Chapter 52 | Lot of overthinking

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y/n pov

It's been a almost a week since Agnes told me she wanted to go back to school and yeah this is her first day and I'm currently driving anxiously not knowing if this is a good idea while she's just humming a song eating a cake pop on the passenger seat

"You know what?" She suddenly asked


"I love being a passenger princess" she smiled but i looked at her still weird out with all this information she knows

"Ok...yeah.. uhm.. sure? I guess?" I awkwardly responded forcing a nod before going back on driving carefully parking my car

As soon as we got out of the car we immediately went to her supposed to be classroom and this supposed to be teacher of hers is low-key a hunk which i think will motivate her knowing she knows what a passenger princess is

"You have a great day ok?" I leaned down fixing her hair earning a nod with a wide smile

"Do you like your child low-key or a valedictorian?" She playfully asked

"Honestly? Gay" i chuckled earning her laugh before she eventually got on her seat and quickly ambushed by her classmates asking her some stuff

Agnes is literally just my best friend at this point. I just need to legally adopt her so incase some relatives claim her and she prefers to stay with me, we won't have any problem.. my overthinking problem is useful sometimes

I was just about to leave when a man suddenly stopped me "miss?? Waitt" he huffed getting my attention.

It was yhe the teacher, he's just looking at me while I'm standing here getting really uncomfortable coz i don't know how to stand without being awkward

"Hi.. I'm teacher matt.. uhm.. Agnes's adviser" he introduced Himself reaching his hand but i just gave him a smile


"I know who you are.. I'm a fan" he chuckles blushing but in my mind I'm just thinking 'should i tell him no, I'm gay'.

He continued talking about how he watch every movie and series I've made while i just wanna leave and lay on my bed but y'know still grateful someone appreciates me

The bell then started ringing making him stop his fan girling moment "oh..i guess I'll go back on being teacher matt now." He chuckled before both of us says our goodbyes.


Scarlett pov

I'm currently driving rose to her school to also excuse her for being late today due to her taking her sweet time taking a nap on the bathtub

"Mommy? Can i have some money? I wanna buy something at the canteen" she asked politely

"Sure, baby" i smiled giving her some from my wallet before we both got off the vehicle

As soon as we eyes were captured seeing this race car parked in front of ours.. who drives their kids to school with a race car?

We rushed our way to her classroom and they're already starting "ok, have a great day sweetie" i gave her a kiss before she went inside with her classmates.

I ran back to the parking lot since it's just so hot today. I was stunned..."y-y/n?" I mumbled to myself seeing the woman I've been wanting to see for weeks but it felt decades..

She's just casually fixing her hair and sunglasses while I'm hiding behind this tree watching... she's literally so damn hot that i could just jump on her right now but again..she and that other Scarlet and I'm very respectful to other's relationship so I'll just stap here.. behind this tree

I felt tears running down my cheeks can't also help my smile...i mean yeah.. I can't go close to her but at least...i saw her again...and.. she seemed to be doing great.

She got in the race car making me laugh to myself "of course she drives a kid in school with a race care" i chuckled wiping my cheeks

She suddenly got out again and started walking towards my car.. looking at it carefully.."oh no.." i nervously bit my lips Hoping she doesn't recognize it.

I watched as her body language quickly changed and ran back inside the school for somw reason.

"i-is she... Looking for m-me?" I sigh swallowing thickly looking down

I mean... she's ok.. she looks well. I'm scared that if i came back to her life.. I'll ruined this present one that she built with that other Scarlet which by the way is I can't still move on.. why can't she replace me with someone with a different name?? And.. maybe an ugly one instead

After few more minutes.. y/n came back looking so exhausted.. she's still trying to look everywhere but i stayed hiding just closing my eyes fighting the urge to pull her right back into my arms.

I know y/n.. she overthinks a lot and when i was in that death bed she probably blamed herself and chose to leave me to keep me safe.. but seeing her looking for me after all that means a lot.

She grabbed something from her car and started writing something putting it on my car.. kissing the paper before leaving looking so disappointed that she even slammed her door.

I waited till she drove away..I went inside my car after grabbing the note.."if you are.. who i think you are..i know you know my Hoping I'm're here.. please contact me" i read it to myself as it was followed by a new number

I was stunned.. i couldn't hold back my tears and just also kissed the piece of paper letting myself sob.. "i-i missed you so much, my stubborn baby with the most annoying humor ever" i chuckled wiping my tears feeling so much feelings at ones

I'm heart is hopping in joy knowing she still looks for me and cares about me..but it's also clenching knowing i can't just come back now and hope that everything goes back to normal..

"Y-You really know how to make me cry" i huffed pouting still staring at the note. I can't express enough how complicated i feel towards this whole situation.

Should I come back to her life and probably ruin her mental state again? Or should i leave her alone seeing she's so much stable now that I'm not around?

But she loves me.. and i love her.. but love also means choosing what's best for her.. clearly I'm not.. but there's still this urge to at least try..but yet again..i feel like I'd just hurt her again...i always do..

"I-I don't...know..Should i call her?"

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