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"Chips and lollies, Ant, really? What part of "no dumb food" did you not understand?" Amerie groaned dropping the bags of lollies back to the desk.

"At least it's edible." Daisy shrugged leaning against the desk taking a killer python between her fingers. They needed to give Ant more credit.

"This is supposed to last us." Sasha brought her hands to her hand disappointingly.

"Ant, ya dog! Where's the water?" Missy's voice was the loudest, dropping cordial to the table. Daisy rolled her eyes at they continued to argue about the water.

"We won't last anymore than the night." She brought another lolly snake to her mouth, avoiding Spider's gaze in the corner. Sleeping the night really didn't appeal to Daisy but the didn't have a choice. The only way to get Jojo back was to not give up.

Hitting 1am she begun to regret her decision, "Bring it, bitch." Crouched across from the table Daisy watched Missy and Spider reDy to chug another cup of cordial, "3.. 2.. 1."

Struggling to keep her eyes open she watched the same game happen again . She'd already played with him and few times than Ant until she had enough cordial slumping against the office wall.

Closing her eyes for a moment until her eyes fluttered open again, "Hey, hey, hey, guys." Amerie's voice filled her head, "Remember why we're here..." Her voice trialled off and Daisy's head lolled back to the wall.

Her eyes snapped open for the second time when she heard a soft call for her name. Spider knelt in front of her, his hands resting on her hips as his eyes scanned her tired expression.

"Okay smart girl?" She rubbed her eyes tiredly, Spider offering his hands pulling her to her feet as she slowly woke up. His fingers felt against her face again as he brushed her hair back behind her ears.

"Really shouldn't call me that Spencer." She forgot they were in a room full of theirs friends. Nobody ever called him Spencer. Except Daisy and his mum of course. The soft gesture he seemed to be making, made it rather obvious anyway.

"Come on Daisy, let's get you some sleep." She moved past him as Ant seemed to distract Spider again. Weaving through sleeping bodies she finally found an empty room shutting the door softly.

"Thank god." She mumbled softly wandering around the room till she found a stack of books that would make an alright pillow. Laying down wearily she waited for the sound of footsteps down the hallway.

Rest caught her first as she fell back asleep.
Only shifting when she felt hands against her, "Spencer." She mumbled softly as she felt strong hands wrap around her shifting her position.

"Waiting for me Coopers." Her eyes shut again and she drifted back to sleep. She felt as if she'd only just closed her eyes when she felt a tap on her arm.

The blonde beside her tossed, now facing the opposite way. Another few taps to her arm, Spider groaned and Daisy's eyes peeled open, spotting a face inches from hers.

"Oh fuck Quinni." She jolted up backing a few paces back to avoid knocking heads with the girl. The girl waved sheepishly before pointing to the door. Unsure with what Quinni had woken her up for Daisy moved away from Spider who was still fast asleep laying on his stomach.

Following her, Quinni took Daisy's hand and pulled her further into the building. Weaving through sleeping teens, Missy's obvious voice grew louder, "Yeah, but I'm not, I'm not." Daisy was pulled into the room joined by Darren and a sleepy Amerie.

"Missy's acting batshit, Daisy." Darren pushed her forward Daisy kneeling in front of Missy.

"Hey Miss, you okay?" She rested a hand against her knee softly while Missy hardly noticed her presence still talking to a stapler.

"You are right! Sasha trampled my heart so bad. Now, I think I like white boys." Daisy couldn't hide her smile turning her head away, "Startled watching Blue's Clues." Ant was quick to join the scene, then Cash eventually Spider stumbling into the room wearily.

"What did she take?" Ant whispered beside Daisy who still had a hand on Missy's knee.

"Red cordial." Cash snickered, more laughs around the room as Missy continued her conversation with the stapler.

"She's super dehydrated. She needs water." Daisy cautiously took the stapler from Missy who begun talking to her hand instead. Helping herself up, she noticed the dryness of her mouth similarly.

"Amerie, water." Daisy questioned again and the girl followed dragging Ant from the room.

"Ouch." Daisy turned laughing as she noticed Missy had elbowed Spider in the face, "Laughing?" He looked to her with a shake of his head straightening, "Think you're funny Coopers." He moved forward a step until he could see Cash and Darren reenter the room.

Daisy sent him a small smile as he backed up again not wanted to irritate Cash just yet. Finally Daisy got Missy back to her somewhat normal self when Amerie stormed past the pair.

Out of curiously Daisy followed her watching as she sized up Dusty, "Say it! I need to hear you say it! That you f*cked me over just to get out of doing a class, that you made up the rumor about me and Jojo. Actually, that the whole thing was your idea." Spencer sent Daisy a guilty look thankfully she hadn't noticed still watching Amerie.

"I just-"

"Say it!" Sudden chatter erupted through the remaining teens and Quinni pressed her face against the glass window.

"It's Jojo! Jojo is back!" Daisy was too busy noticing a few loud bangs at the door. Noticing some grunts behind the door she realised they were about to be kicked from the office. Thanking the gods silently she could return to her own bed.

"We're so screwed." Daisy was the first to leave running a tired hand through her messy curls tidying them back up as she left.

"Welcome back, Miss." Daisy smiled softly as she moved past, Jojo passing her hand on her arm a moment.

"Thank you Daisy." She turned to face everyone, "I really appreciate everyone." She announced happily, even Woodsy with a sly smile on her face.

Moving away he approached her slowly.
Presssing a soft kiss to her head as he passed, Spider made his way to his Mum in the distance. The brown haired woman she had seen in the pictures was almost identical, Spider getting most of his features from her. Only meeting her once she didn't feel the need to barge into their conversation.

Only once Daisy noticed she had stared too long, Spider's Mum begun waving her over. She flushed red as Spider tilted his head to view her. He looked just as uncomfortable as the day she had met his mum. It couldn't be her was it?

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now