The Meeting: Finale

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...................THE NEXT DAY................

              Lei woke up at the first rays of dawn. He yawned and stretched then looked around. He squinted his eyes and saw.... A ghostly black skinned Asian woman!

"What the fuck are you doing you creep!"

           He shouted in horror as he saw the bloodshot eyes of Liangyu staring into the dying coal of the fire. He felt so creeped out and his shout had successfully awoken Kaira. He finally calmed down then stretched himself lazily before walking past Liangyu. He wrapped his tail around her waist then looked back, growled then motioned towards Kaira to follow.

           She got up with her face expressionless as she followed quietly. They got to the lake and to shock wake the seemingly insane Asian woman, Lei threw her into the freezing lake.
As he had expected, she broke the surface gasping for air and glaring daggers at him. Her just got in and started to clean himself.

"...... Asshole!"

Liangyu furrowed her eyebrows and folded her arms. Kaira approached her with a basket of soaps shampoos. She glanced at her then blinked.

'Huh? Why are there soaps here.... Now that I think about it... I used soap that Virgil passed out to me after we mated.... Is this from the System?'

She glanced at Lei who looked at her briefly then continued his bath. She hummed and smiled as she accepted the basket and started to wash up but felt as if Kaira wanted to bathe her herself.
She took her time and once she was done, she found a rock to dry on... As well as sunbathe. She searched for her peacock dress but didn't find it.

'.... Hmmm.... Lei, Where the hell is my dress!'

Lei rolled his eyes at her and continued to groom himself. She felt a vein bulge when Kaira came over with a new outfit.

 She felt a vein bulge when Kaira came over with a new outfit

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'Hmm... Wolf fur? Nice!'

She wore it and then stretched some more. After a while she went over to Lei who was sleeping under the shade of a tree and whispered something causing him to grin. He stood up and his beast form doubled in size. Liangyu grabbed Kaira and threw the girl on his back and then jumped on herself.
Lei's claws sunk into the ground as a slight aura spiked from him and a wild glint shone in his eyes.



He tok off at impossible speeds. Liangyu had to secure Kaira while grabbing on with all her might in a desperate attempt to not fall off. Their destination was the Noxis Caves.

.................10 MINUTES LATER..........

           Liangyu was patting Kaira's back as she puked everything out due to sheer nausea. Lei was licking his paws nonchalantly but was glancing at Liangyu from time to time, checking if she was good. Liangyu was doing well actually. From her action packed life her in this world..... She thought she'd seen it all.

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