You Are The Only Exception:Ch 29 {Part 1}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 29


I rested my head on one of the desk that was in the library. All my research sources were scattered all over the table I occupied, along with a couple of books. I had three internet sources, and only one book source. The week had already gone by, and that was all I had.

"Alright guys, as I told you yesterday, I'm staying after school until seven for those of you that have no computers, or need any help, or didn't get enough resources, or anything else." Everett stated. "Another remainder is that all of you are required to have at least one book sources, two encyclopedia sources, and only three internet sources. Of course, you can have more, but I want you to at least have those. If you have that many already, tell me if you haven't already so I can make you off. Also I need to see folders, and I'll check that off as well."

I groaned, and rubbed my temples with the palms of my hands. I looked up to see Everett checking people off, and making sure they had enough sources, and they was actually a line forming. He looked up at me, and furrowed his brow. He looked back down at his clip board, and flipped over a couple of pages. He looked back up at me, and started shaking his head. "Miss Martinez, I have nothing checked off for you."

"I know that." I growled under my breath.

The bell overhead rang, and everyone started leaving the library, either to their lockers, or actually leaving. This end of the year final paper was insane. I'm actually glad that my english teacher wasn't giving us a research paper, only a small essay attached grammar, and whatever else she decided to put in their.

"Angel, what happening to you?" I heard someone whisper from behind me.

I spun around in my chair. "This research paper is insane!" I whispered to him harshly.

He chuckled. "Show me what you have done."

I turned back around, and gestured to the table where I had sorted out some of my papers, and my personal pile of books. "That's it, but I do have my folder." I picked it up, and opened it for him.

"Does it have brads?" he asked, as he was looking through my piles of papers.

"Brads?" I opened the folder, and groaned again. "Shit." I placed the folder back on the table, and threw my arms in the arm. "I give up."

I heard Everett laugh through his nose. "Look, someone gave me a folder. They bought it extra, and gave it to me. So, here." He placed the orange folder in front of me.

I looked up at his face, which was above my shoulder. "If I could kiss you right now, I would."

He smiled down at me. "I have to go to my room. Come with me."

I smiled back, and shook my head. "I'm swamped."

"It'll still be here when you get back." He whispered.

I bit my lips, and again shook my head. "I can't."

He put his clip board on the table, and stood beside me. He flipped a couple of pages, and found my name. "Folder, is now a check." I nodded, and stood up. "I'll help you if you'd like?"

"No! That's cheating!" I gasped.

"I meant finding your book sources, not actually helping you."

"Oh, okay." I nodded, now understanding.

"I'll be back in a bit." and with that, he left.

"The Physic of Tsunamis, Everett said." I grumbled. "It's easy, he says." I sat down on the floor in front of the encyclopedias.

"Hey Michelle, your here already?" I looked up to see Mikayla smiling down at me. She had he gym bag, and a couple of books with here also.

"Uh, yeah. I'm kinda behind already." I grinned sheepishly.

"Oh no, that sucks. You have to get after that ass." I laughed, as did she. "My laptops actually broken, so I just need one more internet sources, and then it's time for the note cards. Was it fifty note card?"

"Uh, I don't know. I think so." I groaned inwardly. 'I hate physics,... or at least the assignment.'

"Damn. Too bad we can't work in partner."

"Right?" I agreed.

"Yo, girls." Rikki greeted, and placed his stuff next to mine.

"Hey." Mikayla, and me said.

"Is it just me, or does this research paper suck ass?"

"Mr. Davis, language." I looked up to see Rikki rubbing the back of his next.

"Sorry Mr. Thompson. Didn't know you were in here." Mikayla, and me tried to bite back our laughs, but we failed completely.

"It's after school hours?" I stated.

"Doesn't matter Michelle." I was taken aback. He never used my first name, and he smiled my way.

"Damn, now that was hot." I heard Mikayla whisper to me.

"Uh, yeah." I let my hair curtain my face, so she or anyone couldn't see my blush that was rising.

"If you guys could please sign into the library log, so I can have an idea of who's here for my class." I grabbed the 'T' encyclopedia from three different series, and carried them to the library counter. Mikayla, Rikki, and a couple of other students were in from of me, and these books weren't light. I shifted them in my arms a couple of times, and I started noticing the last book, that was against my arm, was digging into my forearm. I noticed Everett was staring at me from where he was leaning at against a bookshelf.

