Joy Flying

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Aggro's jaw dropped open in shock. "You what?!" She exclaimed. Summer didn't answer, instead she just stared miserably down at her feet. "Now what am I gonna do Aggro?" She asked her. Aggro closed her eyes and sighed softly. She didn't have any ideas. "How about you ask him to go on a joy fly with you and Skywing? And if they both say yes, that way you can learn more about her." Summer's eyes lit up a little at Aggro's suggestion. "But do you think it will work?" She asked Aggro. "What if he says no? Or what if I chicken out and don't go through with this?" She put her wings over her snout, leaving only her eyes showing. Aggro sighed and pawed at one of her wings. "Come on Summer! You gotta do this. Tell him how you really feel." Summer gave her friend a watery smile as hope started to grow inside her chest. "You really think I can do this?" She asked her. Aggro nodded and gave Summer an encouraging nod. "You go girl!" Aggro cheered as she watched Summer fly over to where Winger and Skywing were happily chatting.

-l l l l l-

Dak and Leyla were packing up the tent while Cutter and Burple were finishing the fish left. "Okay guys ready to go?" Asked Leyla "Yes!" Said both dragons "Who takes Dak and who takes me and who takes the tent?" Asked Leyla "I'll take you and the tent" Said Cutter "I'll take Dak" Said Burple. They flew back to the roost. During their flight, Cutter said "I saw Summer and Aggro speaking and I think I heard Summer say that she likes Winger and she's jealous of Skywing!" "I think you're wrong, I don't think Summer likes Winger" Affirmed Dak "Well it's possible because I saw that Summer had a suspicious and kind of angry look against Skywing" Replied Leyla.


I sure hope this works like Aggro said it would. Summer thought to herself as she calmly trotted over to join the two spiral swiftwings. "Hey, are either of you up for going joy flying?" She asked to get their attention. Winger's face brightened and he nodded at the suggestion. "Sure thing, Summer! That sounds like a lot of fun! You up for some joy flying too, Skywing?" He asked the sky-blue swiftwing. She nodded her head with a bright smile on her face and the three dragons unfurled their wings and took to the sky. Summer turned to look over her shoulder and she saw a quick flash of red, and she smiled softly to herself. The plan was finally in motion. Aggro's plan was to folloe them to wherever they were going, and Summer's job was to learn as much as she could about this female dragon friend of Winger's.

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