Little bunny? no.12

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Imagine... A little bunny sleeping without worry, next to a starving fierce animal.

Normally, that little bunny would be gobbled up in an instant, it would be impossible to even imagine a different outcome.

But the fierce animal still had some reasoning power left, and started thinking... Why would that little bunny be sleeping without a care? Was it because the beasts around the little bunny, protecting her, were stronger than the fierce animal? Or could it be that the little bunny was confident that the fierce animal would not attack her?

Did the little bunny trust the fierce animal?

[Damn it...! If that is what you are thinking, I cannot attack you can I?]
Lilith thought.

The fierce animal, Lilith, grit her teeth as she struggled to hold back her outstretched hand, and the little bunny, Y/n, was sound asleep, completely defenseless, having fallen asleep halfway through Y/n's massage.

Y/n fell asleep face down, but turned around unconsciously, even while Lilith remained on top of her.

Usually this would not be possible, but Lilith was using magic to make her body lighter.

Lilith struggled because Y/n being face up meant that she could watch her innocent face and adorable lips.

[Ahh, I want to close those half open lips... And when it becomes difficult to breathe and you wake up, I would silence your confusion by pressing you down and...] Lilith though as her imagination was accelerating, and inside her head she was already doing this and that to Y/n...

When she snapped back to reality,
Y/n's shirt was a little rolled up, and her hand was rubbing her exposed upper half.

She did it unintentionally, and moved her hand back when she noticed...

[It is so smooth... Kuh, you are a adventurer, and yet your skin might be shinier than mine. There are almost no muscles, and it is so soft...] Lilith thought as her hand feels Y/n soft skin.

She could not pull her hand back. She touched Y/n's skin, her breathing became heavier and heavier, and her cheeks became red.

[I cannot hold back any longer... I imagined the first time would be while we fooled around, but doing it while Y/n is asleep is also an option...! It may even be more exciting...!]

Y/n swallowed, and with bloodshot eyes, she was about to undress Y/n when...

"Y/n? lilith?"

The door opened, and Harumi the receptionist peeked inside.

"...!" Lilith

"Ah, Lilith, is Y/n... Eh?" Harumi said.

Harumi received word that the Chimera had been slain, but information on who did it was a secret.

Harumi wanted to avoid the fuss that it would create, so Lauro withheld that information.

Speculation over who had slain the Chimera was running rampant across town, but Harumi immediately thought of Y/n and lilith. They did go out to defeat it after all.

She thought they could not defeat it, and their names did not come up, but information about the Chimera being slain was making the rounds.

She was surprised when she realized that they, or rather, Lilith defeated it.

Also, they never went back to the mercenary guild, so she was worried that they had gotten hurt, and decided to visit Y/n's home.

She opened the door as usual, and saw Y/n lying on the couch with Lilith on top, who seemed like she was about to start something.

The Summoned Demon Wife  जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें