Chapter 19 | Two neglected hearts

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Y/n pov

I invited hailee to come over just to have some company after my fight with scarlett.. y'know just making sure someone will stop me from jumping off my roof

As usual we grabbed some drinks before going at the rooftop of my hoise both of us just sitting at the edge.

I specifically bought this place just because of how beautiful the night sky is..the rooftop is a perfect place to sit in and just watch the constellations

"Has she reached out to you yet?" She asks as soon as we sat down

I looked at her confused " how'd you know? " I asked. I never told hailee that me and Scarlett are already a things because she can't help her gossip self sometimes

"The interview got viral... everyone noticed how Scarlett's heart just dropped on the floor when you denied it" she mumbled

"I just don't get it.." i shaked my head chugging the bottle of whiskey I'm holding

"When I'm being a myself.. everyone leaves me.. when I'm playing this perfect figure...the woman i love the most threw me out of her life just like that...what the fuck am i supposed to do?? Like?? Where will i put my self??" I chuckled underneath my breath feeling how heavy my chest is

"Maybe if you actually told her in advance to deny it and explained yourself before it even happened" she mumbled also taking a sip of her drink

"I didn't even know...all we talked about is we're gonna discuss the movie and out of nowhere they just fuck around and tried outing us with the whole world watching." I complained grabbing the pack of cigarettes in my pocket

Hailee quickly snatched it off of my hand looking furious "i thought you already stopped this??? You're gonna kill yourself!" She worriedly says throwing them away

"I've felt this before...this was the exact feeling when my whole family abandoned me...i g-guess i really am just worthless t-that all of them can cut m-me off just like that" i laughed it all drinking but feeling tears running down my cheeks

"Remember what you told me before?" She moved closer

"It's impossible to find the right one when you keep on pushing yourself to stay with the wrong one" she smiled looking directly at my eyes

"Maybe this is the universe telling you those people who have left you are the wrong people... Now you're on your journey again to find the right one" she shrugged

"I already did... And she's furious about my stupidity and dumbness"

"What I'm trying to say is maybe Scarlett wasn't the right one"

"who cares? Fuck who's right and wrong.. I want Scarlett... I NEED Scarlett...look... If loving her is wrong...I don't wanna be right anymore" i scoffed

"I'm just hoping she'd let me see the kids again.. " i added underneath my breath genuinely not wanting to make the kids feel neglected and abandoned..

She just also breathes out shaking her head as we just sat there in silence watching the sky drinking the night away


Scarlett pov

As soon as i got home i just locked my self in my room crying my feelings out can't believe how fast everything happened and ended

It just feels so painful thinking you finally found someone who actually shows you how much you mean to them and how much they love you and just like that you find out... they're embarrassed of you.

The door suddenly opened and i just wiped my tears acting as if I'm fixing the bed "mommy...?" Rose called out softly going to my direction

"Y-Yes, baby?" I forced a smile at her wiping my nose

"Are you crying?" She asks still in the same expression

"What?? Of course not! Mommy just have a little cold" i reassured her earning her nod but she still looked unsure while i looked back at fixing the bed hiding my puffy red eyes

"Mommy, can you make auntie y/n to come over? I miss her" she suddenly says making me stop on what I'm doing

She sat on the edge of the bed while i went on my knees in front of her holding both of her hands "I can't... W-We can't." I huffed

"Why not? I miss auntie y/n so much, i wanna hang out with her"

"Rose, listen ok?? Stop calling her auntie and no we can't call her.. she doesn't love us" i clenched my jaw trying to look strong for her

" T-Thats not true... She loves me and cosmo... She loves you mommy...i can feel how much she loves us.." she sighs looking so disappointed

"She doesn't.. "

" YES SHE DOES! S-SHE LOVES ME! SHE LOVES US! " She stormed out of the room crying just adding more weight on my chest

I immediately followed her knocking on her door but she isn't answering so i just forced myself in opening it by my key. She's laying on her side hugging the teddy bear y/n got her

"Honey.... " i sat beside her

"M-Mommy... I-If that's t-true... Can you tell her to love us again?" She plead sniffing wiping her tears

" know that's not how love works.."

"Y-You don't understand mommy...s-she made me and cosmo feel like we're a whole family... she's not just a stranger to us like your other dates... she's a family... we're a feels like I'm loosing another parent... " she mumbles hugging the stuffed toy even tighter

I promised myself to not let this happen again.... people coming in my life.. getting my kid's heart and just dropping them as if they're nothing when in fact my kids already see them as parents..yet here we go again.

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