You Are The Only Exception:Ch 24 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 24


I opened my eyes slowly, but immediately shut them tightly when the sun light hit my eyes. I pulled the covers over my head, and suddenly felt movement. I pulled the cover down a little so my eyes were uncovered, and there he was, with his hands folded behind his head. He staring at the ceiling, as if he was thinking deeply about something.

I began to recall what happened last night, and couldn't help but smile. "Good morning." I whispered.

He looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and sighed. His gazed went back to the ceiling. I saw guilt, and sadness cross over his eyes. I grabbed a fist full of the covers, sat up wincing a little, and pulled the covers tightly around me. He must regret it, that's probably it. I finally noticed something was ripped at the foot of the bed. It looks like a pillow cover, ripped into tiny pieces.

I finally began to notice that my vision was getting blurry, and began to get up. "I'm sorry." I said over my shoulder.

As I was about to place my feet on the floor, he grabbed my arm. "Your sorry?" his voice was tight.

"Yes, " I whispered, and turned to look at him. "I can see you-"

"You think I regret this." he gestured to the bed, and then to us with his hand. "Well, I don't." he whispered, and took my hand. "You don't see it, do you?" he asked softly.

See what? "What? See what?"

He pulled the covers down, until it reached my hips then he stopped. I felt his finger begin to trace something, and I looked down to see marks -- or rather bruises. I looked out of the corner of my eye to see his head was hung low, and the sadness returned.

I looked back down at my hips to see on both side there were bruises. Each of his fingers. They stopped just below my rib cage, and were as low as my upper thighs.

I began laughing, and covered myself with the covers once again. His head snapped up, and he was staring at me like I was crazy. "I'm sorry, " I started, and stared down at the side of my body that wasn't covered. "it's just..." but I couldn't say it, and I just smiled at him. "Who are you? Edward Cullen?"

He didn't laugh, not even a chuckle, or a smile. "That's not funny." he stared down at my exposed bruises on my left side, and began to traces them lightly again.

I swatted his hand away, and he looked up at me. "I'm fine. I really am. So please, smile." when he didn't smile, I tried again. "Please, your really making-" I felt my eyes water again, and I blinked them away quickly. He really was killing this happy moment for me.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry, come here." he opened his arms wide.

I ignored him. "What did you do to... that?" I asked, and pointed to the ripped mess, and smiled.

He chuckled. "I ripped it." he said, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Like I said... Who are you? Edward Cullen?" I said, and smiled at him.

"At least there's no feathers." he laughed through his nose, and he began stroking my hair.

That make me laugh, and I leaned forward, as he continued to stroke my hair. "What are we doing today?" I asked, as I closed my eyes.

"Whatever you want to do." he whispered in my ear, and started places butterfly kisses on my bare shoulder.

"Stop." I giggled, as I fell back on the bed, and my head hitting the cushion-y pillow.

Everett hovered over me, and smiled. "Where?" he asked again.

I bit my lips, and he looked down, slowly tracing them with one finger. "The aquarium?" I asked.

"Alright, well..." he rolled off the bed, careful not to put to much of his weight on me. "we better go shower then." he smirked.

"We?" I asked confused, and before I knew what was going on. He scooped me up taking the bed covers with us, and carried me to the bathroom.

"We." he laughed.

He set me down on the tiled floor, and was about to take away the covers, when my brain caught up with what was happening. "No!" I yelled, and sank to the floor, which was a bad idea cause I was face to face with his crotch. It was a good thing he was wearing boxers.

"Hmm, we'll do that tonight." My cheeks burned, and I buried my face in the covers. He began to laughed. "Aw, Michelle, I'm sorry. See I'm leaving." I looked up to see him in the doorway.

I forced on a smile, and jumped in the shower when he left. I used the shampoo, and soap that the hotel left, and wrapped a towel around myself tightly. I picked up the covers from the bathroom, and opened the door.

I placed the covers on the floor next to the bed. I looked up to see Everett leaning against the rail staring out at the ocean. I walked out into the balcony, and stood next to him. "What are you thinking about?" I guess I startled him cause he jumped.

He smiled down at me. "Nothing babe." and he kissed my forehead. "Your making this hard for me you know." he chuckled.

"What's hard?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Keeping my hands off of you." he smirked, and grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.

I kissed him quickly, and pulled away from his grasp. "I need to get dress, and you need to shower." I smiled, and walked away.

"Fine, " he said, from behind me. " but Michelle," I felt his breath on my ear, and one of his hand went to grab my butt. " you look so irresistible right now."

"No, I'm not falling for that." I said, and pulled my towel tighter again my body.

He laughed, and kissed my cheek. "Sure you aren't."

