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"I'm fine truly Cashy." She couldn't hide her relief sitting beside him in the car. It worried Cash, he thought she was hiding, but it was the opposite. She was living with Nan and Cash, the way she always wanted.

"Sure you want to come for this one?" He asked her again the same as he had every house since they started.

"Yes!" She rolled her eyes sliding out of the seat before he could protest, "Worry yourself to death at this rate." She skipped up the driveway ringing the doorbell as Cash walked up behind her, a bag clutched in his hand.

Daisy couldn't hide the shock on her face when Miss Obah opened the door behind her Cash clearing his throat awkwardly, "Miss!" She greeted happily turning to grab the bag from Cash's hands.

"Daisy, Cash." She flushed red awkwardly, "Of course, you guys are Emu Eats drivers." Daisy smiled trying to ease the tension. "Are you.. are you okay Daisy?" She nodded with a smile in response.

"Yeah, she's... Uh how's it going." Cash asked beside Daisy who had handed Miss Obah the bag slyly. Considering Daisy's wasn't the only name the table he couldn't help it.

"Well, I'm on a temporary sex offenders list." Her eyes watered and suddenly Daisy felt rather horrible for her joyfulness.

Well silence filled the trio again, Daisy looked to Cash, "Well, at least it's not the permanent one." Her eyes widened and she hid a smirk when Cash dropped his head shamefully.

"Goodbye." Miss Obah shut the door softly before the teens could continue.

"Really have a way with words Cashy," She patted him on the shoulder as she passed casually getting back in the car. A few more deliveries and it had grown late finally Cash pulling back up to the house.

As Daisy stepped out of the car, her heart dropped. Cash beat her to it pacing over to pick him up the collar shoving him against the wall.

"Think you're fucking tough- pulling up-

"Doug, leave him be!" She didn't really move still staring at the distraught blonde. Reluctantly he dropped Spider's shirt and took a step back, "I'll.. I'll see you inside Doug." He sent her an frustrated look but listened moving past to enter the house, slamming the door as he went.

"Hi Spider." He pressed forward surprising her when he wrapped his arms around holding her tightly.

After a moment she relaxed as she heard his soft voice, "Is.. Is this okay." He was holding her so gently as if she would break at any moment.

"You're fine Spider.. its nice." Her eyes drifted to back to the house suddenly jolting away from Spider. It surprised him but was more surprised when Daisy began yelling.

"Nan! What the hell." The blinds were wide open when Spider caught a glance of the older woman peering through them. Watching the pair conveniently, "Bloody hell, privacy woman." 

"Oh Daisy! You're there! Didn't even notice!" She adjusted her glasses, winking at the blonde beside Daisy.

"Drop the act!" Daisy demanded her fingers clutched at her side. 

"Oh come on love! Nothing I haven't seen, and your boyfriend-

"Oh my god rack off!" She picked up Spider's hand leading him away from the prying eyes of Cash's grandma and further down the footpath, "Sorry- god she's so embarrassing- seriously-

"Daisy." She finally stopped dragging him noticing they had passed at least a block of houses, "I'm so sorry about- the writing and that night- I don't know who wrote but-"

"Woah- Woah Spencer slow down." She pressed a hand to his chest softly hoping to calm his stuttering, "I'm okay, really." She ran a hand over his cheek, eventually his breathing going back to normal.

"I missed you, and.. and I want to be there for you Daisy." Spider seemed genuine, truthful. 

"You are. Here. Right now." She reasoned, "And I missed you too Spider." She pressed a quick kiss to his cheek.

"Did you want to go somewhere I can take the car?" She offered and his shook his head softly, "Or we could go in and you can meet Nan as my boyfriend?" His eyes lit up before a smirk took his lips.

"I'd like that.. but we kind of met-

"What did she do!" Daisy exclaimed hitting the palm of her hand to her face.

"Before you came.. you kind of thought I was a narc- than thought I was with the church so she."

"Oh god stop let me stop her now." Picking up his hand again she dragged him back towards the house she called home. The fly screen slammed open and she pulled the teen further down the hall.

"Nan!" The older woman with a sly smirk tilted her head from the tv, Cash freezing up in the kitchen, "Nan, this is my boyfriend Spencer, Cash don't say anything." She pointed at the eshay before he could protest.

"Well, nice to meet you Simon." Cash snickered from the kitchen earning a worse look from Daisy.

"Spencer, and Cash I'm dating Spider, don't be a dick." He held his hands in defeat as finally she sighed seemingly satisfied.

"Okay everyone satisfied." Nan hid a grin as she focused back on the tv. Cash seemed to be glaring Spider who returned the glare, clutching Daisy's hand a little tighter, "Thank you." Pulling Spencer further down the hall and into her room she slammed the door shut.

"First thing first that better not be Sticky Fingers poster." Her smile widened as he looked across the room, the colorful poster across her wall. Since moving in the spare room had been changed to Daisy's liking. Her posters and her books and her bed. She loved it.

"And if it is." She backed further into the room.

"I think I'm the luckiest bloke at Hartley."

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now