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Viv was in half a mind to just close the door and lay back down on the couch again but knew it would do no good. "I suppose..." she said, careful not to meet Beth's eye. Beth could sense that Viv was still upset about last night, which made her feel even worse than she already did. Viv held open the door for her to let her in. They made their way into the living room where they both sat down on opposite ends of the couch. Beth felt like she had to start the conversation. "You know I never meant for you to feel like that" she said quietly. Viv didn't say anything so Beth continued "it's just... they are my mates and well..." Viv scoffed and muttered "yeah and I 'm not." Beth shook her head vigorously "No, that's not what I... I never meant..." Viv looked out of the window. "Okay look" said Beth "yes they are my mates but you're Viv, my..." Beth was unsure on how to continue. What did you call someone you've known for a good few years but only started to really get to know the last couple of weeks? "Your little pet project" Viv scowled. "And what's that supposed to mean?" "What it means is that you only now want to hang out with me because you pity me. You feel sad for me because of the whole break-up thing but as soon as that's over you're off. Back to your little friend group." Beth shook her head so violently that she cracked a couple of bones in her neck. "No, I would never! What on earth makes you say that? I would never walk away from this, from us. You are the closest friend I've had for years. You understand me even better than I understand myself sometimes. I never thought I'd say this but you are my best friend Viv. Yes I know we've only started hanging out the last couple of weeks but in those weeks I feel like you've seen me, the real me and I don't ever want to lose you. So don't you dare call yourself my pet project again because you are the best thing that has happened to me this year." Beth took a deep breath and for the first time Viv looked at her. Not with anger but with tears in her eyes. Viv didn't know what made her do it but she stood up, walked over to Beth and hugged her. It was the best feeling in the world thought Beth as she held on tight to Viv. Not wanting her to let go. "I'm sorry" Viv whispered. "What for?" Beth whispered back. "For acting like a child. You were right, I shouldn't have blamed you for the fact that I'm lousy in those sorts of situations."
"No, I know how hard it is for you. I should have made more of an effort."
"It was still not okay from me to blame you for it." Beth shrugged. "It's okay. Lets just say we both should've done better." Beth could feel Viv nod. Viv pulled her head back a couple of inches and stared directly in those mesmerising blue eyes. It made her feel weak in the knees. Their faces were so close together they nearly touched, neither of them making an effort to pull away. Beth felt herself lean in closer to Viv and then...
bzz bzz. Viv's phone buzzed and as soon as the moment between them had come, it had gone. Viv quickly let go of Beth and went over to her phone. Beth could've kicked herself. Why, she thought didn't I go for it sooner? But then, would Viv kiss her back? And even if she did, would she reciprocate the same feelings Beth was feeling. It was all so confusing she thought. Never, in her life had she fallen so quickly for someone.
"Who was it?" Beth asked as Viv walked back to the couch to sit down. "Oh my mum. She just wanted to know exactly when I arrive at Schiphol." Viv replied. "So you're ready for your trip to Holland then?" Viv gave a hollow laugh and shook her head. "No, I haven't even started packing yet." Beth looked surprised. Usually Viv was very organised when it came to these sort of things. "That doesn't sound like you, you're usually on top of things traveling wise. Are you not looking forward to seeing your parents again?" Viv shrugged her shoulders. "It's not that I don't want to see them it's just that... Well they think I should have stayed with Lisa and tried to figure out a way to get through it... together." Beth frowned at this. "But it's not exactly their place to say anything on the matter is it? I mean it's your life right and you make the decisions."
"I mean I get it. They're looking out for me. Lisa has been my first ever good relationship and they just don't want to see me wasting it."
"But you're not wasting it. You just realised you needed time apart, to find out who you are." Viv gave Beth a small smile. "When I broke up with Daan everyone around me including my parents and brother wondered why on earth I did it. My dad even said to me that he actually wanted to see me and Daan married some day. It was a really hard time. I tried to make them see that I did it, not because I had stopped loving Daan but because it was too hard to cope with the fact that she was so far away. Eventually I realised that I didn't owe anyone an explanation so I stopped giving one. It is not for the outside world to decide what you do with your life, it's yours. Try and remember that when you're over at your parent's house."
Viv wondered how on earth she never knew Beth could be so wise. "Thanks, I will" they both smiled at each other. "So how long are you staying in Holland for?" Beth asked. "Uh about a week or so." Viv replied. "Well I was thinking. You could, instead of flying back to London, fly out to New castle and..."
"Visit you" Viv finished. "Yeah, but only if you want to of course." Beth added. Viv thought about how lovely it would be to spend more time with Beth, especially in her hometown. It would also give her something to look forward to when she was at home. She nodded. "Yes, I would love to visit you." Beth was over the moon with excitement. "Okay that's settled then." Beth said, clapping her hands together and they both giggled. "So, what about that unpacked bag of yours? Do you need any help?"
"If you don't mind? Then yes, I would very much like a helping hand."
"Well, that's what I'm here for aren't I. For the sole purpose of serving the noble lady that is Vivianne Miedema." Beth took a deep bow which made Viv laugh. "You really are something else" she said still laughing. Beth looked up from her bow, grinning. It did her good to see Viv smiling again. She followed Viv into the bedroom and started filling the open suitcase that was lying on the bed.

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