Chapter 8: Messages

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Kiara POV

Sleep cave

I yawned as I woke up with something in my nest. It was a scroll tied neatly with a light blue ribbon. I opened it and I could feel myself blushing as I read it.

Dear Kiara,

Your scales are a sunset blue

When we're apart I think of you

Your eyes are a night sky

With you I wish to fly

When I'm with you I feel something I've never felt before

Powerful Beautiful Unchangeable

If I could name it I would call it falling for you

Wow, whoever wrote this is really good at it. I saw some of the others start to stir and I needed a place to hide it. I tore at the hay in my nest then slid the scroll into the pocket I just created and put the hay back. I laid back down, hoping to catch more sleep when I heard the shout for breakfast. Seriously!

Winger POV


I kept staring at Kiara at breakfast. Did she get the note? Does she like it? What if she hates it? All of these questions kept running through my head as I saw a group of dragons flying our way. I said, "Why are dragons heading toward us?".

Kiara POV


I looked up and disappeared instantly. How did the dragon guard find me already? I shrunk into a flyhopper and jumped onto Winger's saddle. Please don't find me, I thought as the dragon guard landed. Storm, a swiftwing, led a deadly nadder and a fire fury. He approached Winger and started treating them like eel heads. That almost made me want to reveal myself and attack him. But if I did then I wouldn't be able to stay here and my secret would be revealed. So I had to stay hidden.

Winger POV


I saw Kiara pale and disappear then I felt something on my saddle and I knew it was her. Was she afraid of these dragons? What did they do to her? As the swiftwing began speaking, I wanted to rip out his throat more and more. "I'm Storm, a dragon guard, doubt you've heard of it" he began. "We know what the dragon guard is", said Dak. I had a feeling he didn't like Storm either since he pushed Violet when he landed. "I didn't say you could speak human", said Storm not sounding the least bit shocked. I was starting to get angry as the deadly nadder pushed Aggro. I saw Cutter nearly attack her back after that but he was held back by Summer. "We are looking for a dragon that changes into different types of dragons. She was apparently in this area. No idea why." said the fire fury looking down with scorn. That's enough of them. I stepped forward and said, "Go away, don't come back. Now." The trio looked at each other and laughed. Storm stepped up to me and said, "Who are you to command us? The dragon guard is only outranked by alphas". I lit up my scales and replied, "Good thing I am one". I saw Storm pale a little. "I said go. Now go away or I'll blast you off the face of the planet". Storm nodded a little and flew away with the two other dragons following them. Kiara appeared beside me and mouthed, "Thank you" while the others cheered. No one hurts my friends and no one hurts Kiara.

Kiara POV


We smiled at each other while everyone cheered for him. I brushed my wing against his. I saw Violet punch Dak lightly in the shoulder and Dak turned brighter than a fire fury. I let out a small laugh as I watched Cutter and Aggro. Then to my surprise Winger looked at me and asked, "Do you want to go for a flight?"

Layla POV


I let out a smile. It's time. I wonder what she will say.

Winger POV


I can't believe I asked her. I was so nervous. "Yes" She said yes, she said yes! We flew up into the air and I saw her smile before flying off shouting, "Race you". Oh it's on. I sped up catching her and I brushed her wing before speeding off in front of her. Kiara sped up to catch me and so on until I tackled her out of the sky. I held on to her as we fell closer and closer to the water. We both waited, waiting for the other to get off. At the last second I flew off while Kiara plunged into the water. Where was she? Then she burst out from the water, the drops of water twirling with her as she flew up. Wow. Her scales gleamed brightly and she looked amazing. She was amazing.

Kiara POV


I soared upward past the clouds with Winger following me. I looked around. Where was he? I felt someone brush their wing on mine. I let out a shriek of surprise and whirled around to see Winger smiling at me. I felt my face heat up, the look he had almost seemed more than one of friendship. And I had a feeling the looks I was giving him were the same. We started flying lower until we landed. We wrestled and just relaxed until it was almost sunset. Suddenly Winger asked me something, "Can I ask you a question?" "Yeah sure" I said, my heart beating a little faster. "Will you join the Rescue Riders?"

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