As soon as he closed the bathroom door, I pulled out my suit case, and put on the first pair of underwear, and bra I saw. I pulled out another pair of jean shorts, and winced when I pulled them up and they brushed again my bruises. I felt sore in my lower body, and groaned. I pulled out a sea green color V-neck shirt, and put it on. I brushed my hair back, and put it in a ponytail.

I sat on the bed, and turned on the TV, and started flipping through the channels. I laid back on the bed, and soon my eyes grew heavy, and they closed.

I felt lips on mine, and I smiled. "Ready beautiful?" I opened my eyes to see Everett smiling down at me. I grabbed his cheeks, and caressed them with my palms. I pulled his face towards and kissed him. He forced his tongue in my mouth but I didn't protest. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he lifted me up with ease. His hands when to the back of my thighs, and I tried not to wince from the pain, and he wrapped them behind his back.

I pulled away to breathe, but his lips went back to mine. "Everett." I murmured against his lips.

"What?" he asked as he went to kiss my neck, like he forgot all about the aquarium.

"Aquarium." I sighed when I felt his lips sucking the skin. I almost forgot that he was holding me up, as my legs loosened around his back.

He chuckled, then smiled as he pulled away from my neck. "You'll keep me innocent." he said while rubbing his nose against mine, and gently placed me on the ground. He stared at me for a few seconds, and then opened his mouth. "Did you know your shirt almost matches his eyes." and a smirk played at his lips.

I shrugged. "Nope." and smiled at him.

"Well it does." and he grabbed my hand. "Let's go."


As we parked the car, and made our way to the front of the aquarium I found myself gaping at the entrance.

"Look!" I said still gaping, and grabbed Everett's hand. "That's amazing!"

"It is." he squeezed my hands, and smiled down at me.

He pull us through the waterfall entrance, as he was laughing, and we stood in line. I pulled out my military ID card, and handed it to Everett. He looked confused at first until he saw the sign that said I could get a discount.

Someone was trying to squeeze past me without saying 'excuse me' and I sighed in frustration, and just moved out of the way. Everett pulled me in front of him from my waist, and I flinched in pain.

"Shit." I heard him say under his breath.

"I'm fine." I looked at him over my shoulder, and smiled. "Really." and I grabbed his hand. He put on a fake smile, and nodded.

He paid for our tickets, and of course I thanked him a few times. He intertwined our fingers, and I practically dragged him into the dark entrance where the exhibits started. I looked down at the map we were given and there was so much to see.

The Eagle Pass, Floating Phantoms that had a variety jellyfish, and sea nettle. The Flower Gardens that was replicating a coral reed. Living shores, Stingray Flats, and so much.

I grinned, and felt Everett staring down at me. I looked up to see amusement in his eyes. The first room we came in was a touch pool full of hermit crabs, pencil urchins, and lightning whelks. I stared into one of the many pool in awe. I saw children, parent, and teens putting their hands in the water and carefully scooping out the creatures.

I felt Everett standing close behind me, and he was looking over my shoulders. One of his hands rested on my waist, and with the other Everett grabbed my hand, and covered the back of my hand with his. He dipped our hands in the cold water, and we scooped up a urchin.

"Oh wow." I gasped, as we pulled it out of the pool and examined it closer. I turned my head to look at Everett, to see him smiling. I kissed his cheek, and smiled back when he looked at me. We placed the urchin back in the pool, and walked over to where there was paper towels, and hand sanitizer.

After we finished cleaning up we continued throughout the whole thing smiling, laughing, and holding hands. This day was amazing, and hopefully it would get much better.


"What do you want?" he asked while looking at the menu at the food court, and then at the cashier, and they went back to the menu quickly.

"Nothing." I whispered, and looked away from the menu. I felt someones stare on us, and turned my head slightly to see the cashier was looking at us -- or rather Everett. I swallowed the lump that was in my throat, and the feeling that came with it. She looked about his age. She was perfect for him. Unlike me.

I turned away, and headed for a vacant table and sat down. I looked up to see the girl was smiling at Everett. "What would you like?" she asked sweetly. Everett looked down at her then back up at the menu, and flashed her one of his beautiful smile.

I couldn't take this anymore. It's as if he forgot about me, and the girl didn't even notice me once. I walked out of the food court, and outside to where there was a dolphin show was happening. I heard splashing, and command whistles.

I started walking and finally decided I would finish looking at the outdoor exhibits by myself. I made my way down to the Eagle Pass, and was about to look at the bald eagle perched on a branch when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I shifted my purse to my other shoulder, I fished my phone out of my pocket, and read the caller. 'Everett' I sighed, and slide the decline button across the screen of my phone.

I gazed back up at the lonely bald eagle named Grace. I felt like her right now. Lonely. I felt a tear slide down my right cheek, and I quickly wiped it away.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying." and that when I noticed someone was standing next to me.