He started heading my way, and I felt my hands begin to get clammy. I finally noticed people were cutting in line to sign in. No wonder the freaking line was moving. "Fucking people. I hate it when they do that." Even though Mikayla was about two people away from me, I still heard here. I inwardly agreed.

"Here." The books were now out of my hands.

"Thanks." I murmured, and I examined my arms to see some skin had peels. The corner of the last book had dug in real good, and gave me two scratches on both of my arms. I rubbed one of my arms, and pulled my arms down to rest at my side again, when I saw Everett approaching again.

"Did you get any scrapes, or scratches?" He looked down to see my arms behind my back, and then looked back up at my face.

"Uh, nope, I'm good. Thanks again." I smiled, and was finally able to sign in.

As I rested my right arm on the corner to sign in my name, I cursed myself inwardly. He saw them. I looked down at my arm to see a small bead of blood on each cut. Oh god. I noticed my hands started shaking. I put the pen down. "Come with me." I didn't move, and noticed everyone was to busy to notice us. They were either on the computers, scanning books, or copying pages. "Now, Michelle." he whispered.

I finally nodded. We ended up in the nurses office. "The library didn't have band-aids?"

"Yes." He nodded, and shuffled through a drawer.

"Then why didn't you get one from there?"

"No alone time." He turned around, with a box of band-aids in his hands. He smirked, and reached for my arm. He pulled out some sort of wipe, and began cleaning up my cuts.

I winced, and pulled my arm away from him. "That burns!"

"It's suppose to. It's an alcohol wipe. Now, arm."

"No!" I shook my head vigorously.

"Michelle." he sighed.

"It hurts."

"I know, angel. Please, I have to clean them." His face looked pained.

I hesitantly gave him my arm again. "Hurry."

"Of course." With each wipe he blow on the cut. It didn't help much, but hell, at least it was something. "Done." He grinned, and through away the wipe.

"I can do the band-aids..."

"So can I." he put each one on, and smiled up at me when he finished. I now had two band-aid on each of my arms.

He grabbed both of my hands, and kiss the inside of my wrist. "Thank you. It wasn't nessasary though."

"You might have gotten an infection if I didn't."

"Whatever." I grinned at him. "But thanks, again."

"Stop thanking me, were a couple, and that's what couple do, and yes, we better be getting back." He quickly kissed my lips, and pulled away before I could respond.

I sighed. "Back to hell we go."

He laughed. "Call it what you want." he lifted me off the counter, and back onto the floor. I giggled at the short air born lift. He laughed, another heartwarming laugh. "Your too cute." He rubbed his nose again mine, and swiftly kissed me again. He opened the door for me, and I quickly walked out into the hall.
"Mel!" I looked up to see a grinning Riley.

"Hey!" He ran up to me, and hugged me tightly.

"I missed you, and you too queer." I laughed at his last comment, which was meant for Everett.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't break her. And missed you too fag."

"Hey." I glared at Everett, and received a wink. I rolled my eyes, and turned my attention back to Riley. "So, where have you been?"

"Corpus." he chuckled. "I got lost. Anyway, I was wondering if I could steal Michelle." He looked up at Everett.

"No, she has work to do." he replied bluntly.

"Aw, come on man. Please?"


Riley huffed, and sighed. "Fine, I'll just come back later."

I tilted my head to the side. "What do you need me for?"

"Laundry help." he grinned sheepishly.

"Dude seriously? Quit lying." I heard Everett say from behind me.

"Okay, okay. I just want to hangout with her, geez."

"Can I go? Please?" I grabbed Everett's arm.

I saw him shut his eyes tightly, and he groaned. "It's going to be points off if you don't finished your sources today. You know that right?" He looked down at me, as if that was going to stop me from leaving.

"I know." I sighed.

Everett groaned in frustration, and ran a hand through his hair. "Angel, please? Just go do them real quick. All you have to do is the encyclopedia's."

"Fine, but can you help me?"

"I sure can." he smiled down at me, and smirked at Riley.

"Whatever, but you do realize you can't win the all." he pursed his lips at Everett. "I'll be waiting here I guess."

