Part 15

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I receive a call at 2:30 in the morning startling me awake in the rocking chair I fell asleep in.

I quickly quiet the phone and step out of the nursery.


"Hi, I'm not really sure how to say this but.. I found a woman in one of my train cars and she had written this number in the dust that had collected on the floor, so yeah.. I just figured this is who she wanted called."

I slide down the wall clutching my chest.

"Is she, ok?"

"I'm not sure sir. I've called for an ambulance and police are on their way. She's breathing but I can't get her to wake up."

"What does she look like? Do you know a name or anything about her?"

"I'm sorry I don't. Um, she has short dark hair, she's really thin but she's wrapped in a blanket and it doesn't look like she's had anything else on. I didn't want to move her until help arrived."

"You did the right thing." I tell him him. Rosalie has long hair, or at least she did. It's got to be here though who else would leave my number behind?

"The authorities are here I've got to go."

"Wait! Will you please let me know where they take her?"

"Sure I can do that."

"Thank you."

I hang up and rest my head against my knees for a few moment before going in to grab baby.

I buckle her into her car seat and drive over to Josh and Baileys house.

I call Josh when I'm at his door.

"Hey. I'm outside can you let me in?"

"Aiden? What the hell is 3am?"

"Just let me in and I'll explain, have Bailey come down too."

"Is everything ok?" I hear him telling Bailey to get up.

"I don't know." I sigh.

"Ok we will be down."

I tell them about the call I got while waiting for the man to call me back with the hospital name.

"It's definitely her, it has to be right?" Bailey asks.

"I hope so."

A text finally comes through with the hospitals name and I leave baby with with Josh and Bailey.

It takes an hour to get to the hospital, I hurry through the doors of the small building and follow the hall hallway until I find an officer sitting outside a room.

"Is this the room for the woman found on the train?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm. Her fiancé. At least I'm hoping that who this is. I got a call from the man who runs the train he told me they brought her here."

He looks around then stands.

"I'll need to call my boss so we can verify who you are, she's in bad shape and though we don't know who did this to her we do know someone did."

"I understand. I can sit?" I point to the chair next to him.

He nods and steps away just out of earshot.


I wake up screaming the immediately burst into sobs. An officer and nurses rush in trying to calm me down.

"Move out of the way." A voice demands.

"Sir you can't be in here, you need to leave."

"I will not leave. Rosalie, baby, can you hear me? I'm here."

"Aiden?" I sob and they finally let him through to me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." I cry.

"I'm here, I'm here and I won't leave you." He says leaning over me and kissing my forehead.  "I love you Rosie."

"I love you too." I say relaxing. "I'm tired.."

"Sleep baby. I'll be here."

I grab Aidens a hand and my eyes flutter closed.


I sit on the chair next to Rosalie never letting go of her hand. The nurses move around messing with the machines for a bit before the doctor walks in.

"What can you tell me about her condition?" I ask him.

"She's extremely dehydrated and malnourished. Looks like she has an older gunshot would to her right leg and a couple broken bones in her left."

I grind my jaw as he continues.

"She has a lot of bruising, and vaginal and anal tearing. A broken rib and what I believe to be a graze from a gunshot on her waist."

My vision clouds as I think of all she's been through.

"She has a broken finger and a couple other bones in her hand are broken as well. On the smaller side of her injuries she has some stretches especially on her lower legs and feet and a sunburn over most of her body."

I drop my head against her hand and feel the first tear fall. I rarely cry, but I hurt for Rosalie and all she's been through, I should have been able to get to her sooner.

"I do believe she will be ok." The doctor says sympathetically.

"Thank you."



"Aiden, Aiden?"

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?"

"Tired and sore."

"I've missed you. I'm so sorry I couldn't find you."

"He killed our baby." I sob.

"That's what he told you?"

I sniff nodding my head and crying harder.

"Hey, hey. Rosie. I need you to listen to me."

I look over at him and try to calm down a bit.

"Our baby? She's fine. She's healthy and with Bailey right now."

I let out a chocked sob.

"How is that possible? How did you get her?"

"He left her at a fire station. I guess even he has limits on who he'll hurt."

"What's her name?"

"She doesn't have one yet, I wanted you to be here when we picked something out. Any ideas?"

"I want something that means miracle or hope."

Aiden pulls out his phone and searches names.

"I think let's stick with hope. I'm not loving any of these listed under miracle."

"Ok. Tell me some you like."

"Let see... Nadia means hope.
Vita means the hope of life. Nina means Hope/Love. Brayleigh is ray of hope. Asha is hope, strength, alive, and happy. Laelynn is flower of hope."

"That's the one. Laelynn, flower of hope. Is that ok? It feels, right. Symbolic in a good way, I think."

"I think it's perfect. Laelynn it is."

"I want to meet her." I say closing my eyes.

"Rest and I'll have Bailey bring her here."

I nod and relax finally feeling safe again.

His Little Flower (18+) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now