." He stood up off the concrete ground and walked out the big steel door.

I looked at that door in sheer fear, a scream boiling up within my soul. Gulp. I took it down and looked around the spinning room. It was small, and filled with mildew. It creeped up the walls, along with some ivy. There was a small window in the concrete wall. Outside was a birds nest, there was a a bunch of furry fluff balls looking at me.

"Please.." They turned around. The mother perching on the edge, dangling a worm. Trying to sit up again, unable to. Yet again. I roll my head to the side and theres chains all over me, staked to the ground. "Oh what the hull?!" My voice rung out in the concrete room.

Tears streamed from my face and I sobbed. I sobbed my heart out for what felt like hours. "Are you finnished?" Dante's voice broke into my head. When had he come in? "Please, I want to go home!" I screatched. "Ebony, you are home! Why don't you understand this? Why do you hate me!"

"I am not home, I will never understand your messed up mind, and I hate you BECAUSE you took me from my HOME! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I hate it that you're insain, I hate it that I'm not in school right now! I want you dead! Go die in a ditch!" My voice was steadily rising and growing stronger.

"Ebony!" He sounded like he was crying and I could feel the tears comming back too my golden eyes. "Just let me go and, and I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you." He was starting to cry and his green eyes looked dull. What was wrong with this wack job! "No, I can't. I need you to remember, I need you to love me again."

He walked over to me, chained to the ground."Please, why can't you remember?" He sat down beside with a soft thud, rocks crunching. "I love you." His voice wassoft and I wanted to through up. I closed my eyes tight so I didn't and something touched my lips.

It was soft and warm, they moved slightly and I jolted my eyes open. He was kissing me! I went t scream but he took that as a sign that I was kissing him back. He intensified the mouth molest further. Soon I came out of my shock and bit his lip as hard as I could. He shock back.

Hand coverd with his own blood as he held it to his mouth. "Wench!" His other hand came down over my face, causing me to grunt in pain. Again and again the beating went on, kicking and hitting. My body ached by the time he was finnished. Laying lifelessly on the ground, my eyes settling on the birds.

"Don't reject me. Hey, your eyes are glazed over, make me want a Dough nut. Well, next time don't reject me." With that I heard him turn and the steel door slam shut. I felt the erge to be sick and turned as much as I could on my side.

After that, there was a light tapping on the window. My eyes found it yet againa and there sat Micheal. Fear obviously placed on his face. He breathed on the window and over it came a fog. "Are you ok?" He wrote. I shook my head no.

He erased it and breathed over it again. "I can't get in the shed, I'm sorry."

'It's ok.' I mouthed. He did the same thing again. "I can't get to a phone or I'd call for help." I felt a tear fall down my dirty cheek. He started to cry too. "Ebony, I understand that you're under great stress right now. I accept your appoligy." Micheal shot off and I fell onto my back.

Dante opened the door and stood still when he saw the scene. "Ebony love, you got sick! Hold on and I'll go get a mop for you." He sprinted off and came back seconds later with two buckets of water balanced on the mop across his shoulders.

He dumped one next to me, soaking my side, and went to mopping. "You can be a real jo you know?" I roll my eyes, still not able to find my voice. "No really, they say loves hard, and they weren't kiddig. You take it to the next level."

He laughed and finnished cleaning everything up. "Douch bag." I gurgled. The hand came down again and colided with my face. "I hate yo-" Again. "Die!" again. "Now stop before I savearly hurt you!" I just looked at him. "That's better. Oh the sun's going down, I'll bring you breakfast tomarrow if you're good."

I ignored him and turned to look in the other direction. "Good night, love."

I bit my tongue in an attempt to hold back the words I was going to snap at him. The door slammed shut once again and I went to sleep. Nightmares filled my mind.



Tap, Tap Tap, Taptaptap! My eyes flutterd open and I used all the strength left in my body to turn to the window. Micheal sat there, a little less fear then yesturday, but still fear. He had a marker this time and wrote on the window. "If i can get you out of here, I have Leon and my mare ready. We could make a break for it."

"Help...Me..." I croaked, he erased his words and put up new ones. "I'm trying, but I need you to stay with me for a while. He's locked me out of everything besides the barn."


"Don't worry, I'll have you out soon."

"Dad..." Black out...

Next chapter or two is the final ones!!! ♥ love yall ;D

Kidnapped at 14... Can I Go Home Yet?Where stories live. Discover now