A night to forget

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"If everyone could listen up for a moment. I've got a couple of things to tell you before we sign off for the winter." As Jonas started talking Beth thought longingly of the upcoming holidays. Even though she hadn't planned much, she was still eager for the them to start plus it was good to have something else to think about than football.
Beth's gaze wandered around the room and she caught Viv's eye. She smiled which made Beth have goosebumps all over her body. She smiled back. Then a feeling of sadness came over her as she realised she wouldn't see viv for two whole weeks. They still had tonight of course but still. Two whole weeks without her new best friend wasn't something Beth was mentally prepared for. They had spent every waking minute together since Viv's breakup with Lisa and it was always such a comfort to Beth that Viv was just there no matter what. Beth let her mind wander of into the memories of the last couple of weeks when...
"Oy mate, You there?" Caitlin snapped her fingers in front of Beth's eyes. She shot up from the bench and looked around"Huh? What did I miss?" The girls around her giggled. "Nothing much he just said the usual, but was it a good daydream?" Leah chuckled. Beth's cheeks flushed red and stammered "uhh daydream? I didn't... I wasn't" everyone started to laugh as Beth turned as red as a tomato. "It's okay you don't have to tell us." Jen said with a bit too much glee in her voice.
"Okay now over to serious matters. Where are we going out tonight cause I don't want what happened last time."
"What happened last time?" Viv asked curiously. "Well we just walked around town for hours before deciding where we wanted to go and when we finally got there everything was already sort of closing."
"Well we could start at that one bar where we went to a couple of weeks ago and then go on to the karaoke bar." Jordan suggested as she was packing up her things. Everyone murmured in agreement and started discussing outfits. Meanwhile Viv got her bag and stood up. She wasn't the type to stress over an outfit so she made her way to the door of the dressingroom when Beth caught up with her. "Aren't you staying?" She asked with a small smile. Viv shrugged her shoulders. "Nah, not really the type to fuss over me outfits so I'm just gonna head home. Recharge my social battery." Beth's face lit up. "So that means you're coming out tonight then?" She asked excitedly. Viv smiled and nodded. "Yeah of course I'm coming out tonight. I told you so three nights ago didn't I."
"Yeah I know, I just wasn't sure wether you were still in." In all honesty Beth did think that Viv had only said it to shut her up. Now that she knew that, that wasn't the case she was over the moon with excitement and it must've shown on her face too because Viv laughed and said "don't know wether you should be too thrilled about this."
"What do you mean? It's gonna be great I promise. I'll see you tonight then."
"Yeah see you tonight" Viv replied and with that they both turned the other way and walked off.

"There you are, what kept you?" Beth had just entered the bar and saw that nearly everyone was already there. "Yeah sorry lost my keys." They laughed cause it was such a Beth thing to do. "So, where's your shadow?" Leah asked as she sipped her drink. "My shadow?" All the girls chuckled "yeah Viv". Beth was thankful that the place wasn't well lit so the rest couldn't see the pink now flushing her cheeks again. "Oh uhh I don't know. She went home after training, but haven't really talked to her since."
"But don't you guys text like constantly"
"As a matter of fact we don't" Beth said in a rather harsher tone than she had intended. Jordan grinned and said "Well you don't really need to, given the time that yous two spend together." All the girls laughed and Beth tried to force a laugh as well and just as Jen wanted to jump in with another comment Beth heard a soft, familiar voice behind her. She quickly turned around and felt her whole body relax. "Well, well look who's here." Viv gave a nervous laugh and sat down. Viv was never good with social activities. She much rather read a book or watch a movie than go out to a bar. She only really agreed to this because she knew Beth was going to be there and if going out and socialising meant spending more time with Beth it was something worth doing.

"So what're you having?" Viv looked up from her lap. "Uhm well, I'll start off with a fanta..." Beth nodded. "Fanta?! Mate you're on a night out. Have a proper drink. It's not like we'll have training tomorrow." Jen chortled. "Oh shut it" Beth replied, so quickly that Viv couldn't even do so much as open her mouth. Beth waved at the bartender and she came over. "What will it be for you, love?"
"Just a Fanta please" The bartender nodded and started on Viv's drink.
"There you go love" She handed the drink to Beth with a wink. Beth blushed and quickly turned to give the drink to Viv. "Ooh la la, someone's gettin' it." All the girls except Viv whistled teasingly as Beth turned red for the umpteenth time today. "No I am not" she said shortly and glanced quickly over at Viv but she was too busy with getting something out of her bag. "Okay so, who has some tea 'cause it's been too long since anything really exciting happened." They all started chatting away and Viv tried to keep up with the conversation but they were all talking so fast that it was really hard to do so. They all seemed to know what the other person meant with just a couple of words. It was like trying to listen to a conversation in a language you only know a couple of words of and it felt like it went on for hours. It kind of annoyed Viv in a way. Of course, she knew it was selfish of her to want Beth all to herself but for Beth to ignore her completely. Hadn't it been her, that wanted Viv to come out in the first place? Viv felt her brain rambling on about it and she couldn't stop it. She was so lost in thought at one point that she hadn't noticed that everyone had stood up and started to leave.
Viv gave a start as she felt a hand on her knee. She looked up and stared right into those ocean-blue eyes. "Are you okay?" Viv nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright," Viv said shortly. Beth gave her a kind but puzzled look. Viv had never used this tone with her before and Beth had a feeling that Viv wasn't alright. "Are you sure?" She tried to look at Viv but she kept looking away. Viv quickly nodded and grabbed her purse.

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