Flame City

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"Oh come on!"

"'I said NO Liangyu."'

Liangyu pouted. She had managed to convince him to head towards Flame City to conquer St. Zachary and his son Mitchell in order to gain the Scorpion race. But she strongly believes she needs to be in the city. Naturally, Alpha-06 said no.
She understands why but she thought the risk had to be taken.

"I can remain with you and Rin all the time we're in there though!"

Alpha-06 sighed. She was pestering him a bit too much.
He couldn't let a pregnant lady into a city full of ferals of course! Lei and his conscience wouldn't have that!

"'....... How about you go to the Peacock and Tiger Villages to conquer them and start to develop them into secondary bases while I go to Flame City?"'

Liangyu wasn't happy about it. She wondered why Alpha-06 was stressing himself about her since she got back.
She looked him dead in the eyes and narrowed her gaze.

"'.... I heard that a clan of Hawks lives near there too.... Remember the original?"'

She frowned and thought about it for long then sighed.

"Fine! I won't insist any longer...."

Alpha-06 gave a genuine smile which made her heart skip a beat when she saw it. She gulped then looked away.
Alpha-06 stared at her and saw the tips of her ears turn a light shed of red..... Or at least he thought that was it. He decided not to assume so as they continued on their way.

.............IN THE MIST FOREST...........

        Basil was incredibly busy. He was trying his best to create a city which facilitates the both beastmen and wanderers. This was weird as the Wanderers, though they had bipedal forms which weren't different compared to other beasts, scared the females shitless.
It was so bad that the thought of mating one nearly gave the poor females heat attacks. He had to pass down a law whereby Wanderers couldn't morph unless to defend themselves,.mates or the city.

Aside from that, everything else was going on smoothly. The city's construction, though slow, was at a good pace. Basil was a little bit sad since he hadn't seen Liangyu since but kept on believing she'd come for him. He sat on a stone throne in a tent with the vassals of Liangyu limed up on both his sides.


He commanded and looked towards the leader of the Owl Clan.

"Yes, we are dome sharing each Clan's territory and have began to build houses. This will take a while and cold season will arrive soon..... I imploy you to use more pf the Wanderers."

Basil hummed and thought about it.


"......... Alright, then we will need to redraw the plan for more males to hunt while others work freely. Luckily, Master left the corpses of the Colossals so that should cover the Wanderers and for the rest..... The Panther Clan should take on hunting for at least a week for two."

He glanced at his father who seemed annoyed but remained silent. There was tension in the air as the rest just ignored it.... Well they tried to.
The meeting ended and anyone who saw the Panther King would assume he wanted to kill them.
Basil was content that he could annoy his father. He focused more on his work while hoping Liangyu would return.


          Liangyu, Alpha-06 and Rin along with their troops had been resting along a stream after a long day. Alpha-06 had taken it upon himself to hunt for everyone since they couldn't hunt due to lack of energy.

'..... Since when do Bats eat meat?'

She looked at Alpha-06's back as he left.

'Beast World Logic?'

           He replied. She thought it made no sense but here she was in another world fighting impossibly huge animals......
She shrugged it off as she tried to relax but found that hard with Rin staring a hole into her side. Liangyu didn't know what she wanted but suddenly felt the gazes of the entire Bat troop as silence descended.
She glanced back and the chatter instantly started. She turned and it became silent then she glanced back and the chatter started again. She did this several times as she finally felt annoyed and beast pressure leaked out. It was cold and terrifying, almost gripping their hearts. The troop decided to mind their own business and try to relax.

Liangyu huffed. When she looked back at Rin.... She had a serious look on her face.
Liangyu sighed and took a water bag and started to drink from it.
The staring continued until she couldn't take it anymore.

"Rin, dear.... Is anything wrong?"

Rin stared at her and looker away with a complicated look on her face.

"Mom.... I think I like someone."


Liangyu's eyes widened as she spat out the water and coughed out. She calmed down and stared Rin in the eyes, searching for a hint she was lying or joking but there was nothing at all.
Liangyu felt conflicted. She knew Alice had chosen someone but would evaluate her mate when she came back. Rin, however, had shown no interest in anyone so she even thought of searching for one for her. Who knew this would happen?!

"...... What..... Who is he? What is his race?"

Liangyu suddenly had a bad feeling. Rin bit her lower lip as she looked away.

"He's that Wolf messenger from Papa Lin...."

Liangyu almost fainted.

'Of all the orcs she could like, it was that SON OF A-'

"He's not so bad Mom, please! Give him a chance!"

Liangyu eyed Rin then frowned. The male she liked in question was a stuck up guy but she knew it was a complex developed because of the disgusting nature of females. He presented himself like he was above everything and was too arrogant and proud for her liking.

"Rin,you just met him.... He may not seem bad towards you but you have to find a level headed, strong and wise male to be your Head Male. That male has potential but making him the first male puts both you and your family's safety at risk."

Rin sulked and Liangyu pulled her in and cuddled her.

"Take me for example, my first male, though can be annoying still considers my feelings and puts the interest of our family first. It's why he doesn't kill the others who are far weaker for you know that he's a feral beast. Ferals don't share, especially their mates, but because he knew I am...... Unique, he has kept aside his consistent desires in order to build a place which I can be safe in...... When you take in a mate, liking said individual is important but you need to think about what's best for you. A Head Male will either support you or hinder you.... Please choose well."

She was petting Rin who had laid on her lap and fallen asleep.she took out a fur from her [Inventory] and covered her. The Bat troops had seen the display of motherly affection and were touched by Liangyu's words. They all thought,

'She's truly a good female.'

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