I turned my head at the same time at the same time the boy, who was about my age, did. He had the most dazzling smile plastered on his face. His hair was dark brown, and shoulder length, and his eyes... oh god his eyes were the most vivid green.

"I'm not crying." I blurted out, and laughed sheepishly.

"Oh right, " he said while nodding his head. " just allergies, or dust right? Or is it too much salty breeze?"

I smiled, and nodded. "Yeah, all the above."

He stuck out his hand. "I'm Miles."

My smile grew. "Michelle." and I shook his hand.

"So, what really happened Michelle?" he asked as he tilted his head, and pursed his lips.

I shrugged. "I think I'm being childish actually."

"Well if your here with your boyfriend and found him checking someone out or vice-versa, it's normal to feel ... jealous."

"Is it normal to run away?" I asked ask we walked over to the next exhibit that had a vulture.

"Actually, I think you did the best thing. Usually girls yell and throw fits, and stomp their feet like in the movies." he shrugged. I smiled again.

"Miles!" An elder woman yelled.

"Well, I got to go, it was nice ... talking to you Michelle." he smirked, and turned to walk but stopped. "You should go find him, I heard your phone vibrate like four times."

I laughed. "Nice meeting you too, and I think I will." and I waved goodbye to him, and I moved back toward the bald eagle exhibit, and then finally started walking towards a fence that stared out into the ocean. You could see ships, and ferries taking off, and the USS Lexington. The salt breeze on my face felt amazing, and I smiled. The wind blew stray strand of my hair out of my face.

"Michelle!" I heard someone yell, I turned again trying to find the person. "Michelle!" I heard again.

I turned to see Everett was turning around in circles looking around frantically, running one of his hands through his hair. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, and glanced at it. I knew him well enough to know that he was probably cursing, and I bit my lip to stop from smiling.

"Shit." Is what I figured he would be saying over and over agian. He shoved his phone back in his pocket, and began running in the direction I was. He looked over his shoulder a few time, and finally his eyes landed on me. "Michelle!" he yelled.

He ran towards her as fast as he could, and as soon as he was close enough I opened my arms wide wrapped them around his neck. I stumbled back a little, but I didn't need to keep my balance because Everett lifted me off the ground.

"Everett." I murmured in his ear.

"God Michelle, " he whispered in the crook of her neck. " please don't do that again." he whispered. "Why did you do that?" he asked softly while still holding me off the ground.

I sighed, I was going to be honest. "I-I just didn't like the way she was looking at you. Or you at her." I whispered, and rubbed my cheek against his.


"The cashier." I sighed, and buried my face in his neck, feeling embarrassed.

"Michelle, " he started and he qiuetly sighed. " I want you. Only you. You have to believe me." he whispered, and he squeezed me tighter.

I did. I think.

"Everett, " I said loud enough so only he could hear. " you should find someone more suited to you. Someone your age, and that you could be seen with. Okay?" I felt my throat dry up, and my voice grew softer and softer.

"No." he whispered.

"No?" I pulled my face back a little, but it didn't help since his face was still buried in my neck.

I suddenly felt something wet go through my shirt at my shoulders, and onto my skin. I pulled back to look at his face, but he still had it buried in my neck. He placed me on the ground, and I saw them.


His eyes were filled with sadness, and a longing for me to believe him. The tears spilled down his cheeks.

I lifted one of my hands hesitantly, but pulled it back towards my chest. I wanted so badly to wipe them away. He stared at me, with tears still on his face.

I stretched my arm out again, and wiped his tears with my thumb. Once they were gone I pulled my hand against my chest, and closed my eyes.

"I love you." He whispered, and I felt his hot breath on my lips. He gently kissed me. And I kissed back. It was a kiss of longing, as if the short time we were apart felt like a days.

I pulled away and smiled at him, my vision blurred a little. I put my hands on his chest, and his were on my cheeks massaging and caressing them.

"Make me believe." I whispered against his ear, as he lifted me up once again.

"Make you believe what?"

"Make me believe that I'm your only exception."

"I will. Soon. Just you wait. I promise I will." he whispered in my neck, and I could feel him smiling.


A/N: Ha!..... on time.... I think. Well I hope you guys like this... I kinda
actually teared up like 3/4 the way through it. :D

Anyways... I'm currently working on chapter 26! :) (I'm being an over achiever!)

Also, I have a new story out, and I hope that everyone of you will give
it a chance! Pretty please!!! :)

Please! :D

And also,



If I get lots of comments, and votes, I promise I'll upload sooner! ;)
Like I just did!!!

Hugs to each and every one of you that still read this! :)

and to the ones that are giving my new story a chance!

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