Part 8

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I wake in a small concrete room. There's a single window high off the ground. Not only is it to high to reach but it's much to small to fit through with my pregnant belly.

I lie on the bed and look around the room while my body and mind slowly come back to me.

The room contains the bed I'm on, a toilet and a sink in one corner and a shower head in the other corner. The walls, ceiling and floor are all concrete. The floor slightly angled to a drain in the center.

There's a small window in the door, I walk over to it and look out. I can see nothing but a hallway outside. I try the handle, not at all surprised to find it locked, yet I'm still disappointed.

I jump back when D suddenly shows up on the other side of the door. He chuckles and tells me to go sit on the bed.

Once I'm sitting down he walks in and uses a key to lock the door behind him.

"Why am I here?"

"Because I want you here. You'll soon be giving birth to my baby and I won't miss that."

"What do you want with her?"

"It's a girl?" He asks surprised.

"No, I mean.. No. I don't know." I ramble.

He glares at me until I look away from him.

"It's it a girl or is it not?"

"It's a girl." I whisper.

"Hmm too bad. I was hoping for a boy. Oh well, we can always try again."

"What?" I ask in horror.

"I'm sure I can find some use for a girl, but what I really need is a boy."

"Why? Why do you need boy?" I ask my lip wobbling. "I won't let you hurt my baby."

"I don't think you have much of a choice." He growls stomping towards me.

"You would hurt your own daughter?"

He rubs his hand over his chin like he's thinking about what to do. I feel tears fill my eyes before anger builds until I can't contain it.

"You will not touch her! You can't touch her! I won't let you!" I yell at him pushing his chest.

{Authors note: this story includes detailed triggers coming up such as sexual assault, abuse/torture, and violence. Please do not continue if you're uncomfortable with such topics}

D grabs my throat and pushes me against the wall. My breath hitches and I grab at his arm trying to push it off of me.

"Let. Go." I cough out.

"I can do whatever I choose to do with this baby. You're nothing but warm holes to get me off and a vessel to carry my babies."

I feel tears slip down my face and close my eyes as dizziness settles around me. Just as my visions gets dark he lets go and I fall to my knees panting.

I grab my throat and cradle my stomach.

The door slams shut and I scream before laying on my side and sobbing.

I have to get out of here, I won't let him hurt my baby.

When I finally push myself off the floor. I relieve myself then walk to the door and try the knob again.

When it doesn't open I climb back in bed and curl up under the blanket.


Days go by where I only see D when he brings me food and water.

His Little Flower (18+) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now