Urge to kill no.6

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"Ah... Carl." Y/n mutter

It was the leader of the party that periodically accepted quests with Y/n.

Most parties would expel her and never work with her again, but this one was different. She was expelled by them countless times, but when they needed her, they would call her again. The pay never matched the work she did, and Y/n did not see them as the kind of people she wanted to work with.

"It never even crossed my mind that a girl like you could be the fiance of a beauty like that! Right you guys?" Carl said looking down on Y/n

"Yeah, she's wasted on you!" Carl's friend said agreeing on him.

"Seriously!" another man agreed

Said the three men, paying no heed to the people around them.

If they looked around for even a second, they would see Lilith, Harumi, and the other receptionists intensely glaring at them.

Y/n was not good at dealing with them, so she did not know what was going on around them either.

"Y-you're right, she's way too good for me..." Y/n said with a sad tone.

"Yeah! So..." Carl said to y/n l.

Carl put his arm around Y/n, his weight pressing down her small body, and whispered quietly enough for the others to not hear.

"Lend us that woman." Carl whispered to y/n

"...!"Y/n can't speak by the shock on what she heard.

"It can just be one night at first. We always take you with us on quests, right?"Said Carl while grinning.

The other men were also grinning, surely thinking the same thing.

Carl spoke too quietly for Harumi to hear... But more than loudly enough for a devil like Lilith, and an urge to kill welled up inside her.

"Lilith...?" Y/n said.

Lilith's expression remained unchanged, but there was an intense pressure coming from her.

Hrumi knew it was not directed at herself, but could not help but be afraid.

[Ah... It has been a while. It truly has been a while since I have felt an urge to kill from the bottom of my heart... Damn you.] Lilith thought as the urge to kill someone is rising within her.

Surely, a devil like Lilith had killed hundreds of humans, but only a few were killed because she truly wanted them dead.

Most were humans that summoned her through a contract, and were killed as a result of its terms. lilith felt no emotion towards them.

Was she really that upset because a feeble human was trying to violate her?

No, that was not it.

[Humiliating my Theo...?] Lilith thought.

The Theo that formed a contract with her.

Her... Wife.

[I will kill you all.] Lilith said as her urge to kill them slowly consuming her.

Y/n and the trio were completely oblivious to what Lilith was thinking, and continued their conversation.

"Ah? Do you have a problem with that? Think of it as thanks for all we've done for you." Carl said looking at Y/n and once again glancing at lilith.

Y/n did not feel like there was much to be thankful for, and after the way they treated her, it was only natural. But they were much stronger than her, and there was no way she could oppose them.

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