Chapter 51 | Back to New York

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Y/n pov

I'm currently out with Agnes for ice cream..i brought her to a child therapist doing what i think is best for a fast recovery on her mental state.

"Mama? Do you think i can go to school here?" She suddenly asks as i wipe the side of her nose full of ice cream

"Do you wanna go to school and have classmates or be homeschooled?" I mumbled

"Noo, i wanna have classmates" she nodded

" Hmm yeah sure, we'll work on that" i reassured her as smiled widely.

Tho, I'm still working on myself to get my shits together since obviously I'm not that mentally ok and if i wanna legally adopt her.. I'm not capable.

"You're friends with Scarlett Johansson?I'm sorry i didn't want to wake you up and i found some hand written letters by her in the cabinet and some polaroids" she suddenly says making me stop from eating..

" Uhm... S-She's uhh...i loved her" i took a deep breath

" She's really pretty" she smiled

"Yeah.. she's perfect"

"Where is she? Ooooh what if she also became my other mama?" She excitedly says but all i can feel was my heavy chest as i tried to look ok facing her

"She's... Away..but yknow"

"Aww....uhm..My mommy told me, when love is right and genuine... However the universe pull them apart... They'll still find a way to catch each other's smiles again" she casually says stirring her ice cream while I'm just staring my head full of thoughts

"She has.. the cutest.. most beautiful smile. You know when I'm sad.. she's gonna smile and tell me it's ok and suddenly... Everything was ok.." i sigh smiling seeing Scarlett in my mind again.

"You know uhm.. scarlet, my sister? She was named after her and papa told me I was named by agnes.. the one with the minions?" She cutely stated taking a big spoonful of ice cream

"Do you love unicorns?"

"No...not really...i love piranhas tho"

" Oh.... Ok..."

My phone suddenly notified and it was a text from some producers finding out I'm back in new york and now are offering me new movies and series.

I didn't really wanna go back to work this still grieving with the whole Scarlett thing, firing my manager and interviews going again and again on my messages but come on, we all know they're just gonna force me to address it and force me to come out on national television for their own rates

"Uhh... Do you uhm.. really wanna adopt me? I mean you're young and you should be enjoying not taking care of an orphan." Agnes mumbled hesitantly getting my attention as she looked down  full of guiltiness on her expression

"Of course i do...i may be young for years but trust me.. I've already experienced more than a 100 year old man..i mean you're the cutest toddler in the world..and i think I'm pretty enough to be your mom" iplayfully says earning her chuckles

" Hmmm you know you coming in my life makes me? " I hummed

" A milf? " She casually says innocently but my face just froze

"Oh.. u-uhm.. sure... I was thinking something like fulfilled or motivated but that works too" i pouted pinching her cheek lightly as she giggles

Agnes has something about her that she can light up your surroundings and you wouldn't even noticed that because you're just so focused on her...oh and she likes piranhas and knows what a milf is

"Oh oH...i wanna give this to you" she grabbed something out her pocket and it was a ring making me tilt my head wondering where she got that

"My boyfriend in sweden gave me that but it's too big and we broke up already coz he ate lunch with sussie and lied about should have it, consider it as a thankyou gift for the ice cream" she nodded but I'm still processing the information.. boyfriend? Sussie? BOYFRIEND?

" Ok then.. thanks " i smiled putting it as it actually fits really well

"do you think I'll find a new boyfriend in my new school? "

"Of course you can. Don't chase..replace" i gave her a piece of advice that i never followed because I'm obsessive but she had a motivated look so i guess that works

Scarlett pov

"Finally..." I sigh as soon as i got off the plane here in new york ready to find my first love wherever part of this city she goes

I immediately took a cab to go to her house not wasting anymore time. While at the back of the car I'm just staring at the road.. it's been a while since i came home here

"I hope you're ok..." I took a deep breath starting at the ring i bought for her

My plan is to just ask her to be my girlfriend officially as soon as i see her.. no hello.. no hi.. just will you be my girlfriend and stop leaving me stranded in a country for weeks

As i put the ring back in my pocket I jus started scrolling on my phone since it's still an hour and a half ride. My attention was quick grabbed by these just recently updated paparazzi pictures of y/n.

She was looking so good as was in a ice cream shop and she's talking to a kid which is very familiar to me seems like I've seen her before

"Y/n y/l/n spotted to be back in newyork" i hummed reading the title of this article that i found.

"wait a minute... This little girl.. I've seen her back in sweden... SHE'S THE OTHER SCARLET'S SISTER" i gasp to myself realizing what's happening...

"s-she replaced me..." My chest dropped.

Why would she do that?? She waited for me to wake up just to date someone that has almost the same name as me?? The girl who she knows i get jealous a lot of?? And now she's hanging out with her sister??? What in an actual fucked up thing to do

"I-I wanna change my destination" i swallowed thickly wiping the tears building up in my eyes..

I ended up just sobbing in the back of this cab still thinking about it..was waiting for me isn't that worth it?? How could she move on so quickly?? Was me not being there for her made her lose her feelings for me??

Did she ever actually love me? Because if she was she able to find someone new so quickly? She doesn't even know I'm alive..she probably thinks I'm dead but she's not even grieving..

As soon as i arrived at home i immediately ran upstairs locking myself in my room sobbing my heart out.. thankfully the kids aren't home..i feel like rose is so tired of hearing me cry...from the same person over and over again.

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