"Okay." I smiled at him, and grabbed Everett's hand. One of his arms wrapped around my waist, and he leaned me back. I felt like I was in one of those old romance movie. I smiled up at him.

We heard a knock at the door, and his arms went limp, causing me to fall to the ground. A sharp pain was sent through my body. I looked up to see the new gym teacher coming through the door.
I didn't know her first name, but I knew everyone called her Coach Jane. She was around Everett's age, maybe a few years older. She was sweet, shy, and definitely innocent as can be. She started here the day we got back from spring break.

"Hey Michelle." she waved down at me, and all I could do was crossed my legs, give her a smile, and wave back. "Hey Everett, the head coach wanted to give this to you, but he left early. So, here." she handed him some paper, and Everett took them, and smiled.

"Thanks." he nodded.

"No problem. Uh-" she bit her lower lip, and started again. "I was wondering if you would have dinner with me?"

Everett's eyes instantly went to me, who was still on the floor. I saw panic in his eyes. She's a bold one isn't she.

"Uh, I'm actually here til seven." Everett mumbled.

"Oh okay great, I'll see you then." She threw everyone, one last smile, and she bounded out the door.

"No where in your sentence Everett, did I hear you accept. Just sayin'."

"Uh yeah, but I might actually have to go." he spoke quietly, but I could here him. He looked down at me, and had a guilty look on his face.

I shook my head. "It's fine, just go. Don't mind me." I stood up, and dusted my bottom.

"Michelle, I have to. I don't want people getting suspicious, okay?"

"Nah man, they'll just think you gay."

"Yeah." I smiled answering Everett question. I really did understand, but still... It still hurts.

 "Way to go dude." Riley patted his back. "You never fail at making her cry."

It was then I realized a couple of tears ran down my cheeks. I laughed, and wiped them off. "Riley can we go now?"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"What about your sources?" Everett questioned.

"I-I don't want to do them, so just take the points off." I tried to play off my stutter, by laughing.

Riley looked from Everett to me, then back again. I started for the door, but Everett blocked my way. "You have to trust me." he whispered. "I love you so much, Michelle. I only have eyes for you, okay?"

I looked up at him, and he soon gave me a soft, loving kiss. "Okay." I whispered. More trust in him.

"Now go." He lightly slapped my ass. "I'll check out those encyclopedia's for you, and your doing them at my house this weekend. Remember next week is fifty note cards."

I nodded vigorously, and grinned. "Okay! I acutally need to go back to the library, I'll met you in the parking lot Riley."

He nodded, and grinned.

We soon made it back to the library, and after having a mental fight with myself. I decided to finish my sources. "Is this good?"

Everett looked over my shoulder, and down at the book. "How many pages is it?"

I flipped a couple of pages. "Four-ish."

"Alright, that should be good, and I found this one." he handed me another book. "Go copy those, and then you should be good to go for next week."

I nodded, and went to the copier. I began copying, and stopped when I saw Coach Jane talking to Everett. He nodded about something, and smiled. I shook my head, and murmured to myself. "Trust him."

"So." I looked to the side to see Everett leaning against the counter. "She cancelled on me. She just wanted to make her ex jealous, and yeah." he grinned down at me.

"Aw, so she might think you are gay."

"Hey." he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Mr. Thompson, I need your help." he heading in the direction of the student calling him, and I barely finished copying.

I put the encyclopedias back, and gather my stuff together. I walked up to Everett. "Uh, Mr. Thompson."

"Yes?" he looked up from his phone, and to me.

"I'm done." I smiled, and he took the papers from me.

He fingered through them, and handed them back. "Good job."

He started flipping through his clip board. "I'm leaving now." I whispered.

"I know. Text me if something happens." I nodded, and turned to leave, and was out the door, but I still heard him announce something. I couldn't quite hear what he said, and kept on walking.

"Ready?" I saw Riley leaning on his car.

"Yep." and he wasn't lying about laundry. I saw two full baskets, in the back seat of his car.

"Ah, someone wants a goodbye kiss from me."

I climbed into the car ignoring him, and Riley rolled down my window. "May I help you sir?"

I looked up to see Everett eyeing him. "Keep her safe." he warned, and turned back to me. "I'll call you later."

