Love Shot #8: Failed Confession

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Note: lead couple is Matt and Via, second couple is Theo and Autumn

"Aki! I'll do it today!"

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"Aki! I'll do it today!"

Autumn looked up from the book that she was reading and raised an eyebrow at Olivia who looked like she was about to enter a war with another country..." you're doing what exactly?"

"I'm going to confess to Mattheus tomorrow!"

The slightly taller girl closed the book that she was reading, "what brought about this sudden confession, Via?"

"Well...I talked to Christian, and he said I should confess before the last leaf falls from our favorite tree or Mattheus will turn to a meat bun then Kyle would eat him."

Autumn sighed and patted Olivia's cheek before turning to Theo who was eating Olivia made strawberry cake, "Theo?"


"Please tell Chris to run for his life tomorrow..."

Theo chuckled and took another big bite of the strawberry cake, "sure thing..."

Olivia looked at the two confused, "Huh? Why?"

"Via honey... Mattheus may look like a meat bun but he will not turn to a real one even if that tree died. Second, Kyle will not eat Matt even if he became a meat bun because I'm sure Matt will give him indigestion."

" Chris t-tricked me?"

Theo chuckled and Autumn slowly nodded...

*Stands up, enraged* "Why that jerk face?! I will cut him to pieces! Autumn let me go! I will head over to his house and cut his fingers!"

Autumn held Olivia and sighed again, "Calm down Via... revenge can wait tomorrow. Anyway, since you were so keen on confessing to Matt then why not go through with it?"

"H-huh? B-but I... I mean... I do not have to do that anymore, right? C-cause Matt will not turn to a- a meat bun?"

"Oooh! Confess Via!"

Autumn threw a pillow aimed to hit Theo's head, but he was able to catch it... however, he wasn't aware of the second pillow, and it hit him square on the face, "shut up..."

"Do not mind him. Via honey, everyone can see that you two are in love with each other... besides, you were so bent on doing that earlier so why back out now?"

Olivia sighed as she blushed tomato red, "well... okay... b-but what if he really does not like me? I do not want to lose my best friend."

"Vie, love is similar to gambling... sometimes you would need to do that risk in order to win. As long as you play your cards right, it should be okay. Besides, if Matt won't have you... then I'll marry you instead."

Olivia blushed redder and a vein threatened to pop out of Autumn's head, "Just when I thought you were spouting something with sense, Theodore Emmanuel Huang"

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