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Daisy's eyes begun to open sleepily, the morning sun shining brightly through the glass window. Her head ached from last nights events, the smell of alcohol still present on her breath. As she begun to take in her surroundings, she sucked in a breath.

This wasn't her room. She must've hooked up with someone. This was unlike her, Daisy had the occasional hookup but rarely. She went to shift her hips but discovered a pair of large hands gripping her waist. She pulled the covers back slightly to meet the messy blonde hair of a boy, his face scrunched tiredly.

It wasn't until it clicked that Daisy realised whose bed she was in. She screamed as she awoke the boy shuffling out of his grip and across the room. The boy shot up, stumbling to the opposite side of the room.

"Daisy! What the fuck!" Spider shouted his vision disoriented from the hangover. His eyes grew wide as he realised the girl across from him was in nothing but her underwear, and his oversized shirt. Cash was going to kill him.

"Spider! How did- How did.. We didn't did we!" She cursed running her hands through her messy hair. Daisy feared the worst as she spun around the room looking for any evidence that the pair of them hadn't hooked up. She ignored Spider's loud cursing in the corner, as she finally made eye contact with the plastic condom discarded in the bin.

"Fuck me!" She whimpered rushing around the room to find her clothes. "Spider! Stop freaking out I need help finding my clothes!" Daisy spat, the boy snapping back into it as he slammed a drawer open handing her a pair of his shorts.

"Can you remember anything last night Daisy?" Spider muttered ignoring the hickeys he had left across her neck. Daisy quickly tugged the shorts on eventually finding her phone and straightening up.

"No Cash slipped me something before the festival- Oh god Cash is going to kill me." She winced as she made way for the door.

"Kill you! Daisy he's going to kill me." Spider run his fingers along his face, realizing he was without a shirt quickly pulling one on.

"No he won't Spider, we just can't tell anyone about this ever please." She turned back around momentarily pleadingly.

"Yes! Yes we can't tell anyone right." Spider assured himself before opening his mouth again to speak. Before he could his jaw slackened Daisy already out of the door and out of the house.

Daisy Cooper was a good girl. She was known for her perfect record, straight A's never receiving detention once. Although typically she would assumed to be picked on, she was untouchable. Her best friend, Cash protected her with his life, they had grown up together, Daisy living down the road from his Nan's.

Daisy's mum had passed away when giving birth to her, her father therefore blaming her for the downfall of his life. When the drinking got bad, Daisy stayed with Cash. Daisy wasn't one to fall in love easily. As much as her good girl reputation pleased her she did get around. She had hooked up with a few of Cash's friends in the past but only with his permission.

Spencer White did not have a great reputation. For one, Cash hated the boy despising his very existence. Spencer did average in his grades but preferred to work on his physical stature instead. Daisy and Spider had never so much than smiled at each other, greeting each other only at parties.

Daisy knew this was bad. Spider had a reputation for spreading his body count, and that had Daisy on edge. By the time she had got home and slipped in her back window, she was exhausted. She quickly dumped Spider's clothes in the back of her wardrobe changing into her own before slumping into bed.

Daisy didn't wake up until she felt the bed dip, someone obviously in her room. She was used to Cash sneaking into her room regularly only when her dad had been out, usually disappearing for days at a time.

She squeezed her eyes shut hoping to have a very more minutes of peace before Cash spoke up.

"Dais.. are you awake?" Cash spoke softly laying his body across the bed shifting his head on top of her other pillow. "Dais?" He whispered again, this time Daisy opening her eyes.

"Cashy what's wrong?" she rubbed her eyes wearily realising the sun had set and darkness filled her room.

"I did something bad Dais, and I don't know how to fix it." He mumbled softly Daisy sitting up allowing the boy to sit up beside her.

"What did you do? Don't stress Doug. We will figure it out yeah?" She comforted him running her fingers along her face exhausted.

"Chook- He paused clearing his throat, "The boys thought it'd be funny to stay late at the festival at night and- and- Harper, Amerie's friend was there." He took a shaky breath, Daisy's eyes widening to realise tears had begun to roll down Cash's face. She gripped her best friends hand as he continued, Daisy laying her head back.

"She's never going to forgive me is she Dais- I should- I should've done more." Cash's tiny voice paused as Daisy pulled his head towards her coddling him motherly. The pair stayed like that for a while before Daisy spoke up. 

"You did the right thing Doug." She mumbled closing her eyes as she fell back asleep Cash awake beside her as he wrapped his arm around her front wrapping his fingers around her hair.

Cash ignored the hickeys along Daisy's neck assuming it to be a meaningless hookup as he pulled himself up slipping back out her window, ensuring her window was locked on the way out.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now