"Okay." I smiled.

"I love you." he whispered, and leaned through the window to kiss me.

"Love you too." I murmured against his lips. It was a good thing the parking lot was almost empty, except for the students cars, and they were in the library anyway.

"Aw, I want one." Riley puckered his lips. He pulled away, and punched Riley's shoulder. "Ow, I didn't know you were the kind of girl to have it rough, Michelle."

I gaped at him, and Everett chuckled. He then kissed my forehead. "Be safe."

"She a peacock boss, you gotta let her fly!" Riley blurted out.

I busted out laughing, and Everett chuckled.

"Alright, we'll see you later Ever-tits." I started laughing again. Riley was going to be fun today.

"So, you got jokes today, huh? Just wait until later."

"Sure man." Riley shifted to drive.

"Bye." Everett backed away, and began jogging back to the school.


"Are we really going to the laundry mat?" I asked after awhile.

"Yep, if you don't mind?"

"No." I chuckled.

"And it's Coin Laundry." he pursed his lips.

"Oh okay, sorry." I laughed.

"Also, I really do need help. I don't want to do a Peter Parker, where he puts his white boxer in with his spidey suit."

I grinned. "Who usually does your laundry?"

"My mom." he grinned at me.

"Cool." I tried hard to hide my smile.

"Think it's funny?"

"Not at all." Keeping in a laugh really does hurt.

"Oh, you might just get to met tickle monster." he held up his free hand.

I laughed. "Hold old are you."

"Twenty." he stated proudly with a grin on his face.

"Don't you dare." I warned, as I saw his hand coming closer to my waist.

"I do dare!" he yelled, and started tickling my side.

"No!" I gasped, and laughed. "Stop! Please!" The more words I let out, the harder it was too breathe, and the funnier it became. I had tears falling out of my eyes, and I was squirming like I had ant's in my short. I flailed my arms, trying to grasp his arm, but couldn't manage.

He suddenly stopped. "Were here." he sang.

I sighed, even though I was still laughing. I took in deep breaths, it's sounded like I was hyperventilating, and that I need a paper bag. I looked out the window to see Riley giving someone a hug, and I soon noticed it was Miles. Riley jammed his thumb over his shoulder, gesturing to his car, and Miles soon saw me, and grinned.

I smiled back. I hopped out of the car. "It amazes me that both you boys have nice looking cars, but you can't afford a washer, or dryer."

The looked at each other, and then back at me. "Our car payment's are insane." Miles stated.

I grinned, and started shaking my head. Boys, and their cars. I grabbed my tote, and head inside. I sat down on a bench, and watched Miles, and Riley haul their laundry inside. And it was a good thing the place was empty. They looked like a choo choo train, coming in with something, and back out to their car, and this repeated until they finally grabbed their detergents, and cling frees. I suddenly heard the sound out quarters coming from their jean pockets.

"Michelle!" I heard Riley yell from behind a washing machine. "I need your help!" he whined.

I saw Miles walking towards me to grab one of the carts behind me. "Whiner." he whispered, and gestured towards Riley.

I laughed, and I noticed Miles staring at me. "What?"

He blushed slightly. "I didn't know you could where shorts like that to school."

I tousled my hair. "Oh! I can't. Riley took me home to change." I smiled.

He nodded. "Oh, well cool." and smiled back at me. "I'm not a perv or anything, I was just wondering."

I let out a laugh. "Understandable."

He sighed with relief. "Good. I mean I was checking you out... shit. I meant that I was just..." he cheeks were getting redder by the second. So that's how I look, or something like that.

"It's fine." I grinned at him.

"I mean your hot, wait no, your not! I mean you are, your seriously hot!" he quickly let out.

"Miles it fine." My grin widened. I touched his arm, and he looked up from the tiled floor, to my face.

"Shit." he whispered, as if just realizing something.

I titled my head to the side. "What?"

He opened his mouth to say something, but Riley cut him off. "Michelle!" Riley whined agian.

"She's coming baby!" Miles threw back at him. Miles looked back at me, and smiled, and with that he tugged his cart back to where his laundry was.

I chuckled, and tugged one of the carts in Riley's direction. This was going to be an interesting evening.






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