Chapter 4: Something More

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Winger POV

Sleep Cave

I yawned and blinked against the early morning light. My scales felt all over the place, I began to preen to look better. Wait when did I preen instead of going on an early morning flight. My friends didn't care how I looked like, except for one, my traitorous brain thought. An image of her flashed through my head. I shook it off and walked outside, I spread my wings and started to do a lap around the island. My muscles were starting to burn about 50 yards from the roost. That's when I saw Kiara standing, her scales were glowing in the light, I was seeing her non injured side. When she looked at me with those eyes of hers, I knew. My heart just might be flying away from me.

Kiara POV


I was staring at the sunrise, the last bit of the sun finally came over the horizon. My scales pricked and I turned to see Winger flying toward me. He paused, hovering in the air and staring at me. I blushed and turned away, staring at the sky. Dak came down as Winger landed and mounted on his back. They started doing tricks, barrel rolls, flips and dives. I watched as Winger performed every trick perfectly. I wish I could fly, then I could be doing tricks with them. Maybe our wings would touch and. STOP! I can't continue down that train of thought. I can't, I just can't, even if Winger liked me back. My rebellious brain instantly started thinking about what would happen, leaning against his side, flying beside each other. Stop, imagine if you told him your secret, told them all, they would reject you just like dad. But what if I stay here with Rescue Riders, become friends and then maybe they won't reject me.

Winger POV

Flying above the Roost

I was trying to show off, Dak knew it and kept teasing me. "Wing, you haven't done that trick in Forever." or "You keep looking down Wing. What or Who got into you" or even, "I'll bet she'd like a nice relaxing flight and you find a beautiful place to confess your feelings". I went into a sudden dive to stop Dak from continuing, I did not want to see where that went. I spotted Elbone docking in the distance and shouted, "Breakfast" to anyone still sleeping. I raced ahead and realized that Kiara couldn't get to the docks. I made myself promise to save her a few fish.

Kiara POV


Winger had called breakfast and started flying toward town. I started to spread my wings too, then I felt my cast and lowered my wings. I guess I could skip breakfast, it's not like I'm hungry. My stomach immediately growled in protest. I did eat all of their fish though so maybe I deserve this. Suddenly the ground began shaking, a low hiss sounded and something rose above the water. Its head was round and as big as a house filled with teeth as sharp as a sword, following it was a snake-like body. An eel, the biggest one I've ever seen, headed toward Huttsgalore and the RR.

Winger POV

In Huttsgalore with one of my worst fears, A giant Eel coming to kill us all.

It's eyes were black voids that wanted to kill, its dark gray hide slithering through the water approaching Huttsgalore. All of us were frozen in fear and shock, hardly anyone dared to breathe. The eel's horrible jaw opened up and a power blast shot the eel in the eye. We snapped out of our trance, fear and chaos seemed to reign as the villagers ran to safety. We all flew in the air as electrical bolts followed us. I began to shout orders, "Summer and I are going to make the eel mad so it follows us out of town. Cutter and Burple protect the villagers and Aggro, we need mist to cover us, just enough to blind the eel.". We sprang into action, me and Summer started blasting the eel, mist soon rose and the eel thrashed around angrily, sending lightning bolts everywhere. One of them hit Dak and I dived, catching him before hit the water full of electricity. The eel roared and chased after us, we needed to lure it away from Huttsgalore but where will we go? "Dak shouted something, it sounded like storm. Of course, Storm bay, the only place with constant giant storms. The eel will get caught and hopefully won't return to Huttsgalore. My wings beat the air, faster, faster, I told myself as the distance between us and the eel shrank. "Come on Winger, we're almost there. Just a little farther." encouraged Dak as the eel's teeth got close enough for biting. The eel's electricity was coming at us from all sides and its teeth kept barely missing us. I flipped and shot at the eel hoping to gain some ground, but the eel caught up with us within seconds. The sea and air seemed to be at war with each other. Suddenly a water spout appeared, glowing with the lightning around it. It started pulling and I began to start flying in the opposite direction. The eel however wasn't so lucky and got caught in the water spout and exploded from the lightning. The blast pushed us forward and we shot across the sky and my back feeling lighter. "Winger!", yelled Dak as he fell and the water spout began to suck him up. "Dak!" I roared as I dived, the wind whistling past me. Lightning was flying everywhere, some only barely missing Dak. Dak, I needed to get to Dak. I wrapped my wings around Dak protecting him as lightning struck us. Instead of feeling electrocuted, I felt energized, powerful. Dak looked at me and I noticed that I was covered in lightning. I got Dak on my back and when I flew toward home, I felt faster than ever before. I dived down toward Huttsgalore before I landed at the roost and everyone congratulated me on defeating the eel. Dak started telling everyone what happened, the water spout, the lightning, and me. I hung back, letting Dak tell the story, Kiara was there. Just watching everyone else. "Hey" I said. "You were brave, not just anyone would have risked their life for someone else", Kiara commented as Dak got to the part about the eel exploding. "Thanks", I say, suddenly feeling shy with the way her eyes met mine. I gave her the fish I had picked up and she looked at me gratefully. Did she feel this too? And how did she know I rescued Dak when he hadn't told it yet?

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