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Language: Korean

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Language: Korean

The main straight couple in the series was frustrating, unnecessarily complicated, and overall had no chemistry. Every relationship other than the main one was fun to watch, especially Sol-Jiwan. Despite having only a few minutes of screen time in each episode they CARRIED the show.

I loved watching them together from the yearning, the chemistry, the height difference, and most of all they were much less complex than the main couple and COMMUNICATED about their feelings. 

I did hate the fact that the show was going with the whole 'Boys and Girls can never be friends stichk' which I find very heteronormative and annoying. But at least we got a classic confession scene between our lesbians where I was practically squealing the whole time.

Eventually, our sapphics got a happy ending after the epic confession and stayed together till the finale where they were shown wearing rings!!! So did I have to watch a whole season of straight people making bad decisions to watch some lesbians in the background being cute together? YES. But were they worth it? Also YES.

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