Love Shot #1: Stay with me

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Note: This story was inspired by the song "Baby it's cold outside" - one of the few christmas songs I like.

Leanne rubbed her hands together as she faced the hot inviting fire on the fireplace. Identical mugs of chocolate were placed on the table and someone sat beside her on the sofa,

"Thanks Hon."

Angelo smiled and crossed his legs as he took his own mug of hot chocolate and brought it to his lips for a sip. Leanne watched him secretly as she followed suit and took a sip of her own warm drink, her cheeks reddening slightly at the combined effect of the warm drink and the profile of the man at her side.

There was a comfortable silence as they sat close together drinking their hot chocolate while a Christmas musical played on TV. As a popular boyband appeared on screen to sing a classic Christmas love song and Leanne stood with a smile.

"I'll take care of the dishes."

"Huh? Why?"

Leanne chuckled as she picked Angelo's now empty cup and placed them on the kitchen sink, "what do you mean why? I'll be going soon so I will help you clean these."

"Going home? Its practically a blizzard outside, you'll die before you reach your house."

"It's not that bad, I think."

"Have you even looked out the window?"

Angelo leaned on wall as he watched Leanne wash the dirty dishes, "seriously... you'll turn to a popsicle once you get out of the apartment."

"Angelo, you know I can't stay. I really had fun today and..."

"Then stay longer."

*sigh* "You know I can't. It's late and I didn't tell them I'm coming here. My dad'll kill me"

"No he won't. I'll call your house and tell them you're here. I'm sure Uncle and Auntie won't mind. Especially with the weather looking like that."

*shake head* "Okay but my sister's DVDs are with me and she needs it. You know how she is. "

"I told you it will be okay. Trust me."

Leanne dried her hands once she's done and walked to the sofa to pick up her body bag. Angelo grabbed her arm and hugged her from the back as he whispered, "what's the hurry?"

"Nothing... its just that its not good for me to stay in your house when your family is out. My Aunt will not let me hear the end of it again."

"You let their opinions get to you too much."

"Not always Gelo but I don't like being the topic of gossips."

"I get it. But still I'm sure the trains aren't running anymore and the cabs are rare... you'll just get stranded. I think we can stomach a gossip or two as long as I'm sure you are safe with me."

Leanne patted Angelo's arms on her waist as she chuckled, "Fine you win. But I'll go as soon as the weather calms down."

The tall man lightly kissed Leanne's neck and grinned, "Yes ma'ám!"

"Tsk...spoiled boyfriend..."

*grin* "Love you..."

"Love you too."

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