Part 14

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D comes stumbling in cursing under his breath seven days later.
I lie still on the bed barely glancing at him.  I notice a bloodied white bandage wrapped around his upper arm and can't help but wonder what happened.

"Your boyfriend fucking shot me!" He growls. "I'm going to kill him, and next time I see him I won't miss."

He throws his clothes to the ground before walking over to me.

"I've missed this tight pussy of yours while I was gone." He smirks climbing on top of me.

I can't decide if he's a sex addict or just really focused on getting me pregnant again. Every time I see him he ends up raping me.

He enters me harshly and groans happily. I do the same as I did last time he came back after disappearing for days.. which is absolutely nothing.

"Is My Little Flower exhausted and hungry again?"

He chuckles pulling his clothes back on and I glare at him.

He walks towards the door and I hold a breath praying he will leave it open. Only once he walks through and disappears do I let it out.

I quickly get off the bed and shove the pillow under the blanket. I grab the metal pole I was able to remove from the bed frame over the last week and press myself in the far corner of the room.

As soon as D walks through the door I swing at him knocking him to the ground.

He grunts and grabs for his gun. I hit it out of his hand just as he pulls the trigger and yelp when the bullet grazes my hip.

"You are going to regret that." He growls. "When I'm done with you you won't be able to get out of bed on your own. After that I'll leave you stuck here while I go kill Aiden, Bailey and that boy that hangs around her, then I'll bring you their heads so you can always remember who's fault it was that they were killed."

D stands and lunges towards me and I swing at him again, the pole cracks against his forearm and he grinds his teeth trying to hide the pain.

He turns and hurries towards his gun. I run up behind him, wrap my legs around his waist and choke him out with the pole around his neck.

He stumbles forward closer to the gun. I pull harder using all my strength against him.

He pauses and grabs ahold of the pole trying to pull it off then falls to his knees struggling to breathe and reaches for the gun.

He slowly lifts the gun and turns it around to face us. I let go of one side of the pole then immediately swing it knocking the gun from his hand once again.

As it skids across the floor I hurry towards it.  D grabs ahold of my leg and I fall to the ground with a scream of pain.

He pulls me towards him and I quickly turn to my back and swing the pole at his head once again.

His grip loosens on my ankle and I scramble away. I grab the gun and turn back to him holding it in my shaking hands.

"Come on now My Little Flower, you don't want to hurt me anymore than you already have. Things will  get so much worse for you if you do."

I lift the gun pointing it at his face.

"You're right I don't want to hurt you." I sigh.

He smirks at me holding his hand out for the gun.

"I don't want to hurt you, I want to kill you."

I pull the trigger, we both freeze then D laughs at the clicking noise it makes.

I stare at it in shock for a few seconds. D coughs and I come back to my senses. I throw the gun aside and ram the pole into D's stomach as hard as I can.

He looks down at it in shock and I quickly let go stumbling back. He falls to his knees and pulls it out of him. Blood immediately starts pouring from his wound.

His breathing picks up and I run to the bed grabbing the blanket and pillow case with the left over granola bars in it.

I hurry out the door and up the stairs I found last time.

I search the house for car keys or a phone but come up empty.

I remove the pillow from its case and fill it with waters, more granola bars and the bananas he has sitting on the counter.

I hurry though the door and follow the tire tracks as far as I can.

When night falls I find a tree and sit down leaning against it. I wrap the blanket around me and take out a water and bandana. I eat and drink half then decide to rest for a bit.

As the adrenaline fades the pain returns through my body. Sleep takes awhile to wash over me as I work to get as comfortable as I can.

— —

I wake to rain falling through the trees and scramble to find a place to stay dry. I take out the rest of the banana and water and finish them off waiting for it to stop.

As the sun rises and the skies clear I continue on my way slowly. The longer I walk the more the pain in my leg increases.

By the third night exhaustion is starting to settle in and I'm worried I won't make it out of here.

I find a small cave to rest in for the night and curl up under the blanket.

I wake to the sound of a train horn hours later. Jumping to my feet I gather my things and follow the noise until I come upon a train moving slowly through the night.

I sob in relief when it comes to a stop and I'm able to find a car I can climb into.

I sit in the car exhausted and relieved. It has to come upon civilization at some point right?

Two more nights pass and I'm on the last of my waters and granola bars. 

I pray that we are close stopping somewhere. I'm starting to feel lightheaded and don't know how much longer I can last without more food or water.

When we finally arrive somewhere I'm too weak to move and can barely keep my eyes open.

I write out help in the dirt that has settled on the floor I'm now laying on.

I've just started to write out Aidens phone number when I hear voices getting closer. I close my eyes knowing one way or another things are about to come to an end.

I hear a shout for someone to call an ambulance when a shadow settles over me, seconds later everything goes dark.

His Little Flower (18+) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now